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24 Cards in this Set

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An accelerated junctional rhythm is a potentially life threatening dysrhythmia. True/false?

Ventricular rate less than 40bpm

The term junctional bradycardia is used to describe a rhythm that is junctional in origin with what ventricular rate?

Junctional escape beat

A beat originating from the AV junction that appears later than the next expected sinus beat is called a what?

Later than=escaping

P wave

The primary waveform used to differentiate PJCs from PACs is the what?

Early, before the next expected sinus beat

Where in the cardiac cycle does the PJC occur?

Premature, early

Accelerated junctional rhythm

Rate: 90 bpm

P wave: none

QRS: skinny

Sinus rhythm with PJCs

Some inverted p waves, before every skinny qrs

Accelerated junctional rhythm

Slowing of the rate of the heart's primary pacemaker

Why does a junctional escape rhythm occur

AV node and non branching portion of the bundle of His

What does the atrioventricular (av) junction consist of?

0.12 seconds

In rhythms originating from the av junction, the qrs duration is typically how many seconds or less? (Unless an intraventricular conduction delay exists)


If seen, the p wave of a rhythm originating in the AV junction will appear __ in lead II

61-100 bpm

An accelerated junctional rhythm is identified by a regular ventricular response occuring at what bpm rate

An organized rhythm on the cardiac monitor (other than vt) although a pulse is NOT present

What is meant by the term "pulseless electrical activity" (PEA)

Pulseless=pulse not present

Junctional escape rhythm will have NARROW qrs complex....Ventricular escape rhythm will have a WIDE qrs complex

How would you differentiate a junctional escape rhythm at 40 bpm from a ventricular escape rhythm at the same rate

Important question!

Ventricular tachycardia

A rapid, wide qrs rhythm associated with pulselessness, shock, or CHF should be presumed to be:

Fast and wide

A run of ventricular tachycardia

The term for three or more premature ventricular complexes (pvc) occuring in a row at a rate of more than 100 bpm is:

Three pvcs; more than 100 bpm

Ventricular depolarization

What does the qrs complex represent?

Idioventricular rhythm

This ectopic rhythm is essentially a regular ventricular rhythm with qrs complexes measuring greater than 0.12, atrial rate not discernible, ventricular rate 20-40 bpm

20-40 bpm

What is the rate of an idioventricular rhythm?

Accelerated idioventricular rhythm

This ectopic rhythm is essentially a regular ventricular rhythm with qrs complexes measuring more than 0.12 sec, atrial rate not discernible, ventricular rate 41-100 bpm

PVC - premature ventricular complex

This ectopic rhythm presents a wide, bizarre complex

Different types of ectopic ventricular rhythms

1. PVC (interpolated)

2. PVC (uniform, ventricular quadrigeminy)

3. PVC (multiform)

Different types of ventricular rhythms