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29 Cards in this Set

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Cultural literacy refers to

Knowing what have gone on and what is going on around you

What can you do to become an informed and successful user of information?

Know how to find the info you need, learn how to interpret the information you find, and have a purpose

Information literacy refers to the ability to?

Find, interpret and use information to meet your needs.

The only time it is OK not decide information is when you blank.

Being something original that does not rely on material.

To incorporate information into what you already know and believe you must.

Determine what info is new, unique,or contradictory and consider whether this has an impact on was important to you.

A keyword is.

Words or phrases that Are central to finding the resources you need.

A scholarly journal often contains articles that are.

Written by experts in their fields. Peer reviewed.

Explain how one becomes information literate and why information literacy is important in today society.

Reading and interpreting, analyzing, considering new information, data, it's important because it is ever changing and relevant to work.

Service opportunities and community service methods of.

Getting involved and getting to know your career.

It is important to volunteer during Your college years because?

Build a Resume, explore career options, broaden horizons.

Successful college students how shown strong skills in...

Interpersonal skills, teamwork, creativity, understanding and appreciating, embracing diversity.

The purpose of general education courses is...

New perspectives, understanding issues that affect fellow students, expose you to a wide range of topics and issues

Prejudice is...

A preconceived judgment or opinion based not on facts or knowledge.

Bias is..

A tendency to hold a certain perspective when there are valid alternatives.

Make generalizations about someone's racial group affiliation

Be wrong. And it would be awkward.

Why and how does diversity and enrich all?

Increases productivity, interpersonal skills, creativity

Wellness means taking care of...

It includes keeping fit making mind body and spirit healthy choices

When can physical and mental damage occur?

Any life events college transition occurs over a short period of time

Most depression goes away on its own, but cause for concern exists if symptoms...

Last more than 2 weeks.

Consumed in larger quantities caffeine can cause....

Nervousness, headaches, stomach irritability.

What are some effective relaxation techniques?

Exercise, organize, take charge, schedule me time.

A budget is a good way to keep track of blank.

Personal finances

What R 5 steps to creating a budget?

Gather income info common expense info, living info,

If you stay focused and flexible your budget will..

Lead to financial stability and independence.

The textbook chapter begins by describing today's economy as...

Global, unstable, innovation come without boundaries, ever changing, social.

What does a commitment to lifetime learning mean?

To be continuously South motivated. Pursue all knowledge for all reasons, employable throughout life.

A good career plan includes blank...

Research possible occupations common prepare marketing sides, no strengths and weaknesses, writing a good resume and cover letter

Aptitude refers to..

Your strengths and ability.

List 4 types of transferable skills

Cummunication, team skills, leadership, presentation, and writing skills.