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56 Cards in this Set

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Which Graph is the sexual population?

Which Graph is the sexual population?

B (r column is a result of sex because the mortality rate has decreased

Individuals that possess male and female reproductive functions at the same time

Simultaneous hermaphrodites

individuals that posses male or female reproductive function and then switch to the other

sequential hermaphrodites

More common in plants

Simultaneous hermaphrodites

More common in animals

sequential hermaphrodites

Monoeclous plants have what with regards to male and female parts?

Separate male and female flowers on a single individual

What do hermaphorditic plants have?

Flowers with both male and female parts

Dioeclous plants are what with regard to male or female parts?

They have either male or female flowers on different individuals (separate sexes)

What is the formula for number of offspring when it comes to monoecy vs dioecy?

Allocation of male + allocation of female

What is the convex when comparing monecy vs dioecy?

Cost of making new males and females low

Graph where the fitness of the hermaphrodite exceeds that of either male or female

Graph where the fitness of the hermaphrodite is

Cost of non sex is being inbred. Why?

Deleterious thins more common

mammals have an _ _ genetic sex determination


Birds have a _ _ genetic sex determination

ZW female and ZZ male

Ants bees and wasp genetic sex determination

diploid 2n females and haploid males

a process in which sex is determined largely by the environment

environmental sex determination

What is a common environmental sex determination in reptiles?

Temperature dependence

T or F: Females cannot influence the sex ratios of their offspring

False, they can

Females in good condition have lots of what?

Resources, large size

What do females in good condition do to the sex ratio?

Skew offspring sex towards males

Are males or females more valuable when bad conditions?

females are more valuable

In most species, the sex ratio of males to females is nearly _____ do to ________?

Even due to frequency dependent selection

fitness of phenotype depends on its frequency

Frequency dependent selection

An example of negative dependence would be high fitness when the gene is in what frequency?


Which of following is not required for natural selection to favor the production of sons by females who are in good condition? 1. Offspring of good condition females are themselves in good condition 2. Good condition individuals are better at getting mates than bad conditions ones 3. some females have many mates and offspring and others do not 4. some males have many mates and offspring and others do not

Some females have many mates and offspring and others do not

What is the reproductive cycle of the fig tree?

Eggs all hatch in fig; all mate in the fig with siblings (highly inbred), so sons are highly inbred and their is highly skewed female sex ratio (90%)

the number of mates each individual has and the permanence of the relationship with those mates

Mating system

Female has one partner, male has one partner


Female has many partners, male has one partner


Female has one partner, male has many partners


Female has many partners, male has many partners

promiscuity and polygynadry

90% of bird species are what type of mating system?


favored when males make important contributions in raising offspring


may evolve when males compete for females and wining male obtain all mates or when a male defends territory/ resources


may evolve when females search for superior sperm or receive material benefits from each suitor


what is the most beneficial thing for females with limited number of eggs and eggs are costly to make to do?

then they should select males that maximize fitness

Males must compete with who for breeding opportunities?

Other males

Natural selection for sex-specific traits that are related to reproduction

sexual selection

differences in morphology between males and females

sexual dimorphism

those traits not directly related to reproduction such as antlers

secondary sex characteristics

T or F: Female preferences can evolve for male traits that improve her fitness


What is an example of the evolution of female choice?

exagerrated traits like a peacock feather

Living in groups has ____ and ___

cost and benefits

There are many ___ of social interactions


What do eusocial species take social interactions to?

The extreme

interactions with members of one's own species including mates, offspring, other relatives and unrelated individuals

social behaviors

The effect of natural selection to increase or decrease frequency of specific behaviors

Social behaviors which have a genetic basis

Suppose you are given 100 legos to share with your sibling. Your job is to decide how to divide the legos between the two of you. Your sibling must like the division.

Dont get it but he said the answer was 99 to you and 1 to them

the reduced or diluted probability of predation to a sinlge animal when it is in a group

Diluation effect

What does the dilution effect result in?

Herding behavior

What happens to goldfinches the larger their group gets?

They do not have to raise their head as much to check for predators

What are some benefits of living in groups for humans?

Economies of scale

What is a benefit of living in groups for bees?

Building structures like hives and living in the colonies and allowing for allocation of jobs

What do leks do during mating?

Aggregation of males and females during mating, often males gather

What is the main cost of living in a group?

Larger groups, larger targets for predation, parasites and pathogens