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20 Cards in this Set

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Cirsoid aneurysm

Not aneurysm, AV fistula on older people


Hamartoma, swelling due to Congenital malformation of blood vessels, sign of compression, injection of boiling water

Sternocleidomastoid tumor

Misnomer, injury to scm muscle during birth causing rupture and hematoma

Carotid body tumor

Chemodectoma, classic potato tumor, Anterior triangle upper Anterior edge of scm muscle. Lyre sign - splaying of carotid. Transmitted pulsation

Branchial fistula

Always Congenital, middle or lower 1/3rd of scm, lateral fistula of neck inner opening posterior pillar of tonsils

Branchial cyst

Vestigeal remnants of 2nd Branchial arch, tooth paste TI- -ve, cholesterol Crystal, mobility limited

Thyroglossal fistula

Never Congenital, semilunar sign or hood sign

Thyroglossal cyst

Tubuloembryonic dermoid cyst, TI- -ve, subhyoid, sistrunk operation


Herniation of meninges through the weak spot of spine, Csf, TI- +ve, compressibility present, expansile impulse, foot drop


Cystic swelling of sublingual salivary gland, glands of blandin and nunhn, TI- +ve Cross fluctuation


Failure of one lymphatics to join major lymph sac. Posterior triangle of neck, cystic hygroma - mucous filled, infancy, complete reducibility not possible, TI- +ve


Inflammation of bursa resulting in accumulation of fluid in it, TI- -ve, popliteal space

Glomus tumour

Glomangioma, angioneuromyoma, nail beds, purple red in colour, pain, compressible

Compound Palmar ganglion

Tuberculous tenosynovitis, rheumatoid arthritis, melon seeds, matted tendons, cross fluctuations, TI- -ve


Cystic, swelling due to myxomatous degeneration of synovial sheath, gelatinous fluid, dorsum of hand scapholunate articulation

Sebaceous cyst

Epidermoid cyst /wen - retention cyst, doesn't occur in Palm or sole, sign of moulding, punctum, sebaceous horns, cocks peculiar tumour

Dermoid cyst

Paste like content, line of embryonic fusion, bony defect


Remanant of notochord, sacrococcyngeal region

Pancoast tumor

Bronchogenic carcinoma from apex of lung. Same syndrome - tumor + erosion of first rib + paralysis of c8 & t1 nerves roots + horners syndrome

Stewart treves syndrome
