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20 Cards in this Set

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Inner cell mass divides into 2 layers

Epiblast -》 Embryo

Hypoblast -》 Yolk Sac

What happens @ embryonic pole


Blastocyst contacts uterine Matrix


Inner layer of trophoblast

Interior to the the synctiotrophoblast


Digest the uterine matrix starting @ Day 7

What happens during day 8

Synctiotrophoblast continues to expand

@ embryonic pole amniotic cavity forms

- some epiblasts detached-》 roof of amniotic cavity

= Amnioblasts

What happens during day 9

Implantation completed

- coagulation plug = scar at location

Amniotic cavity fully formed

Some cells of hypoblast line the trophoblastic cavity

-》 Form yolk sac (vitelline sac)

Synctiotrophoblast continues to expand

-》 forms trophoblastic lacunae (fluid filled cavities, feed embryo and remove waste)

Function of Trophoblastic Lacunae @ day 9 and day 13

Feed embryo and remove waste

Filled with maternal blood

What happens days 12-13

The synctiotrophoblast expansion-》 merges with maternal capillaries

-》 Trophoblastic Lacunae fill with maternal blood

Formation of Extra-embryonic mesoderm

-》 Surrounds the embryo, lines the Cytotrophoblast

Separation of the primary yolk sac from the cytotrphoblast =》 chorionic cavity

Second wave of Differentiation-》 Definitive yolk sac

Proliferation of the extra embryonic mesoderm @ embryonic pole

-》 suspends Embryo in the choorionic cavity

Extra-embryonic mesoderm

Lines the cytotrphoblast

Then proliferated and suspension the embryo in the chorionic cavity

Day 14 ( 2 weeks) Rules of 2

2 weeks

2 germ layers - Hypoblast and Epiblast

2 embryonic cavities - Amniotic Cavity, Yolk sac (Vitelline cavity)

2 components to trophoblast- Cytotrophoblast and Synctiotrophoblast

Formation of chorionic villi... 3 stages

Primary stem villus

- Cytotrophoblast invades Synctiotrophoblast

Secondary Stem villi

- Extra-embryonic mesoderm invades primary stem villi

Tertiary Stem Villi

- Mesoderm differentiates into CT and B.V.s connecting w/ those in embryo

Uteroplacental circulation established @ Day 21

2 parts of placenta

Chorion frondosum - embryonic component

Decidua basalis - maternal

Chroion frondosum

@embryonic pole

Embryonic contribution to the placenta

Decidua basalis

Maternal contribution to the placenta

Implantation gone wrong

Ectopic pregnancy

Placenta: Accreta - Deep implantation

Placenta Percenta - very deep implantation

Placenta previa - low implantation

Placenta Previa

Low implantation

Placenta Percreta

Deep implantation

Chorioonic villi -》 fully into Myometrium

Placenta accreta

Deep implantation reaches Myometrium

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

Infection - Fallopian tube salpingitis

Scarring - surgery in pelbis/ tubes






Ectopic fragments of uterine mucosa