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115 Cards in this Set

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Abdominal Cavity
where the major organs of digestion are located
1. the cells of the body cannot absorb or secrete water using active transport
2. the term for movement of food molecules from the digestive tract to the circulatory or lymphatic system
leading known cause of birth defects -- alcohol freely crosses the placenta and will have a direct toxic effect on the fetus as opposed to an indirect effect through utero placebta blood flow. The risk of miscarriage almost doubles. Birth weight is below normal.
one of two hormones, along with antidiuretic hormone, plays a major part in altering urine concentration
milk is secreted by glands known as ...
a metabolic process in which energy is used to make compounds and tissues from simple molecules - certain reactions result in synthesis or formation
Basal Metabolic Rate
energy expenditure of the body under normal, relaxed activities
this gland secretes thick, alkaline mucus, which helps to cleanse the urethra, neutralize acidity, and provide lubrication during intercourse
The main source of energy in the body stored as glycogen in the liver and muscle
The proximal region of the stomach close to the esophagus
The metabolic breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones often resulting in a release of energy
After being processed by the stomach food is known as chyme
1. Most influenced by mechanical massage application
2. absorption of water and sodium main function
Copper and iron
Two minerals work together to support healthy red blood cell formation
The portion of the tooth that is visible above the gum
The process of swallowing
1. Excessive lots of water
2. most common cause of kidney stone formation
The bulk of each tooth is a bone like material
Detrusor Muscle
The smooth muscle of the bladder wall controlled by autonomic nerves
1. The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food from its complex form into simple molecules
2. stimulation of vagal function, a physiologic influence benefits digestion
Digestive tract
A very long to beginning in the mouth and ending in the anus
The first part of the small intestine leading from the stomach
The propulsion of semen from the urethra to the exterior
Is the term for the removal and release of solid waste products from food that cannot be digested or absorbed
1. The time between the start of the third week to the end of the 8th week is referred to as the embryonic period
2. developing organism into the embryo
The dentin of the tooth is covered by a layer of enamel which is a crystalline form of calcium phosphate
The highly coiled structure that temporarily stores sperm
Eustachian Tube
A passage from the middle ear to the fair next that equal eyes as the air pressure between the atmosphere in the middle ear
External urethral sphincter
The band of circular skeletal muscle that surrounds the urethra as it passes through the pelvic floor
Fallopian tubes
Primary function of transporting the ovum from the ovaries to the uterine cavity
The large pores between the endothelial cells in the capillaries in the glomerulus
Fetal period
Extends from the beginning of the night week to birth. At the end of 38 weeks, the fetus is considered full term. From the 8th week, embryo its called a fetus.
Structure responsible for picking up the ovum from the abdominal cavity
Follicle-stimulating hormone
Found in both men and women
Four layers of the digestive tract wall
from inside to outside:
Functions of the urinary system
1. Conserve nutrients and eliminates waste
2. Regulates blood pressure and blood volume
3. Regulates pH levels in the body
Stores and concentrates bile that is secreted by the liver
A hormone secreted by the cells in the stomach simulates gastric motility and secretion
Period of fetal growth from conception until birth
The network of blood vessels within the bowmans capsule within a nephron
The body prefers to use gluclose to make ATP
The condition in which some gluclose is lost in the urine
Remain dormant until they are activated by secretions from the pituitary during this period
The specialized cells of the liver
Where the renal artery, renal vein, lymphatics, and renal nerves enter and leave the kidney
The part of the small intestine that joins the large intestine
The process in which the fertilized mass of cells attaches itself to the endometrial wall of the uterus
Blade like teeth found at the center of the mouth that cut lip and nip
the term for taking food into the mouth
the inability to control urination or defication, most often because of weak pelvic floor muscles or nerve damage
1. the part of the urinary system that filters waste products, toxins, and excess fluid from the bloodstream
2. located on the posterior abdominal wall at spinal level T11 to L3
Function of Bladder
store urine
Kerbs Cycle
is a series of chemical reactions facilitated by different enzymes that occur in the matrix of the mitochondria
Lamina Propria
layer of the mucosa consists of connective tissue, glands, nerve endings, blood vessels, and lymphiod tissue
Large Intestine
parts include the cecum, appendix and hepatic flexure
largest organ in the abdomen
Lower Respiration Tract
the larnyx, trachea, bronchi, and alveoli
Luteinizing Hormone
Found in both men and women
Mammary Gland
glandular portion of the breast
the process of breaking the food into small pieces, chewing
the first menstural period
Metabolic Rate
the rate the body uses energy for metabolic reactions
urination - is a spinal reflex that can be facilitated or inhibited by higher brain centers - parasympathetic action with voluntary control, known as urination
Milk Letdown Reflex
the reflex by which milk is secreted when an infant suckles the nipples
inorganic elements required in small amounts in the body, include calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, zinc, flouride, magnesium, and manganese
1. each kidney is made up of 1.25 million tubular, microscopic structures known as nephrons
2. end to end its about 90 miles
3. does the actual filtering of blood inside the kidneys
4. filtration membrane allows water & solutes from the plasma to pass through but doesnt allow large structure ie. proteins to pass through
the use of food for the growth and maitenance of the body
Order of the three phases of the menstrual cycle
1. menstrual
2. proliferative
3. secretory
main female reproductive organ
the process in which a follicle in the overy ruptures and extrudes an ovum into the abdominal cavity
gland that lies posterior to the stomach and manufactures enzymes that help with the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
Parotid Glands
salivary glands, (literally means around the ear) lies posterior to the mandibular ramus and in front of the mastoid process of temporal bone
Parts of the digestive tract
Path Sperm Travels
Vas deferens
ejactylatory duct
Path taken by food from the time of ingestion until defecation
oral cavity
small intestine
large intestine
the outer layer of the uterus
1. the serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity
2. mucous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity to prevent friction from the organs
1. the wave of muscular contraction that travels along the length of the digestive tract
2. the term for the rhythmic contraction of smooth muscles that propel products of digestion along the tract from the esophagus to the anus
the organ that forms within the uterus during pregnancy to serve as the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and excretory system for the fetus
the part of the penis removed in circumcision
1.If pregnancy occurs menstruation does not occur until the delivery as a result of continuous estrogen and progesterone secretion
2. Itching constipation and heartburn during gestation can be blamed on increased progesterone levels
1.Recent years puberty in girls tend to occur between 8 and 13 years old
2.at puberty there are approximately 400,000 ova remaining in the ovaries
3.Reproductive function begins with the onset of puberty which is the final maturation of the reproductive system
1.With age this organ typically increases in size in men
2.in men, the gland surrounding the urethra that produces an alkaline fluid
Each gram of protein contributes 4 kcal of energy
Proximal convoluted tubule
Segment of the nephron in which about 60% to 70% of the water from the tubular fluid is reabsorbed
The area of the stomach that forms the curve of the J near the sphincter that opens into the duodenum
This hormone relaxes the pubic symphysis and other pelvic joints and softens and dilate the uterine cervix at the time of pregnancy
Renal calyces
The cup shaped structures into which any urine that is formed in the kidneys drains
Renal corpuscle
1.Segment of the nephron where water and solutes are filtered from the plasma
2.together the glomerular capsule and the glomerulus are known as the renal corpuscle
Renal vein
The capillaries in the kidney join and rejoin to form venules and veins that ultimately empty into the renal vein, which drains into the inferior vena cava
Kidney secreted hormone, has an effect on blood pressure
Salivary glands
Saliva is secreted
The pouch in which the testes hang
Has a slightly alkaline pH of 7.2 to 7.7
Seminal vesicle
This clan contributes approximately 60% of the seminal fluid
Final portion of the colon
Small intestine
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
About 90 percent of absortion occurs in the small intestine
The formation process of sperm
The number of chromosomes is halved, from 46 to 23, in the meiosis 1 phase of spermatogenesis
Controlled by autonomic nerves
The testes work best at temperature slightly less than core body temperature. Spermatogenesis is less effective at lower and higher temperatures. This is presumably why the testes are located outside the body.
Major hormones secreted by the interstitial cells of the testes.
Small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the principal male sex hormone
Longer in men than women. in men it is a common passage for urine and semen
The muscular tube that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder - two narrow tubes extend from the kidneys to the bladder
93% to 97% water - a sterile fluid
Urinary bladder
1. The urge to urinate begins in the bladder is filled with about 200 mL (7/8 cup) of urine
2. function is to temporarily store urine
Urinary tract infection
Women more prone to urinary tract infections than men
The study of the male and female urinary system and the male reproductive system
Hollow muscular organ shaped like a pear
The conical downward projection from the soft palate
The muscular extendable elastic tube that extends from the cervix to the external genitalia
The folds in the epithelium of the digestive tract wall that increase absorption of nutrients
Organic vitamins mean they contain carbon - classified as either fat soluble or water soluble. A D E K are fat soluble; B Vitamins and C are water soluble. Compounds that humans require in small amounts. They dont provide energy, but do engage in chemical reactions.
Vitamin A
A fat-soluble vitamin that may become toxic if taken over the recommended amount
On the average makes up 50% percent of our body weight
Weight gain
The body will gain weight when energy input is less than energy output