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69 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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When was the gilded age
What were robber barons
Tycoons of industry running monopolies (trusts)
How many miles of railroads did us have by 1890?
193000 miles
Who was jay gloud
Stock speculation
What did Vanderbilt do
Ships then railroads
What did rokefellar do
Standard oiil co
What is the standard oil co today
Exxon mobile
What is vertical monopoly
To own something from the bottom up such all oil mines and gas stations
Who did vertical monopoly
Who was the first billionaire
What were muerakers
Investigative reporters
Who was a mueraker
Ida torbell
What helped steel take off
Bessemer converter
What was the first billionaire corp
us steel
Who came up with the first billionaire corp
What was steel used for
Rr bridges and sky scrapers
How much did Carnegie make a year
23 million
How many hours a week did workers work
How much were they paid
12 cents
How much a year
Who was known for banking
Jp morgan
What was the deal he and Carnegie made on the golf course
Buy us steel for 480 million
How did the rich justify being rich
Social Darwinism, the gospel of wealth, and lasses faire economic
What was social Darwinism
Surviva; of the fittest nature-natural law
What was the gospel of wealth
Carnegie rich should give back, gave 300 million in libraries
What was lassez faire economic
Leave it alone, govt must leave business alone
What was patronage
Spoils systems
What was the spoil system
Reward your friends with govt jobs
How did the workers contribute to this party
Paid 2-3 % of their salary back to party
What did the local and state govt have
Party bosses
Who was a famous party boss in nyc
Boss tweed
Who were the two dem pres from 1856-1928
Cleveland and Wilson
Who runs for the election of 1876
Hayes (r) vs tilden (d)
Who wins
What happens to the spoils system
Replaced with the civil service
What happens as a result
Spilts the republican party
Who were the people for civil service
Who were the people that were neutral
Who were the people against civil service
Who ran for the election of 1880
Garfield (r) and aurther (d)
Who won
Who assinated Garfield
Charlies giteau
Who came up with the civil service act
Chester aurther
Who ran in the election of 1884
Cleveland (d) and blaine (R)
Who won
What was the solid south
White voted dem and you voted that way or you were shot
What was the nickname given by the rep party
Rum, rebellion, and Romanism
Who ran in the election of 1888
Cleveland vs Harrison
Who won
Who ran in the election of 1892
Cleveland vs Harrison
Who won
What happened that cursed Cleveland
Panic of 1893
Who ran for pres in 1896
McKinley vs William Jennings Bryon
What was McKinley’s fight
What was Bryon’s fight
Who wins
What were the three political issues
The tariff, railroads, and gold-silver
What was the tariff on
Tax on imports
Who was opposed
Rep, businessman
What was against
Dem, farmers
What was the railroad controversy
High transportation costs, monopoly
What did farmers want with railroads
The g range low fees
What was passed for rr
Interstate commerce act and Sherman anti-trust act
Who fought for suffrage
Elizabeth stantan and susan b Anthony
Who fought for prohibition
Carry nation
Who fought for anti-lynching
Ida wells
What and when did lizzie borden do
Killed her parents 1893
What three important things did Edison invent
Light bulb, phonograph, and motion picture
What did bell invent