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35 Cards in this Set

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What is macroscale?
things we can easily see with the naked eye or with the aid of a light microscope.
What is nanoscale?
The scale on which atoms and molecules exist (<10^-9 m)
What is a pure substance?
A sample of matter with a characteristic set of properties that does not change with further purification.
What are the two types of pure substances?
Elements and compounds
What is an element?
A pure substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances.
What is a compound?
A chemical combination of two or more elements.
What is the basic unit of an element?
The basic unit of an element is an atom.
What is the basic unit of a compound?
The basic unit of a compound is a molecule.
What elements exist as diatomic molecules?
H, N, O, F, Cl, Br, and I
What is a mixture?
A physical combination of two or more pure substances.
What are the two mixtures?
Homogeneous mixture(solution) and heterogeneous solution
What is a homogenous solution?
Evenly distributed throughout. ie) NaCl in water
What is a heterogenous solution?
Unevenly distributed throughout. ie) beach sand, orange juice, spoiled milk
What are physical properties?
Properties which can be measured without changing the compostition of the substance. These include:
melting point, boiling point, volume, hardness, density
What two categories can physical properties be divided into?
Intensive and extensive
What are intensive physical properties?
Properties that are independent of the amount of substance present. ie) hardness, color
What are extensive physical properties?
Properties that depend on the amount of substance present. ie) mass, volume
What are chemical properties?
properties which describe the kinds of chemical reactions substances undergo. Chemical changes(reactions) produce new substances. ie) burning paper
What are physical changes?
Changes that occur without changing the compostition of the substance. ie) melting ice, boiling water
What are chemical changes?
Changes which result in a change in the chemical composition of a substance.
What is an isotope?
Atoms having the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.
What are ions?
Atoms that have gained or lost electrons. Ions have a positive or negative charge.
What is a cation?
An ion with a positive charge
What is an anion?
An ion with a negative charge
How does metallic character increase on the periodic table?
Metallic character increases going down and to the left.
What did John Dalton do?
He proposed the first atomic model of matter that associated atoms with elements and molecules with compounds.
What did J. J. Thomson do?
He did experiments with cathode ray tubes and was able to measure the charge-to-mass ratio of elements but was unable to determine the charge of a single electron. He proposed the "Plum Pudding" model.
What did Robert Millikan do?
He was able to determine the charge of an electron with the oil drop experiment and the mass of an electron.
What did Ernest Rutherford do?
Used the gold foil experiment and discovered the atomic nucleus and proved the existence of protons.