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11 Cards in this Set

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what is a moral subjectivist and moral realist?

ms= a person who judges moral acts according to the intention behind it rather than the physical consequences

mr= judges moral acts according to the physical consequences rather than the intentions behind it

what did piaget find in children aged 6 or 7 when it comes to moral judgements in children?

older children were moral subjectivist and younger children were moral realist( judging more spilled ink naughtier even if intentions are good)

what did parsons, ruble, klosson, fledman & rholes say about piaget's theory of moral judgement in children?

they had memory limitation, in the story lazy painter boy who painted more and diligent painter with smaller brush painted else children say more paint btr so piaget is right

what did nicholls & wimmer suggest about children's moral judgements?

nicholls,more to do with failure to understand cause and effect relationships

wimmer said, due to lack of understanding how efforts features in outcome

what is a moral dillemma?

a dilemma arising from conflict between two moral codes, ex. the law and with one's conscience

what is the 3 levels of moral development that coincides with piaget's theory of cognitive development

lvl1, preconventional morality (preoperational intelligence)

lvl 2, conventional morality (concrete operations)

lvl 3, postconventional morality (formal operations)

what is the 6 stages of cognitive developmental theory?

stage 1: punishment/obedience. wtvr leads to punishment is wrong

stage 2: right way to behave is the way that is rewarded

stage 3: good intentions. conform to 'good behaviour'. morality involves seeking approval of authority

stage 4: obedience to authority. follow law n social norms

stage 5: diff between moral n legal right. recognise rules sometimes should be broken

stage 6: individual principles of conscience. takes into acc of likely views of everyone affected by moral decision

what is the feel good principle?

a kind of morality that says an act is justifiable if it yielded positive benefits for the person carrying out the act

what did kids aged 4-8 years judge when protagonist stole some sweets she wanted

8 yr olds tested judged the protagonist felt bad

6 yrs below judged protagonist felt good cuz got what she wanted

Kohlberg predicted the shift in development

what did hamlin , wynn & bloom find out about 6 months yr old in the story of red ball, blue square & green triangle

children choose nice characters, choose blue square to play with

what did vaish,carpenter & Tomasello find out about children helping an adult that unintentionally did harm and an adult that wanted to do harm but failed?

contrary to piaget's findings, children help the adult who unintentionally did harm. children took into acc the intention and not just damage. engage in prosocial behaviour