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45 Cards in this Set

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Bulbourethral gland / cowper's glands

Pair of pea sized glands that empty into the urethra just before it extends through the penis

Chancre / venereal sore

A skin lesion, usually of primary syphilis, that begins at the site of infection as a small raised area and develops into a red painless ulcer with a scooped-out appearance


Use of subfreezing temperature to destroy tissue. The coolant is circulated through a metal probe, chilling it to as low as 160 C.

When the probe touches the tissues of the body, The moist tissues adhere to the cold metal of the probe and freeze


Removal of dirt, damaged tissue, and cellular debris from a wound or a burn to prevent infection and promote healing




Painful urination


Ejecting or expelling the semen from the male urethra


Surgical removal of the epididymis


A tightly coiled tubule that resembles a comma.

Purpose is that of housing the sperm until they mature, becoming fertile and motile.

Mature sperm are stored in the lower portion of this.


Acute or chronic inflammation of epididymis

Condition can be the result of a urinary tract infection


Fluid, pus, or serum slowly discharged from cells or blood vessels through small pores or breaks in cell membranes


Weak; lacking normal muscle tone

Foreskin / prepuce

A loose retractable fold of skin covering the tip of the penis

Glans penis

Tip of penis

Gonad / male sex gland / testes

Primary organs of reproductive system

Kaposi's sarcoma

A malignant growth that begins as soft , brownish or purple rest areas on the feet and slowly spreads in the skin, spreading to the lymph nodes and internal organs

Occurs most often in men and is associated in AIDS


A vague feeling of bodily weakness or discomfort often marking onset of disease


Foul smelling ; having a bad odor


Ability to move spontaneously


Characteristic of a combination of mucus and pus

Opportunistic infection

Infection caused by normally nondisease-producing organisms that sets up in a host whose resistance has been decreased by surgery, illnesses and disorders such as AIDS


Surgical fixation of an undescended testicle


Technique used in physical examinations that involves feeling parts of the body with the hands

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Inflammation of the upper female genital tract (cervix, uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes (aka salpingitis)) ; may be associated with securely transmitted diseases


Area between the scrotum and the anus in the male and between the vulva and anus in the female


Any agent or regimen that contributes to the prevention of infection and disease

Prostate gland

Gland that surrounds the base of urethra, which secretes a milky colored secretion into the urethra during ejaculation

This secretion enhances the motility of sperm and helps neutralize secretions within vagina


Removal of all or part of the prostate gland

Discussion of 2 approaches to removing the prostate gland is presented in the section on diagnostic techniques


Producing or containing pus


An instrument used to remove tissue surgically from the body. It has a light source and lens attached for viewing the area

Residual urine

Urine that remains in the bladder after urination

Residual urine test

Obtaining a catheterized specimen after the patient has emptied the bladder by voiding, to determine the amount of urine remaining in the bladder; aka residual specimen


Inflammation of fallopian tubes; aka pelvic inflammatory disease


External sac that houses the testicles.

Located posterior to the penis and is suspended from the perineum


Combination of sperm and various secretions that is expelled from the body through the urethra during sex

Seminal vesicle

Glands that secrete a thick yellowish fluid (seminal fluid) into the vas deferens

Seminiferous tubules

Specialized coils of tiny tubules responsible for production of sperm; located in testes


Mature male germ cell


Male gonads or make sex glands responsible for production of spermatozoan and secretion of testosterone


Male hormone secreted by the testes, responsible for the secondary sex characteristic changes that occur in the male with the onset of puberty.

Changes include facial hair etc


Apparatus worn to prevent or block the herniation of the intestines or other organ through an opening in the abdominal wall


Small tubular structure extending the length of the penis that transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body


Inflammation of urethra

Vas deferens

Narrow straight tube that transports sperm from the epididymis to ejaculatory duct


blisters; small raised skin lesions containing clear fluid