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42 Cards in this Set

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T/F FDR's advisors didn't want the gov't to interfere with the economy


How did FDR trigger an economic downturn in 1937?

Cut gov't spending

What health problems did FDR experience?


How many men had the CCC employed before it was shut down in 1942?

3 million

How did the FDIC restore the American faith in banks?

Gave insurance to depositors

Who was Henry Morgenthau? Why was he significant to Chapter 18?

He was the secretary of Treasure. He was significant because he helped greatly with the New Deal

What was the Civilian Conservation Corps responsible for during FDR's presidency?

Gave public work relief to those who were unemployed/ looking for work

What did the Glass- Steagall Act prohibit banks from doing?

Prohibited banks from using depositors money

Why was the American Liberty League formed?

Because some people didn't agree with the New Deal

What was the purpose of the Civilian Works Administration

To create jobs to the unemployed

Describe the Wagner Act

Workers can organize unions without getting in trouble from their employers

What was the public works administration responsible for?

Made jobs and It built large-scale public works such as dams, bridges, hospitals, and schools.

What group was formed that sponsored the "Federal Number One" program?

works progress administration

Describe the National Housing Act

Make better housing at lower prices

Describe the Social Security Act

provide benefits to elderly and disabled people

Who proposed a monthly pension of $200 to people over 60


What promoted codes of Fair Competition?

National Industrial Recovery Act

Who was the head of the federal emergency relief administration?

Harry Hopkins

Describe the Securities act of 1933

First major federal legislation to regulate the offer and sale of securities.

What piece of legislation that was part of the new deal established a 40 hour workweek for many workers?

Fair Labor Standards Act

Describe the right wing opposition to FDR's New Deal

Wanted the Gov't to lay off- gov't had too many regulations

What group of people began to show support for the Democratic party?


Describe the Agricultural Adjustment Act

Reduced agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land and to kill off excess livestock.

Describe the position of FDR's advisers who supported the New Nationalism

Wanted gov't to work with businesses

Describe FDR's personality

Outdoors man, persuasive, and convincing, loved the outdoors

What did the National Industrial Recovery Act set up before it was deemed unconstitutional?

Industrial Codes

Senator Henry Long wanted the gov't to ________?

Share the wealth

Explain the Federal Number One program

Gave people of the arts employment

What was one of the first topics FDR addressed in his "fireside chats"?


Why was FDR's "court-packing plan" a serious mistake?

Because it appeared to interfere with the constitution's separation of powers

Why did many state governors declare bank holidays during the Depression?

To stop bank runs

Describe the Home Owners Loan Corp

Refinance homes to prevent foreclosure

How did the Emergency Banking Relief Act help to solve the banking crisis?

By issuing licenses to banks that were examined by federal officials

What was the Committee for Industrial Organization responsible for organizing?

All skilled and unskilled workers in the automobile industry

What was the main purpose of the Townsend plan?

free up jobs for umemployed

What did FDR create during his presidency to regulate the stock market?

SEC -securities and exchange commision

How did FDR win popularity as a governor of NY?

By helping people economically

What was the first thing FDR believed needed to happen to fight the Depression?

Restore faith in American banks

How did the Agricultural Adjustment Administration try to help farmers?

By paying them to not grow crops

Describe the Second Hundred Days

Important social legislation was enacted. (First 15 acts)

What did FDR's advisers that supported New Freedom believe?

Wanted gov’t to break up big businesses

What happened in the case Schechter vs US?

Congress struck down NIRA