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16 Cards in this Set

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How can you define methodological fit?

Methodological fit is the internal consistency among elements of a research project.

What are hybrid methods of field research?

Hybrid models mix qualitative and quantitative data. Allow researchers to test associations between variables with QN and explain novel constructs and relationships with QL.

Define field research in management

systemetic studies that rely on the collection of original data (qn and ql) in real organizations

What are the four key elements of a field research project?

-Research Question (focus, narrows topic, practical significance)

-Prior work (state of literature, answering unaswered questions and unexplored areas)
-Research Design (type of data, data collection tools, type of analysis)
-Theoretical contribution (change prior assumptions)

According to the authors QN and QL research can be combined in a single case study, when the goal of the research is to......?

QN and QL can be combined in a single case study when the researchers goal is to increase validity of new measures through triangulation and/or to generate greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying QN result in new territory.

What is triangulation?

Triangulation is a process by which the same phenomenon is assessed with different methods to determine whether convergence across methods exists.

Researchers often employ methods really well, but that method doesn´t fit the rq. Why is this happening?

-Unexpected data collection opportunities (but data that doens't match rq)

-Using data from f.e. consulting project, but doens't match with rq

According to the authors, which of the four elements of a good field research is the most important in shaping the other elements of the project?

The most important element is the state of prior theory. The state of prior theory is used as the starting point in achieving methodological fit as is iis serves as a given/fixed context in which new research is developed.

What are the three phases on the research continuum

The three phases are:

-Mature: well-developed constructs. Studied over a long time, body of cumulative knowledge.

-Nascent theory: novel, new connections to phenomena. Answers how and why questions.

- Intermediate theory: In between. New connections between established constructs.

How do Nascent, Intermediate and Mature extend prior work?

Nascent: the less is known, the more open ended questions. More about understanding a phenomenon through patterns (ql). Theoretical contribution: suggestive theory.

Intermediate: simultaneously open questions for new insights from qualitative data as testing hypothesis (hybrid). Theoretical contribution: provisional theory.

Mature: Use prior knowledge to refine knowledge and make it more generalizable (qn). Theoretical contribution: supported.

Nature of research question:

Testing theory

To which phases do each belong?

Testing theory = Mature

Exploring = Nascent

Define variance theories and process theories and which type of theory fits with the different phases

Variance theory: X leads to Y

Process theory: how does a process work/unfold

Nascent: process theory

Intermediate: both

Mature: variance theory

How do the following combinations fit:

-Mature - Qualitative

-Nascent - Quantitative

Mature - Qualitative

This combination can work, but focusing only on qualitative can result in ineffectively using prior work to advance knowlegde of the topic.

Nascent - Quantitative

This combination is more difficult to justify. Risk of finding significant results by chance.

The diagonal explains the fit. When do off-diagonal opportunities exist?

This can happen when a researcher intentionally opens a new area of a focused inquiry within a broadly familiar topic, thereby pursuing a new topic related to an old phemomenon.

Name some problems that can occur when the methodolical fit is low

Mature-QL: reinventing the wheel

Intermediate-QN: uneven status of emperical measures (lack external validity/reliability)

Nascent-QL: fishing expeditions (vulnurable findings)

How do the authors describe the Fitting Process

They see it as a funnel; from broad to narrow. It is an iterative process in which methodoligal fit is achieved through learning.

The cycle begins with identifying the target area of interest, then read literature, develiop rq, design study, collect/analyze data -> write up results - > submit.