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42 Cards in this Set

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total protein is measured using serum, which lacks ___
fibrinogen, as does the SPEP sample
cathode vs anode
cathode(negative pole, attracts cations)

anode(positive pole, attracts anions)
column separation: gel filtration using beads rated by pore size; larger molecules move __ through column
fastest, because they move through interstices of the column and do not enter the pores of the beads
anion exchange vs cation exchange chromatography
- alkaline pH
- proteins are negatively charged and exchanged with anions from salt buffer

- acid pH
- proteins are positively charged
- displaced by cations from salt buffer
affinity chromatography is used for __
quantitating glycosylated hemoglobin

- use antibodies fixed to a solid support medium w/in a column
proteins in soln absorb UV light at what wavelength? what about nucleic acids?
proteins: 280 nm; mostly due to tryptophan content

nucleic acid: 260 nm

If using spectrophotometric assays to quantitate protein, must correct for nucleic acid content

protein conc (mg/mL)= 1.55 A(280) - 0.76A(260)
Specific gravity can be used to estimate protein content; it uses __
copper sulfate
- drop of blood or serum added to a graded series of copper sulfate solns
- the drop can remain stationary, drop, or float to top
- protein conc is estimated from the specific gravity of the copper sulfate soln in which the drop remained stationary

- commonly used for Hb screening (what the drop to drop to bottom)
Biuret method
- extensively used for protein quant, esp in automated analyzers (see below Lowry method)
- specific for proteins
- in alkaline soln, copper salts form a complex with molecules with two or more peptide bonds (biuret complex)
- biuret complex absorbs UV light at 540-560nm

- reliable down to 10-15mg/dL

Lowry method: uses the biuret method followed by phenol reagent, which greatly enhances the color reaction
Albumin can be quantitated in samples contain other protein by virtue of its __
specific binding to certain dyes
- commonly used dye is BCG(bromcresol green); extensively used in automated analyzers
- often measure albumin in parallel with total protein by the biuret method
- BCG-alb absorb at slightly different wavelength
detects turbidity produced by precipitation of reagent antibody with its target protein
- specific
AKA: transthyretin (TTR)
- faster than albumin (anodal to albumin)
- small protein
- binds little thyroxine (TBG has a 100-fold higher affinity for thyroxine)
- plays significant role in vitA metabolism; TTR binds retinol bindind protein which binds vitA to transport it thorughout body
- TTR-RBP complex keeps the small RBP from being rapidly clear through the kidney
- TTR-RBP-retinal complex is formed in the ER of hepatocytes
Type I familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy
- due to mutation in prealbumin, which makes it susceptible to proteolysis and the release of beta-structured fragments thah lead to amyloid deposits in nerve fibers
Prealbumin has a relatively __ half-life
2 days
- its synthesis rate is very sensitive to adequate nutrition and changes in liver function
- serum prealbumin levels - useful marker for nutritional status
prealbumin can cross into the __
CSF! due to its small size
- CSF electrophoresis (concentrated of course) shows a distinct preablumin band, not seen in SPEP or UPEP
- normal CSF electrophoresis pattern: prealbumin, albumin, and small transferrin bands
What could lead to the presence of a "pseudo prealbumin" band on SPEP
- patients given heparin
- heparin activates lipoprotein lipase in vivo, which alters the triglyceride content of lipoproteins and thus their electrophoretic mobility
- RESULT: see a band in the prealbumin area due to altered beta-lipoproteins
- this is an in vivo effect that does not occur if heparin is added to an already collected samples
congenital analbuminemia is characterized by a __
compensated hydrostatic pressure, with no major fluid abnormalities
Many albumin variants exist; most cause ___
No clinically significant abnormality
- Bisalbuminemia: 2 albumin bands on SPEP

- Exception: one variant has a high affinity for thyroxine, leading to elevated T3, but normal FT3 and a euthyroid state
half-life of circulating albumin is __
17 days
Fructosamine (aka___) can be useful for monitoring diabetic control in patients with ____; in place of glycosylated hemoglobin
aka: glycosylated albumin
- useful in patients with hemolytic anemias (sickle cell dz, AIHA, thalassemias) in whom glycosylated Hb is unreliable

- normally up to 8% of albumin is glycosylated
elevated serum albumin is due to __
- uncommon
- dehydration
- prolonged used of tourniquet
albumin is a negative acute phase reactant
decreased in many conditions (non-specific)
- malnutrition
- protein-losing enteropathy
- nephropathy
- liver disease
decreased albumin can be associated with a decrease in what two common cations
Mg2+ and Ca2+
nephrotic syndrome with loss of albumin; can see a compensatory rise in ___ in order to maintain oncotic pressure
alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha-2 band)
- some increased production
- also selective retention due to large molecular size
In cirrhosis, a loss of albumin synthesis can be associated with a compensatory rise in __ in order to maintain oncotic pressure
gamma-globulin fraction
Vast majority of people are ___ for the fully active __ allele of alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT)
fully active M allele

- 10% are heterozygous for PiM(other); 2% of these are PiMZ
In AAT def, Pi__ is associated with ___ and ___ disease
homozygous PiZZ
- hepatic and pulmonary disease
Can screen for AAT def using __

nephelometry (serum AAT levels)

- must be confirmed by more specific assay, give the vast number of potential mutations (75 different alleles exist!)
AAT deficiency, therapy is useful for __, but not __
- useful for treatment of pulmonary emphysema; IV AAT replacement
- prevention of pulmonary emphysema; inhaled AAT

- AAT replacement is does not improve cirrhosis that develops in children
Cirrhosis secondary to AAT develops in __ and is treated with __
children (PiZZ)
- liver transplant
- recipient takes on the donor's AAT phenotype!! (liver synthesizes AAT)
The largest major non-immunoglobulin serum protein is __
alpha-2-macroglobulin (AMG)
- rises 10-fold in nephrotic syndrome due to selective retention due to size, while albumin is lost
- may also be increased synthesis (absolute increase)
- maintains oncotic pressure
haptoglobin migrates in the __ region on SPEP
alpha-2 region along with AMG
serum haptoglobin can help evaluation a positive urine dipstick test for blood in the absence of intact RBCs
- the dipstick test actually test for pseudoperoxidase activity of heme, found in both Hb and myoglobin

- if serum haptoglobin is low, this suggest hemolysis with hemoglobinuria
- if serum haptoglobin is high, this suggest myoglobinuria
- also LDH1 is alos a/w hemolysis, while CK is released in rhabdomyolysis
The major beta-globulin is __
transferrin transport iron in the ___ state
ferric (Fe3+)
transferrin mRNA sythesis is increased in the __ in response to __
- response to low serum iron and hepatocyte iron
transferrin can produce a pseudoparaprotein on SPEP in cases of __
severe iron deficiency
chonic transferrin saturation occurs in ___
idiopathic hemochromatosis and transfusion-related hemosiderosis

- almost no U(unsaturated)IBC
screening for hemochromatosis can be accomplished by __
- serum iron
- transferrin (TIBC)
- percent saturation
Hereditary Hemochromatosis results in __
other endocrine d/o

toxic effects of excess free iron deposition

- tx w/ phlebotomy and/or chelation therapy
Variants of transferrin can be seen; produce a __ on SPEP
doublet bands for transferrin
Transferrin is produced by the liver; it is a glycoprotein, in which various sugar molecules are added to newly synthesized proteins

In contrast, in the CSF there is ___
In the CSF there is a variant of transferrin that lacks sialic acid residues (asialotransferrin)
Asialotransferrin (aka___) is found in __ and is useful in __
aka: tau protein or beta-2-transferrin

CSF (also vitreous and endolymph)

- it has slightly less negativity, thus is located slightly more cathodal to transferrin

CSF contains both transferrina and asialotransferrin

Plasma contain ONLY transferrin

If question is whether or not clear fluid leakage from a fistula or skull injury represents CSF - protein electrophoresis can help
- if two beta bands (transferrin and asialotransferrin) are present, it is presumptive evidence of CSF
- if only one beta band (transferrin only) it is not CSF

IMPORTANT: Must do serum (SPEP) in conjunction, two rule out the posibility of a transferrin variant in the serum; thus also given two beta bands, mimicking CSF findings