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31 Cards in this Set

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What is sickle cell crisis

it's when deformed red blood cells cause an infarction of the microvasculature and blood supply to the organs results in severe pain

What are the long term complications of sickle cell crisis

Ulceration, renal failure and increased susceptibility to infections

What do you use for prophylaxis of infections in sickle cell anaemia

Pneumonococcal vaccine, haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine comma annual flu vaccination and prophylactic penicillin. Hepatitis b vaccine can also be considered

What can g6pd deficiency cause

Hemolytic anemias

In what populations is g6pd deficiency most common

It is most common in males, individuals from Asian countries, individuals from Africa, and individuals from South and Europe

For individuals with g6pd deficiency what are the foods and drugs that can trigger hemolytic anemias

1. Fava beans 2. Dapsone and other sulphones 3. Nitrofurantoin 4. Quinolones 6. Sulphonamides 7. Aspirin 8. Chloroquine 9. Menadione 10. Quinine 8. Sulfonylureas

For what type of anaemia can you use pyridoxine

Sideroblastic anaemias

Where is there erythropoietin being produced


What is the side effect of epoetins you should look out for

Stevens-johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis

When do you use erythropoietin in neonates

In premature neonates but kidneys are not fully formed and therefore you need to use erythropoietin

What type of erythropoietins should you use in neonates

Epoetin beta without a preservative

What can overcorrection of erythropoietin resulting

Increase formation of class and that increased incidence of cardiovascular events

What do you test for in patients with pure red cell aplasia that have not responded to erythropoietin

Erythropoietin antibodies

What do you monitor in patients treated with epoetins

1. Blood pressure 2. Haemoglobin 3. Electrolytes

What is the total daily dose of elemental iron given in iron deficiency anaemia

100- 200mg MG daily

What effect does vitamin c have on the absorption of iron

Vitamin c increases absorption of iron

At what part of the GI tract is iron absorbed

The duodenum

Why are test doses of parenteral iron no longer recommended to test for anaphylaxis

anaphylactic reactions have been reported in patients receiving intravenous I don't even want a previous administration has beentolerated

When should intravenous Iron be avoided in pregnancy

During the first trimester

How do you treat iron poisoning

Desferrioxamine masilate

How long is the treatment with iron in iron deficiency anaemia

once hemoglobin has reachh normal levels you continue supplementation for another 3 months to replenish iron stores

What are the two causes of megaloblastic anaemia

Folic acid or vitamin b12 deficiency

What is pernicious anaemia

A lack intrinsic factor which results in vitamin b12 deficiency

Why is hydroxocobalamin referred to cyanocobalamin

It lasts longer in the body

How long does it take for folate megaloblastic anaemia to be corrected after folate supplementation

4 months

How do you administer desferrioxamine mesylate in patients who receive blood

It should not be added to the blood and it should not be given via the same line

What class is filgrastim

Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor

What do you monitor when you're using granulocyte colony-stimulating factors

you need to monitor fbc counts including differential white cell and platelet count and also the size of the spleen

What cause idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

Anti platelet antibodies

How is idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura treated.

In children the condition is often self limiting. In adults a corticosteroid is used to induce remission. Immunoglobulin preparations are also available for the short term

How to treat severe hyperkalemia

You use calcium gluconate 10% protect the heart. you use soluble insulin and glucose 50% to drive the potassium into the cell. you can also try so salbutamol either IV or via nebuliser to reduce the plasma potassium concentration