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60 Cards in this Set

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Standard process to determine needs for training and developing training, evaluating outcomes is known as ______

ADDIE model

When should you use a case study?

When trainees need to apply knowledge on the job right away.

When should you use a presentation?

Large groups or different locations

When should you use reading as instruction method?

When self reflection is needed to process information.

When should you use role playing?

When trainees need to practice info or skills to learn it quickly.

When should you use exercises for training?

When practice is needed to fully develop new skills/learning.

When should you use group discussion when training?

To have an exchange of experience and information sharing with other trainees.

When is demonstration effective during training?

When new info or skills are being presented.

Learning curves: Increasing returns

Learning something new. Starts slow but takes off once basics are mastered.

Learning curves: decreasing returns

Rapid learning in the beginning then slows down. Once learning is achieved learning stops.

Learning curve: S shaped

Increasing and decreasing return curves. Starts off difficult but then takes off and slows down again when new info is presented.

Learning curve: Plateau curve

Quick beginning then flattens. Assumption is that w/ coaching/support person's learning can ramp up again .

Synchronous Learning

When students interact in real time.

Asynchronous Learning

Trainees access info at different times and possibly different places.

On the job training (definition & disadvantage)

Provided to existing employees at job site or desk. Utilizes actual performance of the task/skill. Disadvantage: potential safety issues, distracting.

Who regulates apprenticeships

Bureau of apprenticeships and training BAT. Not exempt from minimum wage and overtime rules.

Job Rotation

Shifting of an employee between different jobs. Provides flexibility for staffing and enrichment for employee. Proven to increase engagement at work.

Gig assignment/workers

Popular in tech jobs. Assigned to different project teams and rotates.

Cross Training

Trained to do more than one job. Unions don't favor this.

What is the most widely known model for training program evaluation?

Kirkpatricks four levels. Focuses on evaluating effectiveness of training.

What level would pre- and post-testing fall into in Kirkpatrick's model?

Level 2. This level measures how well trainees learned facts, concepts, ideas, behaviors.

After action reviews measures what?

Behavior. (Level 3 of Kirkpatrick's model) difficult to determine whether behavior change is related solely to training.

Name a few ways changes in behavior can be evaluated.

Performance tests, critical incidents, 360 feedback, observations, performance appraisal.

What is a performance test?

Contains actual samples of training material. Measures changes desired for work environment.

Critical Incidents

Record of both positive and negative incidents scored to measure trainings outcomes. Ex: manager observes salesperson and notes which behaviors were effective and least effective.

360- degree feedback

Zeros in on specific behavior trainee would benefit from changing and, over time measures how well they changed. Trainees, peers, customers etc give feedback regarding perceptions. *Popular in mgmt


Behavior observed pre and post training.


How well the trainer performs simulation can be measurement of training's effectiveness.

Succession planning

Systematically identifies assesses, and develops talent as key component for business success. Prepares high potential employees for future opportunities.

Gap analysis

Difference between where you are and where you want to be.

Career pathing

Employee charts course within their organization for career path and development

Dual ladder Careers

Mostly associated with technical,medical, engineering, scientific occupations. Not necessarily interested in mgmt. Parallel occupational track that recognizes and rewards different skill sets.

Career counseling

HR's role is to help employee sort through options and use resources available to them.

Name 3 purposes for performance appraisals

Provide coaching/feedback. Justify rewards and career opportunities. Help with employee career planning and development.

The most common performance appraisal involves which two people?

Employee and direct supervisor.

In some appraisals peers, other levels of management and colleagues are involved. This is called _____

360-degree feedback appraisal

MBO management by objectives

Balance between employee's objectives and organizations. Determine joint objectives and provide feedback on results.

The least complex performance appraisal method is _____

Category rating

Forced choice category rating

Evaluator must check 2 out of 4 statements. "Most like" and "least like" usually combination of positive and negative statements.

What is the most common type of category rating?

Graphic Scale

Graphic Scale

Appraiser checks place on scale. Usually 5 point scale. 1 = not meeting expectations 5=exceeding expectations. Usually has comments section.

Checklist Category Rating

Evaluator provided with list of statements. Must fill in best word. Ex: employee consistently______ deadlines. Misses or makes

Comparative Methods (PAM)

Employee performance is compared to others in same job group. Creates a bell curve. Fault= suggesting that percentage of employees will fall below expectations.

Ranking method (PAM)

Evaluator lists all employees in same job from highest to lowest. Flaw: output is not described. Bias potential

Paired comparison (PAM)

Each employee is compared to another using same scale of performance. Limits: time consuming

Name 3 most common types of narrative evaluations

Essay format, critical Incidents, field review

Essay format (narrative evaluation)

Evaluator writes short essay. Limits:time consuming. Hard to get MGMT to comply quickly.

Critical incidents (narrative evaluation)

Noting dates and details of good and not so good performance incidents. Appraiser has to keep detailed notes on regular basis. Can't rely solely on recent performance

Field Review

Directly involves HR. Interview supervisor and take notes on their direct reports. After info is gathered HR does comparison ranking.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

Describes desirable behavior and undesirable. Examples are compared w/ scale of performance levels for rating.

Advantage and disadvantage of BARS

Extensive time to create and lots of maintenance. Need unique BARS for each job. Offers more accurate gauge of performance measurement, clearer standards, more consistency. Best suited for when many employees are performing same job.

Name 3 other names for Management by Objectives (MBO)

Appraisal results, performance objective setting, mutual goal setting.

Name 4 foundation attributes of MBO

Strategic plan, high level of commitment from employees, clearly defined objectives, measurable performance objectives.

SMART goal setting stand for

Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, Timed

Performance improvement plan PIP

De facto document that makes it clear what the employee is to correct and by when. Consequences are also included.

After completing an 8 module computer based training course, trainees are asked about what they learned. What evaluation method is this?



Forced distribution PAM

Evaluator ranks employees creating a bell curve.

You have to rate employees on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being unsatisfactory/not meet expectations and 5 being above and beyond expectations. What kind of PAM is this?

Graphic rating scale

T or F in-house universities are credentialed universities with academic accredited degrees.


Kirkpatrick's Model 4 levels