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37 Cards in this Set

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Why are surveys considered nonexperimental?
Because there is no control, and since there's no control you can't infer causation
Why are surveys used?

Allow people to tell researchers about themselves

Method for studying relationships among variables and ways that attitudes and behaviors change over time

Provides useful information for making public policy decisions (who will you vote for?)
Important complement to experimental findings: can lead to another type of research or use after research has been done to refocus

Some issues with surveys

Assumes people are willing and able to provide truthful and accurate answers

Social desirability
Says what other people think they want them to say
When are respondents most likely to lie?

lack of trust in the researchers by researchers telling participants too much

or they just don't care, circle whatever

Three types of survey questions

Attitudes and beliefs--do you think, do you believe...

Facts and demographics: age, sex, ethnicity, etc.

Behaviors: what you do; on average, how many times do you...

Potential problems that stem from difficulty understanding the question (5)


Vague or imprecise terms

ungrammatical sentence structure

phrasing that overloads working memory

embedding with question with misleading information

Double-barreled questions

asking 2 questions at once

Should senior citizens be given more money for recreation centers AND food assistance program?

Loaded questions

written to lead people to respond in a specific way

Do you favor eliminating the WASTEFUL excesses in the public school budget?

Negative wording

questions phrased negatively

The city should not approve the proposed women's shelter?

Close-ended questions

Multiple Choice, true/false

Easier to code, more structure approach

Response alternatives same for everyone

Open-ended questions

respondents are free to answer in any way they like

takes longer to code

Useful to find out what people are thinking and how people naturally view the world

Grouping similar words together
Points to consider when asking close-ended questions

number of response alternatives

rating scales

labeling response alternatives

Graphic rating scale

requires a mark along a continuous 100-millimeter line that is anchored with descriptions at the end

ruler is used to measure the score on a scale that ranges from 0 to 100

Semantic differential scale

measures the meaning of concepts

Respondents rate any concept on a series of bipolar adjectives using 7-point scales

Good - Bad

Strong - Weak

Nonverbal scale

For children, those who might not speak a language, or cannot read/speak

Point to a face that shows how you feel

Labeling Response Alternatives

Sometimes need to clearly define the meaning of each alternative

AKA a Likert scale where each number is Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, etc

Pilot test
Run a test before administering the survey for real to see how long it will take
Ways to administer questionnaires

Interview (most time-consuming/expensive)

Mail surveys (lowest response rates, cost b/c of postage)

Internet surveys (not everyone has internet)

Other technology (computerized experience-sampling)

Positive features of questionnaires

less costly than interview

allows respondents to be anonymous

Can be administered in groups or to individuals

can be administered through mail, internet, with other technologies

Negative features of questionnaires

understanding of questions


response rates (mail surveys in particular)

people may misrepresent themselves (internet surveys)

unanswered questions

Three methods of conducting interviews



focus group interview

Positive features of interviews

response rates higher because there is interaction

people answer most, if not all, questions

interviewer can clarify questions/ask follow-up questions

Negative features of interviews

Interviewer bias: showing approval or disapproval of certain answers

How an interviewer looks (sex, age, ethnicity) can affect responses

Two wave panel study

Do a survey 2 times (pre-test and post-test)

Three-wave panel study
Do a survey 3 times (pre, middle, and post)
Sampling frame
a list of the items or people forming a population from which a sample is taken
Two techniques for sampling

Probability sampling: each member of the population has a specifiable probability of being chosen (random)

Nonprobability sampling: unknown probability of any member being chosen

Simple random sampling
equal probability of being chosen
Stratified random sampling

divided into subgroups (strata) and random samples are taken from each strata

can separate based on ethnicity, sex, then choose randomly

Cluster sampling

Probability sampling where you identify clusters and sample from the clusters

Survey can be sent out to not a whole neighborhood, but a street within that neighborhood

Haphazard sampling
Nonprobability sampling where you use multiple techniques and go to multiple places
Convenience sampling

Broadest of all nonprobability sampling

asking people who are convenient (just psych majors from experimetrix)

Quota sampling

Sample reflects the numerical composition of various subgroups in the population

Use sampling frame and statistics as quotas to meet, make a representative sample that way

Why is it a problem if only 20% of people responded to a survey that was sent out to 100 people?

You don't know how the other 80% could've responded

Affects external validity because low response rates make it less generalizable. Having a representative sample sometimes helps

Generalizability: its two components

Composition of a sample

How artificial the scenario is