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103 Cards in this Set

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Psychoanalytic main theorist


Adlerian main theorist

Alfred Adler

Existential theorist

Rollo May

Person centered theorist

Carl Rogers

Gestalt theorist

Fritz Perls

CBT theorist

Aaron Beck


Albert Ellis


John Watson and skinner


William Glasser


Michael white & David Epston

Family systems

Multigenerational: Murray Bowen

Experiential: Carl Whitaker & Virginia Satir

Structural: Salvador Minuchin

Strategic: Jay Haley

Solution focused theorist

Insoo Kim Berg & Steve de shazer

Attachment theorist

John Bowlby

Self- Actualization

The predisposition humans have to develop towards our full potential. Motivating drive for human existence

Carl Rogers core conditions

1. Psychological change- a relationship must exist

2. Client must be in a state of incongruence

3. Counselor must be congruent (genuine)

4. Counselor must feel unconditional positive regard for the client

5. Counselor must experience empathy for the client

6. Client must experience the counselors genuineness, unconditional, positive regard, and empathy

What is the big question a person centered counselor would ask themselves before therapeutic process w/ client

How can I establish a relationship that will facilitate the growth of my client

Person centered: Active listening

Intervention that allows us to process, obtain meaning, and facilitate the therapeutic relationship

An example of lead-in paraphrasing

What I hear you saying is...

Person centered: contemplation

People become aware of the personal consequences of their problematic behaviors

Person centered: engaging

Listening to understand the clients dilemma and values

PC ambivalence

The simultaneous presence of competing motivations for and against change

MI evocation

Interviewer elicits the clients own perspective and motivation

PC & MI affirmations

Counselor emphasizes the positive about a client

Which theorist found that emotions and feelings can be learned based off a certain stimulus ?

John Watson

Positive reinforcement

Adding stimuli to increase a certain behavior

Stress Inoculation Training

Most signified a shift from behavioral therapy to cognitive behavioral therapy - emphasis on connecting a clients problems to their thoughts and emotions

Systematic desensitization

Integrated into a variety of other behavioral tech because of its ability to reduce anxiety and stress

Therapeutic relationship definition in behavioral therapy

-warm and empathetic

-counselor guides the client in the treatment planning process

- client is expert on their own experiences

What is the million dollar ? in behavioral counseling ?

How can I help clients unlearn problematic behaviors and replace them with healthier behaviors ?

Multicultural pro of behavioral counseling

It is tailored to a specific individual and has emphasis on problem solving.

Theorist for radical behaviorism


What theorist developed systematic desensitization


Anxiety hierarchy: behavioral

Represents a scale of the clients fears about test taking

Cognitive: who bridges the gap between behavior and cognitive theory ?

Albert bandura

Cognitive: core belief

Changing the core belief can help us change an automatic thought or thoughts based on beliefs we have about ourselves and in the world we live

Cognitive: Socratic questioning

Important for cognitive therapists and guides clients towards self discovery

Cognitive: catastrophizing

A type of cognitive distortion that takes place when we take one event and exaggerate it so it becomes fearful in our lives

Some cognitive distortions

Mind reading, all or nothing, overgeneralization, catastophsizing

Fundamental goal of cognitive therapy

Is to remove or to eliminate biases in clients thinking that prevent them from functioning optimally

Cognitive Triad

This concept explains that negative thoughts are about self, the world, and future

Cognitive conceptual

Closely describes the emotions we experience


Started w/ clients at high risk for suicide and has shown to be effective w/ borderline personality disorder


Focuses on changing maladaptive and negative ways of thinking into healthier and more positive ways of thinking


Focuses on changing irrational thoughts

REBT: ABCD model

Activating event

Belief system



Which counseling theory believes that a warm therapeutic relationship is desirable but neither necessary nor sufficient ?


Narrative theory was derived from which theory?

Both family therapy and social constructivist

What is the view of human nature from a narrative theorists perspective ?

We determine what our stories are

Multicultural pro for narrative

Clients can assess how culture has affected their story

REBT: Therapeutic Letter Writing

Intervention reinforces what’s taken place throughout the counseling process

Solution focused: exploration

Identifying exceptions

Goal setting process from solution focused

Positive instead of negative

Specific and observable

Small achievable steps

Solution-focused: how is miracle question effective ?

Allowing the client to articulate their desired future

What skill serves as the main assessment tool in solution focused ?

Scaling questions

SF: what skill serves as a way to identify when a client problems are not present or not as significant

Exception questions

SF: what type of client is able to define the problem w/ the counselor but is unable to identify any exceptions

Complainant client

Con of SF

It neglects client history and broader assessment

SF major contribution to counseling

Time intensive which makes it less expensive

Reality/Choice : what is part of a clients total behavior ?





Reality/choice multicultural pro

Respects differences in world views and cultural values

Reality/choice criticisms

It ignores the unconscious and influence of clients past

Reality/ choice stage where you explore your clients mental picture album

W- wants or needs

Reality/ choice “is what your doing going to get you want you want” what stage can this ? Be asked

D- direction and doing

Psychoanalytic: refers to deeper meaning in our dreams ?

Latent content

PA: what component of our personality is influenced by significant adults in childhood ?


What Freud sexual stage do childrens desires become dormant and their main task are participating in hobbies, being w/ friends, making new relationships


PA: forces that motivate personality are?

Eros and Thanatos

Jungs term for emotionally charged images and thoughts that cause us to respond in certain ways to common human experiences?



Unconscious attitude or behavior on part of the therapist towards the client


Client redirects feeling onto therapist

Jung : beneath the layers of personal unconscious resides our presumably evolutionary experience this is called?

Collective unconscious

In Adlerian theory what term means the ability to participate and willingness to contribute to society?

Social interest

Adler’s three main life tasks

1. Develop friendship w/ others

2. Realize loving relationship w/ another

3. Working in a satisfying or meaningful occupation

Adlerian: what is a habitual pattern of behavior that is unique to each person?


According to Adlerian birth order concept which child is most likely to develop effective negotiation skills by adulthood?


Which stage of Adlerian therapy focuses on facilitating client insight

Stage 3: clarification

Which Adlerian lifestyle is he desired goal of counseling ?

Socially useful

Which Adlerian tech heavily influenced SF counseling

The Question

Adlerian 4 lifestyles

1. Socially useful: highly social

2. Ruling type: little social interest/ control

3. Getting type: wants go get without struggle/ take w/o giving

4. Avoiding type: low social interest, avoids failure

Existential multicultural cons

Too individualistic

Lack of structure

Existential: founder of logotherapy

Victor Frankl

Existential dimensions: eigenwelt & Uberwelt



Existential counselors believe client who seek counseling services are all suffering from:

A conflict of meaning or purpose

Existential: no meaning we feel empty what is solution?


What is main therapeutic goal of EXistential

To help client lead an authentic life

Some tech in existentialism May imply...

Manipulation of clients

In gestalt therapy what is an experiment ?

Spontaneous intervention specific to client and related to particular moment in therapy

Shawnas therapist brings attention to her tendency to bite her nails when she is nervous by biting his own nails what gestalt tech is this?


Gestalt multicultural con

Confrontational counselor

Therapy highly individualistic philosophy

Gestalt: Holism

Everything is inevitably interrelated and mutually dependent on each other

Gestalt: impasse

A persons usual supports are not available and new supports have not yet been established


Refers to a persons state of truly being him or herself

Gestalt phony layer

Refers to reacting to others in stereotypical or inauthentic ways

Gestalt: Figure ground

Figure : object, person, of element that emerges or stands out against background

Ground: context in which a figure appears and against which a figure stands out

Gestalt: maladaptive behaviors 5 layers of neurosis

1. Phony

2. Phobic

3. Impasse

4. Implosive

5. Explosive

Family therapy multigenerational

Family patterns are repeated across generations, family members form triangles, members differentiate themselves

Family: experiential family therapy

Change family rules and clarify misconceptions:! Molding

Family: structural

Family is a system but individual members are not ignored, members play different roles

Family: strategic

Families are rule governed systems, client behavioral change, typically short, solving problems in present


Psychological connection between two people that allows them to have relational significance towards one another

When are attachment styles established ?

In younger childhood and then persist throughout life

Attachment theory main contributed

John Bowlby & Mary Ainsworth

Attachment styles :


Anxious/ ambivalent : insecure, clingy

Anxious avoidant: does recognize caregiver in environment

Disorganized: confused , history of maltreatment, uncontrollable behaviors