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36 Cards in this Set

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Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
1.1 State the purpose of descriptive research.
Descriptive research, or survey research, determines and describes the way things are. It involves collecting data to test hypotheses or to answer questions about people's opinions on some topic or issue.
A high percentage of all research studies are descriptive in nature. Surveys are used in many fields, including education, political science, sociology, and economics.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
1.2 Give an example of how descriptive research can be used to compare subgroups.
How males and females or exprienced and inexperienced teachers view issues and topics.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
1.3 Identify two (2) reasons why descriptive research is an important quantitative design.
Frequently used in research studies
Used to influence opinion
Useful for investigating a variety of educational problems
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
1.4 Explain how descriptive research differs in terms of perspective when conducting quantitative and qualitative studies.
When qualitative researchers interview and observe research participants, they do so primarily to identify what participants believe are the important issues to study. In quantitative research the researcher predetermines what variables will be surveyed before selecting or observing the research participants; interviews and observations are then used to gather data. The two approaches have a different conception of whose view is more important, the resercher's (quantitative) or the participants' (qualitative)
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
2.1 List the six (6) major steps in conducting descriptive research.
1) Identify problem
2) Review literature
3) Select participants and instruments
4) Collect valid and reliable data
5) Analyze data
6) Report conclusions
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
2.2 Explain why non-response is a major problem for descriptive researchers.
Lack of participant response
- Low response rates are common
- Difficulties interpreting the findings without the data representing non-respondents’ views
-researchers who only consider the opinions of those who responded night draw very wrong conclusions
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
2.3 Discuss the potential problems created by unclear or ambiguous items.
The researcher does not have an opportunity to explain to participants who are filling out a questinnaire what a particular question or work really means.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
3.1 Identify two ways by which descriptive research is classified
Classified by how data are collected
1. Self-report-Individuals respond to statements or questions about themselves
2. Observation-Data is collected by the researcher watching participants
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
3.2 Describe the meaning of the term self-report measure.
Self-report research required the collection of standardized, quantifiable information from all members of population or sample. The most common type of self-report research, survey research, uses questionnaires or interviews to collect data.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
3.3 Identify five (5) types of surveys and describe the unique characteristics of each one.
1) School surveys: Information collected by a school or information collected about a school
2) Sample surveys: Use of samples representing relevant subgroups of interest
3) Developmental surveys: Examining variables that differentiate children at different developmental stages
4) Cross-sectional surveys: Collecting data from several samples at one point in time
5) Longitudinal surveys: Collecting data at two or more times to measure change
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
3.4 State the major difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys.
A cross-sectional survey is one in which data are collected from selected individuals in a single time period. It is a single stand-alone study. A longitudinal survey is a survey in which data are collected at two or more times to measure change or growth over time.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
3.5 Define trend surveys in terms of the groups and samples studied.
Longitudinal surveys
Trend – samples from succeeding groups are studied over time
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
3.6 Define cohort surveys in terms of the groups and samples studied.
Longitudinal surveys
Collecting data at two or more times to measure change
Cohort – separate samples from a single group are studied over time
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
3.7 Define panel surveys in terms of the groups and samples studied.
Longitudinal surveys
Collecting data at two or more times to measure change

Panel – a single sample from a group is studied over time
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
3.8 Define follow-up surveys in terms of the groups and samples studied.
Longitudinal surveys
Collecting data at two or more times to measure change

Follow-up – a sample is studied after the formal study is complete
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.1 Describe three (3) advantages of questionnaires over other forms of data collection.
Surveys represent the most common type of self-report measures: Questionnaires and Interviews

Advantages of conducting surveys:
- Less time is required
- Less expenses are incurred
- Larger samples can be used
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.2 List two (2) characteristics of respondents that are necessary for participation in a questionnaire study.
The selected research participants must be able to provide the desired information sought and be willing to provide it to the researcher.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.3 Explain why the specific objectives of a research topic should be detailed before creating the questionnaire.
The problem or topic studeid and the contents of the questionnaire must be of sufficient significance both to motivate potential respondents to respond and to justify the research effort. In defining the topic the researcher should set specific objectives indicating the kind of information needed. Specific aspects of the topic, as well as the kind of questions to be formulated should be described.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.4 Discuss at least one (1) advantage and one (1) disadvantage of the following approaches to administering a questionnaire: telephone survey, personal administration of the questionnaire, personal interview, and mail out.
Dis-Response rate may be small

Dis-Not everyone has email
Adv-speedy results

Dis-administrators must be trained
Adv-High response rates

Personal administration
Dis-time consuming
Adv-efficient when respondents are closely situated

Dis-No anonymity
Adv-Usually high return rate
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.5 Describe two (2) general guidelines for constructing a questionnaire.
Constructing the questionnaire
1) Appearance: Visually attractive – use of white space; Brief
Carefully planned content and item formats
2) Clearly identify sub-topics: Use structured items if possible; Use responses that can be checked or circled rather than written
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.6 List four (4) specific types of items used in questionnaires.
1) scaled items
2) ranked items
3) checklist items
4) free response items
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.7 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of structured and unstructured items.
Two approaches to writing an item
1) Structured items or closed-ended – provides a list of alternative responses from which the respondent selects which facilitate data analysis; scoring is very objective and efficient. They include questionnaired (Likert and semantic differential), ranked items, and checklists.
2) Unstructured – open-ended, supply respondents have complete freedom of response, questions are asked but respondents must construct their own answers. Unstructured items permit greater depth of response that may permit insight into the reasons for responses, but they often are difficult to analyse and interpret. Two disadvantages are that respondents will not take the time to respond and the responses are difficult to score objectively
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.8 Identify eight (8) characteristics of good questionnaire items.
1. Include only items that relate tothe objectives of the study.
2. Collect demographic information about the sample if you plan to make comparisons between different subgroups
3. Focus each question on a single concept.
4. Define or explain ambiguous terms.
5. Include a point of reference to guide responents in answering questions.
6. Avoid leading questions, which suggest that one response may be more approprite than another.
7. Avoid touchy questions to which the repondent might not reply honestly or at all.
8. Don't ask a question that assumes a fact not necessarily true.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.9 List four (4) characteristics of a good cover letter.
Explains what is being asked and why
-A brief description of the study
-Contact information
-Organizational endorsements and support
-Deadline for responding
-Stamped self-addressed return envelope

Cover Letter Characteristics
1. Is brief, neat, and personalized
2. Gives reason to respond
3. Gives means to respond
4. Promises anonymity or confidentiality
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.10 Differentiate between anonymity and confidentiality.
a) Anonymity means no one can trace the respondent to his or her responses
b) Confidentiality means the researcher knows who responded but promises not to divulge that information
- Used to track respondents and non-respondents
- Usually ensured by coding names when the data is entered
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.11 Explain how pretesting a questionnaire can increase its quality.
Pretesting the questionnaire yields data concerning instrument deficiencies as well as suggestions for improvement. Ommissions or unclear or irrelevant items should be revised, A too-often-neglected procedure is validation of the questionnaire to determine if it measures what it was developed to measure.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.12 Identify two (2) problems with non-responses and discuss ways to ascertain the extent to which they are a problem.
1. Respondents not returning the survey
If your percentage of returns is low, the validity of your conclusions may be weak.
If your total response rate is low; you may have a problem with generalizability of your results. You should try to determine if the persons who did not respond are similar to the persons who did respond. This can be done by randomly selecting a small subsample of nonrespondents and interviewing them, either in person or by phone.Concerns with generalizing from the results of the respondents given the lack of information from the non-respondents-Use of telephone interviews to collect responses from a few non-respondents-Comparing these responses to those of the respondents-Comparing respondents and non-respondents on demographic variables to ascertain any systematic differences

2. Respondents not completing items
a) Be certain this is taken into account when summarizing scores
b) Simply adding scores will not reflect the true score of a participant if he or she has left some items blank
c) Averaging those items to which a participant has responded takes into account his or her blank responses
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.13 Describe two follow-up activities for increasing response rate in a mailed questionnaire after the first deadline for return has passed.
a) First mailings usually result in 30% - 50% response rate
b) Follow-up postcards usually add about 20%
c) Sending a second survey with a polite cover letter requesting participation usually adds about 10%

Use of telephone interviews to collect responses from a few non-respondents
-Comparing these responses to those of the respondents
-Comparing respondents and non-respondents on demographic variables to ascertain any systematic differences
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
4.14 Describe two (2) methods of summarizing questionnaire results.
Tabulating responses
Closed-ended items
a) Scantrons
b) Electronic spreadsheets (e.g., Excel)
c) Statistical software (e.g., SPSS-Windows)

Open-ended items
a) Code answers according to perceived patterns

Analyzing results
1. Total sample size and return rate
2. Responses to each item: Average score and percentage of the sample responding
3. Subscale scores: Average score of items on the subscale
4. Total score: Average score of all items
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
5.1 Define the term interview.
An interview is the oral, in-person administration of a questionnaire to each member of a sample.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
5.2 Describe three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of interviews over questionnaires.
- More in-depth
- Flexible
- Gives opportunity to establish rapport
- Allows immediate follow-up

- May be biased by interviewer
- Time-consuming and expensive
- Requires skill
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
5.3 List the skills needed to conduct an effective interview.
Conducting an interview effectively requires training, effective communication skills, and good interpersonal skills
- Be as brief as possible
- Explain terms that the interviewee might not understand
- Do not use leading questions
- Do more listening and less talking
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
5.4 Define the term protocol in the context of collecting data in an interview.
Construct an interview guide
A written protocol that indicates what questions are to be asked, in what order, and how much prompting and probing is permitted
Assures that all interviews will be conducted in the same manner
Generally uses semi-structured and unstructured items
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
5.5 List seven (7) characteristics related to the construction and administration of a good interview guide.
The interviewer must have a protocol, a written guide that indicates what questions are to be asked, in what order, and what additional prompting or probing is permitted. To obtain standardized, comparable data from each subject, all interviews must be conducted in essentially the same manner. As with a questionnaire, each question in the interview should relate to a specific study objective. Most interviews use a semistructured approach, first asking structured questions and following them up with explanatory, open-ended questions. Many of the guidelines for constructing a questionnaire apply to constructing interview guides.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
5.6 Explain how pretesting an interview can help increase its quality.
Feedback from a small pilot study can be used to revise questions in the interview quide. Insights into better ways to handle certain questions can also be acquired. The pilot study will determine whether the resulting data can be quantified and analyzed in the manner intended.
Chapter 6: Descriptive Research
5.7 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of recording interview responses manually or electronically.
Responses made during an interview can be recorded manually by the interviewer or mechanically by a recording devise. In general, mechanical recording is more objective and efficient. Respondents must both be aware of and consent to being recored or filmed.