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30 Cards in this Set

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political and economic system in which the government or the people owns the means of production
Samuel Morse
American inventor who invented the telegraph and a system of encoding the alphabet
Robert Fulton
an American engineer who built the first profitable steamboat
Richard Arkwright
invented a way to drive the spinning "jenny" by waterpower
mass production
system of producing or making large amounts of the same goods
Karl Marx
published 'The Communist Manifesto', believed a capitalist society would split into two economic classes
Jethro Tull
an English landowner who invented a seed drill that made it possible to plant seeds in straight rows
Industrial Revolution
changes beginning in the 1700's, when machines began to do much of the work in industries that people had done before
practice of fencing or enclosing common public lands into individual areas of land for people
Eli Whitney
an American who invented the cotton gin
Bessemer Process
a cheaper and more efficient method of making steel
Adam Smith
a Scottish economist who wrote the book 'the Wealth of Nations' considered the founder of classical economics
name given by Karl Marx to the working class
use of automatic machinery to increase production or the amount of goods that can be made
complete control of the manning or sale of a single good or service by a single company
refusal of workers to work until their demands are met
James Watt
patented the modern steam engine
Henry Ford
used the assembly line line to build automobiles
an American financier who founded the United States Steel Company
Jeremy Bentham
theory of utilitarianism
economic system in which individuals, rather than governments control the factors of production
process of treating rubber with pressure and heat to make it more useful
cramped, shabby apartment buildings where workers lived during the Industrial Revolution in England
collective bargaining
process of negotiation between management and union representatives
large businesses that allow people to buy stock or parts of ownership in the company
interchangeable parts
parts that are exactly the same and can be replaced or changed between different products
corporate groups that control whole industries of types of businesses
crop rotation
the practice of alternating crops of different kinds to preserve soil fertility
factors of production
basic resources needed for industrialization, such as necessary land, capital, and labor
Friedrich Engels
published 'The Communist Manifesto' with Karl Marx