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18 Cards in this Set

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What is an enum?

Enum is an enumeration type and represents a list of possible options.

What Types Categories are used in C#.

There are three types

* Value Type

* Reference Type

* Pointers Type

When do you need to create a value type?

* The object is small

* The object is logically immutable

* There are a lot of objects

How is a value type defined?

Using keyword "struct".

What is the difference between struct and classes?

* Structs cannot declare an empty constructor

* Structs cannot be used in an inheritance hierarchy

What is overloading?

Methods that have the same name, but differ in the arguments they take.

What is the property of a static field or property?

A static field or property is shared with all the code that has access to it.

What is the role of the constructor?

* To initialize the type with data

* To run some initialization code

What high cohesion means?

A code/ class performs a well defined task. All members and methods are related in performing that task.

What low coupling means?

Low dependence between software modules.

What is Single responsibility principle?

A class should have only one responsibility.

What is Open/closed principle?

An object should be open for extensions, but closed for modifications.

What is Liskov substitution principle?

A base type should be replaceable with sub-types in each and every situation.

What is Interface segregation principle?

Use client-specific interfaces. A user of an interface should not have to implement all kinds of methods that he does not use.

What is Dependency Inversion principle?

Depend upon abstractions, not concrete implementations.

What is the difference between a static method and an extension method?

The extension method uses the special this keyword for the first argument.

What methods can be override?

The public methods marked virtual.

How can inheritance be disabled?

Using sealed keyword on a class or method.