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94 Cards in this Set

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Many factors influence LE organizations. What types of external factors internally influence the LE agency in recuitment and personnel areas

- Operational and crime issues.

CH 1 (1)

What are the two skills that make us successful at work and in relationships

Intraperson (ability to manage oneself)-self discipline, honesty, self awareness ect....

Interpersonal ( ability to deal with other people) -oral communications, non-verbal communication, listening ect..

ch1 (2)

Where do humans learn interperson and intrapersonal skills

- family

- neighborhood and community

- school

- chruch

- peers

ch1 (3)

Parents generally love their children but will not

attend to their instruction, spend time and train them to control their anger, exercise self control, and master critical skills

Ch1 (4)

Peers are often regarded as a negative influence, but

can have a positive role in the socialization process.

Ch1 (5)

Who is now the primary socialization tool in American culture ?

The media

Ch1 (5)

Socially unskilled = Frustration and Fear =

- Fight


- Flight beahavior.

ch1 (7)

Define Frustrability:

Not a real word but a term coined to describe what individuals lack when they are unable to handle thing not going their way. (americans can't handle "no" because they were not socialized and this leads to violence)

ch1 (8)

According to the Author he what does he believe is the cause of much of the violence in America

lack of frustrability (cannot deal with situtions that involve rejection, criticism, sarcasm and so forth).

ch1 (9)

Typical Flight behavior includes

- alcohol and drug abuse

- addictions/escapisms such as pronography, gambling,

- socially acceptable forms of escapism such as too much TV, internet, shopping ect....

ch1 (11)

Intra and inter personal skills are especially important in societys undergoing .....

transitions and flux.

ch 1 (12)

Define Xenophobia

fear of people who are different.

ch1 (12)

Economic factors will always aggravate

- racial and ethnic differences.

What is the most serious impact on American Policing today

Funding agency budgets.

what has lead to increased emphasis on not being aggressive in operational matters or proactive on personnel issues.

The managers fear of being sued.

ch1 (15)

What issue strongly influences LE officers and their organizations

Cynicism about human behavior

ch2 (17)

How does cynicism effect leadership

- cops tend not to trust a leader's motivation

- Will likely assume an agenda or ulterior motive when you attempt leadership

-rewards for exemplary behavior will be dismissed as touchey feely.

ch2 (18)

Occupational focus on bad behavior affects supervisors in what 2 ways

1) tend to ignore good/exemplary behavior

2) tend to focus on disciplining employees, because they are trained to look for bad behavior.

ch2 (18)

What do older generation employees mention about GEN X and Y attitudes:

- Self centered

- lack of career mindedness (loyalty to agency)

- impatience regarding promotion and assignments (resist paying dues)

- lack of respect for rank authority.

Older employees are most noted for thier....

Cynicism and resistance to change.

What 2 issues have raised the emotional stakes within the organizational culture?

1) accusations of racial profiling

2) the impact of affirmative action.

ch2 (23)

Failing to address racial profiling __________ will affect the leaders credibility


ch2 (23)

which practice violates the foundational leadership principals of fairness and accountability

promotiong margianal employees or failing to confront problem employees because of their race or female

ch2 (24)

What 2 ways do unions approach leadership

1) positive: work w/ the organization address problem employees

2) Adversarial: leaders must prove that their ongoing actions and values are not a gimmick

ch 2 (25)

What % of managers show leadership

5-10 %

Bad managers affect leadership in 2 ways

1) they create cynicsm

2) Bad managers become uncomforable if not hostile ( example of disiplined employee).

CH 2 (27)

What are the 3 types of Managers

1) Leaders: Generate commitment, lead by example (estimate 10 %)

2) Evil manages: constantly destructive to the org. distrusted and dispised, strong ethical and charagcter problems (10%)

3) Ineffective managers: ethical and caring people do not consistently practice good leadership (80%)

Seven laws of leadership: LAW #1

Intergity and honor:

Leaders: high premium is placed on integrity. leaders stand up for employees even when it is not politically dangerous to do.

Evil managers: viewed as liars, unethical

Ineffective managers: in between leaders and evil mng. make politically expediant choices.

Law #2 Servanthood

Leaders: servants to others, unselfish, not take rank to seriously

Evil : seen as talking down to subordinates, help others only if it serves their own agenda.

Inefrective: unselfish to degree but always looking out for their own interests. (trouble making decisions)

LAW # 3 Mentorship

Leaders: caring and believing inpersonnel, view mistakes as learning process yet encourage exemplary work.

Evil: caring only for themselves, view everyone as a problem

Ineffective: view employees as sources of getting them in trouble. aloof dont take interest in employee

Law # 4 Professionalism

Leaders: Skilled professionals, constantly learn new skills necessary for job and leadership. Always willing to listen to opinions.

Evil: believe training and education are useless, they have all the answers

Ineffective: interested in admin training that will help them move up the ladder, many believe they get promoted to chief of police mor that leaders do.

Law # 5 Positive attitude, emotions and temperment

Leaders: generally positive about the mission and employees in general. emotionally stable always calm and predictable.

Evil: no being very emotional attributed to being consistently negative about the agency mission and people.

Ineffective: Most emotional and inconsistent. because of personal agenda and lack of rapport they respond emotionally when things go wrong.

Law #6 Reinforcement and Accountability

Leaders: balance encouragemen and accountability. Clear in expectations, fair and consistent.

Evil: Role solely as enforcers to punish. Do not believe in rewards and and encouragement.

Ineffective: inconsistent in terms of accountabilitiy. unskilled or unsure of how to handle problem employees. (vague letter or policy that punishes everyone).

Law # 7 Proactive Communication

Leaders: masters of verbal and non-verbal communication.

Evil: Communicate only to manipulate or destroy others. Gossip and spread rumors

Ineffective: poor communicators. Little rapport or trust with the rank and file.

What type of managers are the most common and what %

Ineffective managers, 80 %

Paradigm # 1

Normal VS Abnormal Behavior: we are not normally prone to leadership. natrually selfish and self centered.

Leaders are abnormal and act contrary to human behavior (agency will generally oppose them because it is abnormal behavior)

Evidence that leadership is not normal is that agencies generally

Do not react against poor management

Paradigm # 2

Feelings and emotions vs Skills and actions

-confuse beliefs and feelings with skills and action

- do not see ourselves as we really are

-cannot trust our own perception of how we are doing as a leader, parent, spouse

Paradigm # 3

Knowledge vs Skills:

-effectiveness is influenced by our skills and prior learning.

- most of us dont have good role models in our personnal and professional careers.

(read the outline)

Paradigm #4

Normal intentions vs Abnormal discipline:

- having the intrapersonal skill of discipline is necessary to be an efective leader.

- force ourselves to be leaders by doing the right thing

- leaders are selfish people who force themselves to do unselfish things.

Paradigm # 5

"Self discipline" vs Accountability:

- most of us are not self disciplined, much more likely to become reality if others hold us accountable.

-Accountability makes us much more likely to do the right thing.

Paradigm # 6

Leading others vs leading with others:

- tend to show discpline consistely when we tackle problems with others.

- others will hold us accountable and give us courage when we know we are not alone.

Leadership usually requires

- Accountabilty

- Assistance from others.

what is the foundation for becoming an effecive leader in the LE culture.

Managing yourself.

What are the 5 warnings of leadership principals

1) Don't trust yourself

2) The road to hell is paved with good intentions

3) Good feelings come after obediance

4) Dont expect affirmation for doing the right thing.

5) don't do this alone

Dont trust yourself

lack of self awareness and unrealistic view of your performance will plague your abilty to lead

The Road to hell is paved with good intentions

most managers have positive thoughts, but few acutually follow through with them.

Good feeling usually come after, not before obediance:

too much emphasis on feeling, what we should do, but are often too tired to do it. (exercise example), If you schedule something you will good after you complete it. need to place more effort on Internal feelings of doing the right thing.

Don't expect affirmation from the agency or others for doing the right thing.

Cannot depend on org. hierarchy to reinforce or reward your attempts at leadership.

Dont try to do this alone

there will be 2 sources of resistance

- yourself

- others

need a few individuals to keep you on track.

5 Self Management Principals:

1) Realize that you are your biggest obsticle

2) Become Skilled

3) Write it down and schedule it or you wont do it

4) Choose to lose- discipline yourself

5) Have others hold you accountable

Realize you are the biggest obsticle

Self awareness is the most important skill in self mastery

Modeling : leadership by example is not one form of leading, its the only effective form.

Become skilled

Swiss Army knife of skills, technical skills are not as important as intra - inter personal skills.

Learn and observe good communicators, classes are not usually as effective because they are lecture.

Write it down and schedule it

most managers think of ways to be effective managers but dont follow through. Dont trust your memory

Choose to lose - discipline yourself

leaders are normal, selfish individuals who force themselves to do unselfish things. most force yourself to do the right thing even when tired.

Have others keep you accountable

we need to use positive and solicited peer pressure and accountability to give us the courage to do the right thing.

What are the guidlines for effective evals

1- must be anonymous

2- disregard numerical data associated with high and low scores

3- All suprv. and manages must be evaluated

4- Follow through on results

What are ways to know you are on the right track?

1) are we acting on things we write down

2) Change in perspective about yourself

3) Change in your attitude toward other people.

What 2 things do you need to build trust?

1) Engagement strategy

2) Necessary communication skills.

Rules of Engagement: what must you do to win others.

Invade the culture develop the mindset that consistently engaging others is important.

to engage employees, you must learn to

Go into their enviornment, this involves understanding the characteritics of proactive communication.

first Proactive communiation occurs in your subordinates workspace and enviornment and in contact that is


Second, Proactive communiation means deliberately communicating when

There is not a problem

Third, Pro comm requires winning people over

individually, if you forget someone you will not win that person.

Proactive communication scenarios include

MBWA (management by walking around)

Impromptu encounters

Employee comes to your office

Structured interviews

Special issue situation (most powerful) : occur in very negative or positive times in an employee's life.

Two other forms of effective proactive communication are

1) Telephone contact (same rules as oral comm apply)

2) Written communication.

4 major categories of engagement skills

1) Oral Communication

2) Non-verbal Com

3) Listening skills

4) Writen communication skills

Oral Communication skills

- script what you want to say

-Discuss with another person

- Gather facts

**Dont use humor unless you know the person.

Non-Verbal communication

- Kinesics : body language (gestures, mannerisms)

- Proxemic Behavior: Use and impact of distance

- Paralanguage: voice intonation upon communication (tone, pitch, and speed).

- Facial Expressions: eye contact ect....

- Haptic : touching as a form of comunication.

- Chronemic: influence of speed and time

- Appearance: grooming and Dress.

A private survey indicated that only ____% of managers were good listeners.

10 %

What things did managers do to indicate to subordinates that they did not hear the employee ?

- Interrupt

- did not pay attention

According to the book Social Intelligence Skills for LE supervisors what are some suggestions on listening ...

- Non- Verbal skills (kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage)

- Paraphrase briefly to show you understand the person.

- Do not interupt people

paraphrasing does 2 things, what are they

1) shows you understand what the person was saying

2) it allows the person to correct your misinterpretation if any.

Written communication should never be the _______ form of communication to win commitment


On LE personnel trust ___________communication more than _____________communication.

1) Written

2) Spoken

What is the most important thing about communication.

It must be Proactive.

What are the 2 divergent but critical skills of leadership?

1) Motivation: ability to encourage and reinforce good performance

2) Accountability: ability to hold others accountable, using confrontation and discipline.

****Few managers perform both well****

What are the 3 types of Employees

1) Exemplary Employee - consistently perform their work at 100 %. Always have a good attitude. (10 % of employees).

2) The Problem Employee - are lazy, terrible attitude, and generate problems for the supervisor. (10 %)

3) The Refelctive Employee- Do an adequate job and fall below the radar of most supervisors because they dont draw attention to themselves.

How to exemplary employees get mishandled

- overloaded with work

- they are appreciated but not told

- brag about them but not to them

How do problem employee's get mishandled

- we ignore behavior

-little disciplinary documentation

-refrain from giving them normal workloads.

how do we mishandle reflective employee's

- generally get ignored by supervisors

- may be best source of future supervisors

How to handle exemplary and problem behavior

- Motivation and Reinforcement

What have LEO' occupationally been trained to do

ignore good behavior and focus on bad behavior

From and individual perspective

LE might not motivate people becuae of personal issues. A percentage are self centered and individualistic. or they are bitter toward the agency.

Reinforcement methods include

1) Oral reinforcement: simply tell the person they are doing a good job, or use a second hand compliment

2) Written reinforcement: perhaps more effective for LE because LE supv. are generally more skilled at putting things in writting and LE tend to trust written doc.

3) Tangible: ribbons, medals, "challenge coins"

What is the concept of Dualism

All human beings have 2 needs

1) recognized as individuals

2) be part of something important

being part of an organization they are proud of may be more important that individual recognition.

What are the 3 motivational skills

1) write it down and schedule it

2) Practive MBWA

3) Take care not to show favoritism (ranked as the most common mistake).

The type of employees that will benefit from your disciplinary efforts most are

Reflective Employees.

What are the 2 types of Problem Employees

1) Chronic long term: few of them can be changed

2) was a reflective employee earlier in his career the second one may be redeemable.

how many people are effective spouses, parents


3 things we need to improve our personal lives

1) Physical Fitness: critical to our ability to handle various other facets of our lives.

2) Emotional Fitness: 2 best methods for handeling stress are exercise and hobbies.

3) Family relationships: must discipline ourselves to learn communication skills

What 3 behaviors increase our stress or cause us not to deal with our problems

- watching too much TV

- overeating

- working a part time job.

what is the most critical skill in improving familty relations.

Learning to discipline ourselves.

4 things it takes to really lead

1) Quest for self mastery: leaders enjoy making themselves do what needs to be done despite criticism.

2) Communication and engagement skills: pursue communication opportunities with others.

3) Encouragement and Accountability skills: must reinforce words with encouragement and accountability

4) Holistic leadership: apply self mastery, communication, motivation, skills to outside their work.