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22 Cards in this Set

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Week 2 overview

Implantation (d7/8)

Bilaminar disc (d7)

Amniotic cavity (d8)

Primary yolk sac (d9)


- Trophoblastic Lacunae merge with maternal capillaries (d9-11)

- Formation of chorionic villi (d11-13)

Extra-embryonic mesoderm (d11-12)

Chorionic cavity (d12-13)

Formation of the definitive yolk sac (d13-14)

Formation of secondary villi (d16)

Rule of 2s

2 weeks

2 embryonic germ layers

- Hypoblast- columnar

- epiblast - Cuboidal

2 embryonic cavities

- Amniotic cavity

- yolk sac

2 parts to trophoblast

- Synctiotrophoblast

- Cytotrophoblast

2 parts to placenta

- Decidua basalis

- Choroid ???


Formation of trilaminar germ disc from the epiblast

Axial orientation is established

Formation of chorionic villi

Primary (Cytotrophoblast invades Synctiotrophoblast

Secondary - Extra-embryonic mesoderm invades primary stem villi

Tertiary - Mesoderm differentiates into CT and B.V.s connecting to embryonic b.v.s

Uteroplacental Circulation @ day 21

Primitive streak

3 parts

Establishes L/R symmetry

1.Faint groove @ longitudinal midline - first marker of rostrocordal axis

2.Primitive Pit

3. Primitive Node

Which 2 areas establish strong bonds w/ epiblast and hypoblast

Oropharyngeal membrane

Cloacal membrane

Epitheal to mesenchymal Transition (EMT)

Start of gastrulation

Epiblasts proliferate -》 Loose their adherence =》 Change Shape


2 waves

1. Displacement of hypoblast

- Formation of the Derivative Embryonic Endoderm

2. Population of space btwn Epiblast and embryonic endoderm

-》 formation of definitive embryonic Mesoderm

Gastrulation Start

1. Epiblast near primitive streak change shape and proliferate

2. Ingrission - Definjtive endoderm, definitive mesoderm

3. Epiblast -》 Definitive embryonic ectoderm

Mesodermal Condensation

Cranial to caudal

Cardiogenic mesoderm @ Crainal end

Pre-Chordal plate

- ingression through cranial part of primitive node

- Signalling Centre for the forebrain development

- Head mesenchyme


- Ingression through primitive node

- V. Important signalling centre

- no adult derivatives

Paraxial mesoderm

- Surrounnds notochord

- Somites in trunk, head mesenchyme

Intermediate mesoderm

- only in trunk, lateral to para-axial mesoderm

- Urinary and genital systems

Lateral Mesoderm

- only in trunk

- most lateral mesoderm formation

2 places with no mesoderm

Oropharyngeal membrane (4weeks) -》 mouth

Cloacal membrane( 7 weeks) -》 Anal, uterine and genital, openings

Pre chordal plate

Pre-Chordal plate - ingression through cranial part of primitive node - Signalling Centre for the forebrain development - Head mesenchyme


Notochord - Ingression through primitive node - V. Important signalling centre - no adult derivatives

Paraxial Mesoderm

Aka Somite

Paraxial mesoderm - Surrounnds notochord - Somites in trunk, head mesenchyme

Intermediate Mesoderm

Intermediate mesoderm - only in trunk, lateral to para-axial mesoderm - Urinary and genital systems

Lateral mesoderm


Sheet of mesoderm

Starts splitting at day 17

Splanchic mesoderm (Visceral)

- associated w/ endoderm

- mesothelial coverings of viscera and visceral walls

Somatic Mesoderm

- Associated w/ ectoderm

- inner lining of body walls and limbs

Presumptive Intra embryonic coelum

- abdominal/ thoracic cavities

Gastrulation gone wrong

Caudal Dysplasia

Caudal regression syndrome




Vertebrae defect

Anal Atresia

Cardiovascular anomolies

Tracheal-oesophageal fistula

Renal defects

Radial forearm anomolies

Limb defects



Anal atresia

Tracheal-oesophageal fistula

Renal defects, radial forearm anomolies


Embryo during gastrulation


Tissue found in organisms during development

Non specialised


Caudal Dysplasia/ Caudal regression syndrome

Varying degrees of;

Flexion, inversion and lateral rotation of the lower extremities

Anomolies w/ lumbar and sacral vertebrae

Imperforated anus

Agenesis of kidney and uterine tract

Agents is of internal genital organs except for gonads (Intermediate mesoderm)