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44 Cards in this Set

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pure risk

a chance of loss or no loss but no chance of gain

speculative risk

a chance of gain

credit risk

risk that customers will fail to make payment

subjective risk

assessment based on opinion

objective risk

assessment based on fact

diversifiable risk

occur randomy, spread of risk


the likelyhood that an outcome will occur

2 elements of risk

1. uncertainty of outcomes

2. possibility of negative outcome


an outcome may or may not occur

subjective & objective risks differ

* familiiarity & ontrol (flying vs driving)

* severiy over frequency

* consequences over likelyhood

* risk awareness


diversible v non diversible

diversible is random and spreadout

non diversible is simultaneous

quandrants of risk





3 components that constiture financial conequence

1. expected cost of loss/gains

2. expenditures on risk management

3. cost of residua uncertainty

reseidual uncertainty

level of risks that remains after risk managment plan is implemented

risk management

effors of indivdual or organization to efficiently and effectively assess, control, finance risks in order to minimize losses

traditiional risk management

associated with pure as opoosed to speculative risks (insurance, safety, etc.)

enterprise wide risk management

broader view of risk mangement. intent is to maximize value

loss exposure

any condition that presents a posibility of a loss


a condition that increase the frequency or seveity of a loss

moral hazard

a condision that increases the likelihood that a person will intentionally cause a loss

morale hazard

condition of carelessneess that measures the frequency/severity of a loss

physical hazard

tangible characteristic of property, persons, or operaions that tend to increase the frequency/severity of loss

legal hazard

a condition of the lega envirnment that increases severity/frequency

property loss expsure

damage to physical property

tangible property

property that can be physically touched

real property

tangible property consisting of land, sheds, ataced to land and plants

persoanl property

all tangible property that is not real propety

intangible property

property without physical form

liability loss exposure

pssibiliy of claim alleging lega responsibility

business income exposure

loss caused by person's deth, diability,

personanel loss exposured

loss caused by death, retirement, disability, ect.

3 elements ooto describe loss exposure

1. an asset exposed to loss

2. cause of loss

3. financial consequencces

,4 classificcations of hazard

1. moral (unhonest person - theif)

2. morale - care or awareness (not clearing isc)

3. physical - damage to property

4. legal - lawsuits

3 factors that affect financial

1. type of loss

2. cause of loss

3. loss fruency and severity

cost used to compute overall financial consequences for a risk

1. cost of the value lost bc of actual events

2. cost of resources

3. cost of residual uncertainty[

pre loss goals

goals to accomplish before a loss

post loss goals

risk management program goals in place in event of a loss

4 pre loss operational goals

1. economy of operation

2. tolarable uncetainty

3. legality

4. social responsibility

6 post loss goals

1. survival

2. continuity of operations

3. profitability

4. earnings of stability

5. social responsiblity

6. growth

steps organization take to forstall intolerable shut down

1. identify activities whose interuptions can't be tolerated

2. identify types of events that could interupt activities

3. determine standby resources that must be immediatly available

4. ensure availablity of standby resources

6 steps in risk managment process

1. identify loss exposure

2. analyze loss exposure

3. examine feasibility of risk management technique

4. select appropriate risk management technique

5. implement the selected techniquie

6. monitor results and revise

4 diminsiouns for loss exposure

1. loss frequency

2. loss severity

3. total dollar losses

4. timing

forecast of organization1.

1. forecast of diminsions of expected losses

2. forecast of each feasible combination of risk management

3. forecast of after tax cost

4 steps to monitor reisk maangement program

1. establish standards of acceptable results

2. compare actual results w the standards

3. correcting substandard performance

4. evaluating stands that have been exceeded