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66 Cards in this Set

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What is Electromagnetic Radiation?

Transverse waves produced by the motion of electromagnetic particles

How fast do E.M. waves travel?

E.M. waves travel at 300,000 km/s OR 186,000 mi/s

What kind of waves do not need a medium to transfer energy?

E.M. waves

What are radio waves?

Radio waves are waves that have low-frequency and long wavelength

What are gamma rays?

Gamma waves are waves that have high frequency and short wavelength

E.M. Radiation exhibits both _________ and _________ behavior.

particle-like, wave-like

Radio waves have______ _______ and _____ _______.

long wavelength and low frequency

Radio waves will be found at the ______ end of end of the ______________ ____________________.

left, E.M. Spectrum

Micro waves have the _________ _______________ and ________ of all radio waves

highest frequency, energy

Microwaves cause popcorn kernels to pop by......

bringing the moisture inside them to boil

Why are some containers "Microwave safe"?

because they allow the microwaves to pass through them easily and little energy is absorbed

Infrared radiation has a _______ slightly longer than ________ ________.

wavelength, visible light

What does our skin absorb when we are out in the sun?

Our skin absorbs kinetic energy from infrared radiation.

The measurement of infrared radiation is used by doctors to locate certain ______.


The measurement of infrared radiation is used to show areas of ________ so as to conserve energy in buildings

energy loss

The measurement of _______ _________ is used in home security to activate lights or alarms

infrared radiation

___________ __________: the only part of the E.M. spectrum that is visible to the human eye

Visible radiation

The visible light spectrum includes ___, _____, ______, _____, ____, ______, and _______.

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

Uses of visible radiation (light) include......

1. Causes certain chemical reactions to occurs

2. Provides energy for photosynthesis

3. Stimulates chemical reactions in your eyes to allow vision

4. Stimulates decomposition reactions

Ultraviolet radiation: Higher frequency than visible lightIts photons have more energy than the photons of visible light it has the ability to ______ living tissue


What are the negative effects or uses of UV radiation?

Overexposure kills healthy cells

Produces sagging, dry skin

Causes skin cancer

What are the positive effects or uses of UV radiation?

Works in skin cells to produce vitamin D

Used in hospitals to kill bacteria and viruses

Ozone is produced naturally through _______ and electrical discharge reactions (lightening)


What is ozone?

Ozone is a gaseous form of oxygen found in the upper atmosphere that blocks out most of the sun’s ultraviolet rays

What is the chemical formula for ozone?

The chemical formula for ozone is 03

X-rays have __________ ________and ________ ___________ than ultraviolet radiation

shorter wavelengths, higher frequencies

The photons in x-rays have the ability to.....

penetrate less dense solids such as living flesh but are stopped by bones or calcium-rich tissue

___________ _______ are the highest frequency and most penetrating of all the E.M. Waves

Gamma rays

Gamma rays are emitted from the _____ of ___________ ________

nuclei of radioactive atoms

____________ _______ ______ are lethal to living cells

Concentrated gamma rays

Symptoms of gamma ray exposure include.....(Name 4)

Nausea, vomiting and disorientation

Bruising and inability to heal wounds

Bleeding from bodily orifices

Bloody diarrhea and vomit

Radiation burns

Hair loss

Headaches, weakness and fatigue

Mouth sores

Seizures and tremorsFever and infections

What do opaque materiels do?

Opaque materials absorb or reflect all light and cannot be seen through.

The type of matter in an object determines the amount of light it ________ and _______

absorbs and reflects

___________ ___________ allow light to pass through them and can be seen through clearly

Transparent materials

____________ _______________ allow some light to pass through but you cannot clearly see all objects through them

Translucent materials

An object appears to have a certain color because when white light strikes the object only the color we ___________ is _________ to our eyes

perceive, reflected

White objects reflect ______ colors of light


Black objects reflect_____ color


The colors of the visible light spectrum include.....

red, orange, yellow, green, blue indigo, violet

Photoreceptive cells on the retina convert light into__________ ________ and transmit them to the brain to produce our sight

electrical impulses

____ are cells that are sensitive to dim light and useful for night vision


_______ are the cells that allow us to distinguish colors and detailed shapes. They are most useful in daytime vision


What are three types of cone cells?

Red cones, Green cones, Blue cones

What do the three types of cone cells see?

Red cones- see red and yellow

Green cones see yellow and green

Blue cones see blue and violet

A _______ is a colored material that absorbs some colors and reflects others


Pigments are usually made of __________ _____________ ______________

insoluble powdered chemicals

Incandescent lighting is produced by a ______ _________ called a __________.

thin wire , filament

Incandescent lights waste ____% of their energy in producing heat (infrared light) not visible light


Fluorescent lights are essentially a glass tube filled with ____________ _____________.

argon gas.

When the electricity is turned on, the electrons collide with the gas molecules to make them give off_____________ _____________.

ultraviolet radiation

Fluorescent lights use only _____ of the energy used by incandescent bulbs to produce the same amount of visible light


Fluorescent bulbs last __ ___________ _____________ than incandescent bulbs

10 times longer

What are three major advantages to the use of LED lighting?

LED lights last many times longer than fluorescent or incandescent lights LED lights do not contain dangerous materials like mercuryLED lights use far less electricity than other types of lighting

When does reflection occur?

reflection occurs when a wave strikes an object and bounces off. Reflection occurs with all types of waves- EM, sound and water.

What is an incident beam?

the wave that strikes an objectReflected beam: the wave that bounces off an object

What does The law of reflection state?

The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

What is an angle perpendicular to the reflective surface




The amount of bending that occurs depends on the ________ ____ ___________ in both materials

speed of light

The greater the difference in _____, the greater the amount of _____________.

speed, refraction

The angle between normal and the ray entering the medium is called the ________ ____ ____________.

angle of incidence

The angle between normal and the ray after it has entered medium is called the _________ ___ _______________.

angle of refraction

What is superposition?

when two waves interact, the principle of superposition says that the resulting wave function is the sum of the two individual wave functions.

What is diffraction?

the bending of light rays around a barrier. All types of waves can be refracted to some extent

what is the measured angle between the angle of the incoming beam of light and normal?

Angle of incidence

What is the measured angle between the angle of the outgoing beam of light and normal?

Angle of reflection: the measured angle between the angle of the outgoing beam of light and normal