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22 Cards in this Set

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Buyer Black Box: How are the stimuli changed?

By: Buyer characteristics and Buyers decision process

Buyers Characteristics affecting buying (consumer) behavior: 4

Cultural, social, personal, psychological

Cultural Factors:


Subculture: Hispanic Americans, religion

Social class

Personal Factors:

Age and Life-cycle stage


Economic situation


Personality and self-concept

Psychological Factors:




Beliefs and Attitudes:

Random: Buyer:

Our buying decision is affected by complex internal and external influences

Buying Behavior is based on:

Degree of buyer involvement

Degree of differences between brands

Types of Buying Behavior:

Complex buying behavior

Dissonance-Reducing buying behavior

Variety seeking Behavior

Habitual buying behavior

Social Factors

Reference groups: Team

Family: What we buy is similar to our parents

Roles and status: Movie stars

Complex Buying Behavior:

HIGH involvement in purchase and perceive SIGNIFICANT differences between brands

Typically the buyer has lots to learn about products in the category: Houses

Info: look at diff homes and areas

Eval alt: compare with price and wants until you buy closest fit

Dissonance Buying Behavior:

HIGH involvement in purchase and FEWER differences between brands.

An expensive, risky, infrequent purchase but PERCEIVE little differences between brands

ex: Carpet. Expensive=high involvement but we see most brands with similar prices the same. B/c not much brand diffs, may shop around but will buy quick b/c good price or convience

Variety-Seeking Behavior

LOW involvement and Significant differences between brands

Brand switching a lot

ex: Buying cookies, may be a few brands we consider, choose w/o much evaluation, evaluate that brand while eating, be satisfied or not and still buy a new brand just for the variety.

Habitual Buying behavior:

LOW involvement and FEWER differences between brands

Need milk? buy it. no major differences. no evaluation of buying process. Buying same brand is more a habit. we Dont think about post purchase

Consumer's Buying Decision process (Funnel)

Need Recognition

Information search

Evaluation of alternatives

Purchase decision

Post-purchase behavior

Need Recognition

Consumer: Hungry or thirsty triggered by internal stimuli. Or external: Harold and kumar commercial

Business: Encourage consumers to see current state is not a desired one. CANT create need

Information Search

Looking up information to better understand which brand or product is for you.

Provide info when/where consumers search for it

Evaluation of alternatives

understand criteria and communicate superiority and whats important to target to consumers

How? Depends on the individual and purchase. Some evals are calculated, some intuition, turn to friends, newspapers, or salespeople

Purchase decision

Emphasize brand loyalty (Preferred brand) or address choice heuristic (Rule of thumb: what you tend to do"

2 factors may come in between purchase intention and decision.

1.) attitudes of others. If they say go for the cheap one, you most likely will

2.) Unexpected situational factors: Ex: you buy a car as a doctor, and lose your job and go brok

Post purchase

Encourage accurate expectations

Satisfied or dissatisfied? depends on the relationship with the consumers expectation and the products perceived performance

Perception: why is understanding perception so critical?

What consumers perceive affect their actions

what is perceived is not always true.

Coke vs pepsi blind test, Google vs BIng

Cheap alcohol better than expensive one

Maslows Hiearchy of Needs

Self actualization needs: self development and realization

Esteem needs: self esteem status recognition

Social needs: Sense of belonging and love

Safety needs: Security, protection

Physiological needs: Hunger, thirst

Consumer Behavior:

The buying behavior of final consumers, individuals, households that buy goods and services for personal consumption