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10 Cards in this Set

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Why were England, France, and Spain able to unify when the Italian states and the Holy Roman Empire struggled? What were the foundations of these new nation-states?
The foundatuions of these states was that they had a strong fuedal system that not many other states had. They also where smaller states so they where more easily unified. They also had less people competing for power.
What role did William of Normandy play in the development of England? Why was England able to develop a centralized government earlier than the other states of the age?
England had a centralized state easier beccause of that fact that it was a small nation and was easily conquered. That means that it was esaily unified. The fuedal system also helped.
3. Thomas of Celano wrote that St. Francis “squandered and wasted his time miserably” before he became the “father of the poor.” How does this statement reflect the foundations of St. Francis’s thought? What were his main contributions?
Saint Francis gave up all of his crap to become a friar. THis quote reprents his thought perfectly.
4. An old saying described the social structure of medieval Europe as “those who pray, those who fight, and those who work.” What does this saying really mean? Compare this social system and its eventual transformation during the High Middle Ages to the social structure of other societies during the same period.
This means that there where a lot of jobs but they all had 3 basic purpoes. IT was a good prosperic time. for all of the people. they where so happy it was redic
5. What can the crusades tell us about the changing face of Europe during the High Middle Ages? What were the consequences, both good and bad, of the crusades?
This question makes no sense. What is the changing face. he crusades got land ofr the people in the middle ages they also made bank.
6. Examine the emerging political and economic world of Western Europe during the High Middle Ages. How does the western European world compare to the situation in China, India, the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic states, and sub-Saharan Africa during the same period?
The economic world was just great. they had all kinds off cool stuff and jobs to do. They traded with all differant area. They had it off pretty good compared to people in some of the other places in this question.
7. What can the turbulent religious world of the High Middle Ages tell us about Europe during this period? What roles did St. Thomas Aquinas, the Franciscans and Dominicans, and the popular heresies play?
All of these rleigious orders/ cults helped out the religions a lot. They gathered more followers. This helped out all kinds of crazy religous people. 666 there where some devil relgions
8. Examine the origins and growth of the Holy Roman Empire. What were its strengths and its main limitations?
the holy roman empire grew due to cathedrals and trade and growing population. Its main strengths were size, limitations were money
9. Examine the investiture contest. What were the foundations of this conflict? How did it represent the essential struggle between church and state? How did this conflict influence European history?
The foundation of the conflict was the pope wanting to keep everything holy. it represented that struggle because pope- religious state- money.
10. How was Europe influenced by economic expansion and increased trade during the High Middle Ages? Why was long-distance trade so important?
Europe was influenced bey economic expansion by the growth in population. Long distance trade was important because with this trade, they could get products from all around the world. Now isnt that dandy?