• P wave – electrical changes of atrial depolarization.
• QRS complex – electrical associated with ventricular depolarization.
• T wave – electrical associated with ventricular repolarization.
• P-Q segment – associated atria plateau. (no electrical charge)
• S-T segment – associated with ventricles plateau. (no electrical charge)
• P-R interval – represent the period from atrial to ventricular depolarization. The time requires transmitting an action potential through the entire conduction system.
• Q-T – interval – period from ventricular depolarization to ventricular repolarization. The time require for action potential to occur within the ventricles
This patient will not have a normal EKG. First, their cardiac output is below normal. Second, their left side of the heart has a blockage and blood buildup, which is abnormal and will not have a normal electrical signal such as the P-wave and T-wave, throughout the heart. The P-wave and T-wave will have a distinct pattern because the atrial and ventricle will not depolarize and repolarize normally. The EKG for this patient will have a longer QRS complex and T wave because the left atrial and ventricles will not repolarize efficiently. The P-R and Q-T interval will also have a longer range than 0.20 second due to weaken electrical conduction that causes by the heart