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62 Cards in this Set

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What metabolic changes must occur in skeletal muscles at the beginning of exercise to provide the necessary energy to continue movement

Anaerobic energy sources

Anaerobic energy sources contributions to the beginning of exercise

Overall production of atp

ATP levels are unchanged, even though ATP is being used at a higher rate

As steady state of O2 is reached---

Body's atp requirements is met via aerobic metabolism

Oxygen deficit

Lag in oxygen uptake at the beginning of exercise

Aerobic atp production is insufficient until the oxygen uptake reaches steady state because

There is inadequate oxygen delivery to the muscle or failure of oxidative phosphorylation

How do trained adults reach vo2 steady state faster than untrained adults

Better developed aerobic bioenergetic capacity resulting from cardio it's muscular adaptations by endurance training

Less production of lactate and H ions brings what?

Longer levels of exercise. Time increases

After exercise the metabolic rates does not fall instantly. Why?

Oxygen uptake is above the level needed to meet the demands of standing on the treadmill

Higher intensity exercises

No steady state is present

Oxygen debt

Elevated oxygen uptake following exercise


If not used, part of 02 consumed following exercise is used to restore PC in muscle and O2 stores in blood and tissue


Produces two 3- carbon pyruvic acid meadowdale

Citric acid cycle

Each pyruvic acid enters the mitochondria separately. They lose a C , forming CO2. Then binds with acetyl COa forming an enzyme

High intensity, short term exercise 2-20 seconds utilizes what pathway

ATP-PC system

Intense exercises lasting longer than >5 seconds utilizes which pathway


High intensity exercises lasting longer than 45 seconds uses what pathway

All 3 metabolic pathways

Hot humid environments effect on aerobic metabolism and its steady state

Increase uptake in oxygen

Continous exercise at a high work rate results in slow rise in oxygen uptake

Increased in VO2 is due to:

Increase in body temperature

Increases in hormones ep and noep

Incremental exercise tests

Graded exercise tests

Examine for possible heart disease conducted on a treadmill or cycle ergometer

VO2 max

Maximal capacity to transport and utilize oxygen during exercise

Psychological factors that influence VO2 max

Maximum ability of the cardio system to deliver oxygen to the contracting muscles

Muscles ability to take up the oxygen and PRODUCE ATP aerobically

Increased in VO2 is due to

Increased body temperature

Increase in hormones. Epinephrine

And noneoinephrine

Incremental exercise tests [ graded exercise tests]

Examine for possible heart diseases

Conducted on a treadmill or cycle ergometer

Maximal oxygen uptake or VO2 max

Maximal capacity to transport and utilize oxygen during exercise

Does power increase after oxygen uptake rate is reached?


Name physiological factors that influence VO2 max

Maximum ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to the contracting muscle

Muscles ability to take up the oxygen and produce ATP aerobically

As exercise intensity increases during an incremental test. What happens to blood lactate levels

They rise

In untrained individuals it occurs around 50-60% of VO2 max

Anaerobic thresholds

A systematic rise in blood lactate during incremental exercise

Onset of blood lactate accumulation

Exercise intensity at which a specific blood lactate concentration is reached

Lactate production depends on many factors

Rapid rate of glycolysis., in which NADH production may exceed the transport capacity of the shuttle mechanism that move H from the sarcoplasm into the mitochondria

Caused by increases in epinephrine levels

Slow fiber muscles

Slow twitch , low intensity exercises

LDH coverts lactate to pyruvate.

These muscles are used in the beginning of exercise

Fast twitch fibers

Intense, rapid exercise

LDH attaches to pyruvate forming lactate. Causing lactate thresholds

The ph of body Fluids can alert enzymes activity

If ph Is altered the activity reduces

During exercise, skeletal muscles produces large amounts of h+ ions, resulting in decreases in Ph

1g carb= kcal


What is the stored polysaccharide found in animal tissues and muscle

Glycogen= linkage of glucose molecules

1g fat =? kcal


Groups of fats

Fatty acids




Fatty acids are stored as


Composed of 3 fatty acids and one glycerol

Proteins can contribute energy for exercise in two ways

Amino acid alanine can be converted in the liver to glucose, which can then be used to make glycogen

Liver glycogen can be broken down to glucose and then transported to working skeletal muscle

During high intensity short term exercise the muscles ATP production is dominated by

ATP-PC system

Intense exercise lasting over 20 sec relies on

Anaerobic glycolysis

High intensity exercises lasting longer than 45 seconds uses all three pathways. T or f


Steady state oxygen uptake can be maintained during moderate exercise but there are 2 exceptions

Hot humid environments increase oxygen uptake

Continous exercise at higher work rates resulting in slow uptake

As exercise intensity increases. During a graded test, blood lactate levels rise. When does it appear in untrained individuals. Trained individuals?

50-60% VO2 MAX


Vo2 max means

A " physiological ceiling" for the ability of the oxygen transport to deliver o2 to contracting muscles

Lactate threshold

Rise in blood lactate concentration

During graded exercise

Use of the lactate threshold

Serve as a guideline in planning the level of exercise intensity needed to optimize training results


Ratio of carbon dioxide produced to the volume of oxygen consumed

R=nonprotein R

When fat oxidizes , C bines with O2 forming CO2, and water forms

Work is determined by several factors


The intensity and duration of exercise

Whether the subject is endurance trained

As exercise intensity increases what gets burned faster

Carbohydrates compared to fats

Crossover point

Progressive shift from fat to carbohydrate metabolism

Caused by:

recruitment of fast fibers

Increasing blood levels of epinephrine

Fibers have abundant glycolytic enzymes aids in fast carb metabolism

Fast fibers

Rise in epinephrine causes

Increases in muscle Glycogen breakdown

What factors control the rate o

Of fat metabolism during prolonged exercise


Promoted lipolysis

A high carbohydrate meal or drink can

Diminishing lipolysis

Greater use of carbohydrates as fuel

why do low muscle glycogen produce fatigue

Less glycolysis = less pyruvate

Lowers the rate of aerobic ATP production

Muscles glycogen stores provide a direct source of carbohydrate for muscle energy metabolism. T or f


Liver glycogen stores serves for replacing blood glucose. T or f


Plasma fatty acids are the primary source during

Low intensity exercises...

Muscle triglycerides are used during ______ intensity


Increase in calcium levels within muscle fibers during prolonged exercise does what

Activates enzymes that deactivates muscle proteins.. amino acids are then released, and used as fuel during exercise

Lactate as a fuel source during exercise

Serves as both a substrate for the liver to synthesize glucose.

In blood lactate removal can be converted to pyruvate, transformed to acetyl coa and kicks off oxidative metabolism