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13 Cards in this Set

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Air pollution

The presence of chemicals in the air at levels high enough to harm humans, other organisms, ecosystems, or a human made materials or objects

Air pollutants

Agents that cause air pollution


Is the mixture of gasses that surround the Earth


The atmospheric layer nearest the Earth's surface, contains most of the planets


The Earth's 2nd layer of air. Contains much of the atmosphere's small amount of ozone

Ozone layer

Sub layer of the lower stratosphere containing the ozone

Greenhouse effect

The ability of the atmosphere to temporarily store the sun's energy received by the Earth as heat

Greenhouse gasses

Gasses that interact with solar energy to have a warming effect on the Earth's atmosphere. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide

Carbon cycle

The continual circulation of various compounds of life sustaining carbon through the air, water, soil, and living organisms

Fossil fuels

Ancient deposits of carbon containing substances, including coal, oil, and natural gas, that can be burned

Nitrogen cycle

Cycle in which different chemical forms of nitrogen repeatedly cycle through air, water, soil, and living organism

Nitrogen cycle

Sulfur Cycle