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74 Cards in this Set

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17. Abduction
abduction - moving a part of the body away from the axis or middle of the body
18. Adduction
adduction: moving a part of the body toward the axis or middle of the body
19. Asthma
19. asthma: a controllable, chronic disorder, characterized by sudden attacks fo coughing and difficulty breathing
20. biomechanical principles
biomechanical principles: the forces governing the interaction of the body with the natural universe. These include the ball handling-related concepts of force projection and force absorption.
21. body compostion
body composition: the ratio of fat tissue to muscle and other lean tissues in the body
22. cardio-respiratory endurance
cardio-respiratory endurance:the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to continue supplying oxygen to the body during prolonged exercise
23. Diabetes
diabetes: a controllable, chronic disorder, requirning insulin treatment and dietary monitoring to maintain stable blood sugar levels
24. Fine motor skills
fine motor skills: movements using small muscle groups (writing, grasping, finger snapping, etc)
25. Flexibility
flexibility:the ability of a joint to move in a range of motion (usually the wider the range, the better)
26. frequency
frequency: in relation to exercise, how often an exercise is performed (every day, every other day etc.)
27. gross motor skills
Gross motor skills: movements using large muscle groups (running, throwing, catching etc)
28. Intensity
intensity: in relation to exercise, how difficult an exercise session is (lifting with one pound weights vs. two pound weights)
29. locomotor movement
locomotor movement: movement that results in location change (hopping, skipping, galloping etc)
30. muscular strength
muscular strength: the ability of a muscle to exert force on an object
31. nonlocomotor movement
nonlocomotor movement: movement that does not result in location change (vending, twisting, stretching etc.)
32. opposition
opposition: when throwing a ball, the foot opposite the throwing hand steps forward
33. overload
overload: in relation to fitness, the concept that the only way to progress is to increase the level of difficulty
34. progression
progression: in relation to fitness, the concept that level of difficulty should be gradually increased, beginning at a difficulty level corresponding to the initial fitness level
35. specificity
specificity: in relation to fitness, the concpet that specific types of exercise are appropriate to increase specific types of fitness (jogging for cardiovascular fitness, crunches for abdominal muscles)
36. time
time: in relation to exercise, for how long an exercise is performed in a single session
1. Accomodation
Accomodation - the process by which a child incorporates new experience into previous understandings, and modifies those existing concpets to include the new information.
2. Assimilation
Assimilation- the process by which a child interprets a new experience in terms of their previous understandings.
3. Attachment theory
attachment theory- states that a child that has formed secure attachments to others is confident in exploring her physical environment, forms friendships easily and possesses a sense of competency; while the opposite is true of a child that has not formed secure attachments to others.
4. Autonomy
Autonomy: acceptance of responsibility of one's behavior.
5. Concrete Operational Stage
concrete Operational Stage: a stage of cognitive development during which a child acquired reasoning skills and is able to differentiate between her viewpoints and others'.
6. Conventional level
conventional level: a level of moral development during which a child focuses on what one is supposed to do and begins to understand social order.
7. Formal operational stage
Formal Opertional Stage: a stage of cognitive development during which a child enters into the world of abstract thought.
8. Learning disabilities
Learning disabilities: treatable conditions suffered by many students
9. Meta-cognition:
Meta-cognition: thinking about thinking
10. Multiple intelligences
multiple intelligences: one of eight distinct types of intelligence developed by Howard Gardner.
11. Object permanance
Object permanance: the concept that a seen object still exists after being hidden from sight.
12. Pre-conventional level
Preconventional Level: a level of moral development during which a child avoids wrongdoing only to evade punishment.
13. Pre-Operational Stage:
Pre-Operational Stage: A stage of cognitive development during which a child is trapped in an egocentric perspective, but is also mastering language skills.
14. Self-Concept
Self-concept: how a child thinks about himself.
15. Self-esteem
Self-esteem: a child's feelings about himself.
16. Sensori-motor stage
Sensorimotor stage: a stage of cognitive development during which a child learns to differentiate between herself and the external world.
Antagonist: in theater, a villain against whom the protagonist is pitted.
Bass Clef
Bass Clef: musical notes played with the left hand on a piano, having a deeper sound than those in the treble clef
where and when actors move on stage during a theatrical production.
chord three or more harmonious notes played together; instruments with multiple strings (piano, guitar) can play chords
collage: an artwork composed of various materials.
color: what we see as a result of the reflection or absorption of light off any surface, its main characteristics being hue, intensity and value
dialogue: exchange of lines between actors in a theatrical production
dynamics in a piece of music, the variation between louder and softer sections
Force/energy: a dancer's transformation and release of potential energy into kinetic energy; how dancers move
form: in music, the shape, structure, or organization of a piece.
form: in visual art, the way an artwork's elements are put together, as opposed to its content or subject matter.
harmony: when a note of a different pitch on a musical scale sounds good when played simultaneously with a piece's melody.
improvisation: the use of spontanious movement and speech to create a character, mood, or situation.
interval: the distance between notes on a musical scale.
levels: the series of horizontal planes rising, one above the other, from the performance surface, through which dancers move.
line: in visual art, the movement of a point through space, described in terms of width, length, direction and curvature or flow.
measure (or bar)
measure (or bar): a grouping of a specified number of musical beats located between two consecutive vertical lines on a staff.
melody: the tune of a piece of music.
monologue: a dramatic speech performed by one actor
pageant: a series of tableaux performed on stage.
phrasing: how long the melody of a piece of music is performed, defined by when a breath is taken.
pitch: wavelengths of frequencies of sound
proscenium: the most common type of performance space, named for the proscenium arch that frames the actors
protagonist: The hero of a theatrical piece
rhythm: in music, the pattern of stressed and unstressed beats
shape: in visual art, the two-dimensional equivalent of form.
space: in visual art, the absence of shape or form
staff: a group of lines and spaces upon which musical notes are written
symmetry: in art, a type of visual balance, where, if an imaginary line is drawn down the middle, each side mirrors the other.
syncopation: in music, an uneven pattern of stressed beats
tableau: in theater, the silent depiction of a static scene
tempo: the rate at which musical beats follow one another
texture: the tactile quality of a work of art
theme: the reason a work of art was created
timbre: the distinctive quality of a particular sound
time: in dance, formally measured meter or more informally, the rhytms of a dancer's body movements
time signature
time signature: musical notation indicating the number of beats per bar and the type of note that gets a beat.
treble clef
treble clef: musical notes played with the right hand on a piano, having a higher sound than those in the bass cleff.