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19 Cards in this Set

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What is public opinion?

-Elusive and difficult to measure

-Collection of views held by persons interested in the subject

-Collective expression of opinion of many individuals bound into a group

-Formed by people who have a vested or self-interest in an issue

Who are opinion leaders?

Sociologists describe them as: highly interested in a subject or issue, better informed on as issue than the average person, avid consumers of mass media, early adopters of new ideas, and good organizers who can get other people to take action

What do opinion leaders do?

Opinion leaders serve as catalysts for the formation of public opinion through their knowledge and ability to articulate ideas about specific issues

What are the types of leaders?

-Formal or power opinion leaders

-Informal opinion leaders

-"Influentials" profiled as:

Being active in the community

Having a college degree

Earning a relatively high income

Regularly reading newspapers and magazines

Actively participating in recreational activities

Showing environmental concern

What is the two-step flow theory of communication?

A model that remains central to public relations strategy 70 years later. Although later research confirmed that it is really a multiple-step flow, the basic idea remains intact: Public opinion is formed by the views of people who have taken the time to sift information, evaluate it, and form an opinion they they express to others.

What is the multiple-step flow model of communication?

Starts with opinion makers, who derive large amounts of information from the mass media and other sources and then share the information with the "attentive public." The latter are interested in the issue but rely on opinion leaders to to provide synthesized information and interpretation. The "inattentive" public is unaware of or uninterested in the issue and remains outside the opinion-formation process. The multiple-step flow theory, however, means that some of the members of the inattentive public eventually will become interested in or at least aware of the issue.

What is the N-Step theory?

-Another variation of the two-step model

-Individuals are seldom influenced by only one opinion leader but interact with different leaders around one issue. For example, patients can seek information from their primary-care physician but may also turn to foamily members when making a medical decision.

What is the diffusion of innovation theory?

-Explains that individuals adopt new ideas or products through the five stages of awareness, interest, evaluation and adoption.

What is the role of mass media?

-Via mass media, public relations practitioners become major players in forming public opinion

-Often provide the mass media with the information

-The following theories can help practitioners understand the mass media effects

-Agenda Setting Theory

-Media Dependency Theory

-Framing Theory

-Conflict Theory

What is the Agenda Setting Theory?

-Media tells people what to talk/think about

-People talk about what they see or hear in the news

What is the Media Dependency Theory?

Dependency on media makes them more powerful

What is the Framing Theory?

How journalist frame the story

What is Conflict Theory?

-Explains conflicting goals, values, or desires

-PR Professionals need to level playing field

What are the uses of persuasion?

1. Change or neutralize hostile opinions (Hardest)

2. Crystallize latent opinions and positive attitudes (Easier)

3. Conserve favorable opinions (Easiest)

What are persuasion techniques?

Psychologists have found that successful speakers, bloggers, and viral marketers use several persuasion techniques:


-Offer structured choice

-Seek partial commitment

-Ask for more, settle for less

What are some findings from persuasion research?

-Positive appeals generally more effective

-Radio and TV more persuasive than print

-Strong emotional appeals best if audience has little topical concern or interest

-Fear appeals effective only if audience can take action to prevent threats

-Logical appeals are better for educated audiences

-Altruism can be a powerful motivator

-Celebrity spokespersons vary in effectiveness

What are factors in persuasive communication?

-Audience analysis


-Psychographics (VALS, Values and Lifestyle program)

-Source Credibility


-The 3 factors: expertise, sincerity, charisma

-Problems with celebrities

-Clarity of Message

-Timing and Context

-Audience participation

-Suggestions for action

Writers throughout history have emphasized some information while downplaying or omitting other pieces of information. Thus, they address both the content and the structure of messages. What devices do expert communicators use to do this?



-Surveys and Polls




-Emotional Appeals

What are the limits of persuasion?

1. Lack of message penetration

2. Competing messages

Bullet theory or hypodermic-needle theory

3. Self-selection

4. Self-perception