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34 Cards in this Set

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-Thin walled, low pressure chambers

-Receive blood from systemic circulation and lungs

Atrial dysrhythmias

-Reflects ABNORMAL electrical impulse formation and conduction in the atria

-Most are not life threatening

Some are associated w extremely fast ventricular rates

An excessively rapid hr may compromise cardiac output

Premature Complexes

These occur early, or before the next expected beat; and they're identified by their site of origin

PAC, PJC, and PVCs

Premature Atrial Complexes PACs

Rate: usually w/in normal limits, depends on underlying rhythm

Rhythm: regular w premature beats

P waves: premature, positive and upright in lead II, and onebbefore ea qrs complex

(Often differ in shape from sinus p wave-may be flattened, notched, pointed, biphasic, or lost in the preceding t wave)

Pairs or coupled

2 pacs in a row is called

Runs or bursts

3 pacs in a row is called

Atrial bigeminy

Every other beat is a pac

Atrial trigeminy

Every 3rd beat is a pac

Atrial quadrigeminy

Every 4th beat is a pac

Causes of PACs

*Emotional stress

*Stimulants, tobacco, caffeine, coke


Mental/physical fatigue

Electrolyte imbalance

Atrial enlargement

Acute coronary syndrome


If pacs are __, pt may complain of a skip or occasional palpitations

Tell pt to sleep better and dont drink too much coffee

In pts with healthy hearts and an occaisional pac, what do you tell pt

Not clinically significant

B/c rhythm is irregular count pts pulse for 1 full minute

Frequent PAC treatment

Correct the underlying cause to do this:

Rx options--

Stress reduction

Reduced consumption of caffeine containing beverages

Treatment of congestive heart failure

Correction of electrolyte imbalance

Supraventricular tachycardia (svt)

This begins above the bifurcation of the bundle of His

HR faster than 150 bpm and normal qrs complexes (skinny, under 0.12 sec)

Includes rhythm that begins in sa node, atrial tissue, av junction

Call dr to get meds for slowing down rate

Recognizing SVT

Rate: 150-250 bpm

Rhythm: ventricular rhythm regular

P wave: usually unidentifiable. Hidden in t wave of preceding beat

Pt cant go home w this hr, pt will pass out

Causes of SVT

Hypoxia, stress, anxiety, smoking, caffeine, sleep deprived, meds

Common in young healthy ppl w no structural heart disease

Signs and symptoms of SVT

Palpitations, lightheaded, neck vein pulsations, syncope, dyspnea, weakness, anxiety, chest pain, signs of shock, chf

Treatment of svt

Oxygen, iv access, cardiac monitor, vagal maneuvers, *adenosine (elderly), beta blockers-slows down the heart (young ppl)

For stable pts

SVT signs and symptoms

Chest pain, hypotension, sob, pulmonary congestion, chf, acute myocardial infarction, decreased level of consciousness

For unstable pts

Treatment of svt in unstable pt

Oxygen, iv, cardiac monitor, med admin, consider sedation, synchronized cardioversion

If pt is unstable

Synchronized cardioversion

Delivery of an electrical shock to the heart timed to occur during qrs giving the chance for sa node to start working

100 jolts. Pt needs to be sedated

Atrial flutter

An ectopic atrial rhythm in which an irritable site fires regularly at an extremely rapid rate. Results in waveforms that resemble the teeth of a saw or picket fence (flutter waves)

Not contracting how they should, it's shaky. Increased risk of thrombus and stroke

Causes of atrial flutter

Usually a paroxysmal (sudden, violent outburst) rhythm associated by a pac

Atrial fibrillation

This occurs because of altered automaticity or reentry.

Irritable sites in the atria fire at a rate of 400-600 times/min

Resulting in: ineffectual atrial contraction, decreased stroke volume, subsequent decrease in cardiac output, loss of atrial kick

Tiny tremor

Recognizing Atrial fibrillation

Rate: 400-600bpm (atrial)

Rhythm: ventricular rhythm usually irregularly irregular

P waves: no identifiable p waves. Chaotic, erratic, wavy baseline

! It can also occur with complete av block causing ventricular rhythm to be slow and regular, wavy lines between qrs waves

Ideopathic, no know reason

Most common reason for atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation-what causes it

Increased stroke risk. Atria don't contract effectively. Blood pools within the atria, forming clots. Clot dislodges and moves to artery in the brain. Have to put on blood thinners, can kill because of clots. Call dr.

What to do abt atrial fibrillation

If rapid ventricular rate, control ventricular response

If rapid ventricular rate and serious signs and symptoms, synchronized cardioversion

Ectopic beats/rhythms

Rhythms originated by ectopic automaticity foci (sites, other than sa node, to generate impulses)

Ectopic atria beat

P wave: positive, pointed (spiky)

narrow qrs (less than 0.12)

Ectopic av junction

Absent or negative p wave

Narrow qrs, less than 0.12 sec


First p wave is absent, second one is negative

Ectopic ventricular beat

Absent p wave

Wide, bizarre, more than0.12 sec qrs wave

Negative t wave

Premature beats

These appear early, occuring before the next expected beat.

The r-r interval appears sooner than expected

Escape beats/rhythms

These appear later than expected