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7 Cards in this Set

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pipe for liquid [countable] a round pipe made of metal, glass, rubber etc, especially for liquids or gases to go through

a toilet roll tube

a rough

not smooth having an uneven surface

OPP smooth

Her hands were rough from hard work.

the rough terrain at the base of the mountains

We were bumping over the rough ground.


unexpected event/situation [countable usually singular] if something that happens is a shock, you did not expect it, and it makes you feel very surprised, and usually upset

shock to

The news of his death came as a great shock to everyone.

it was a shock to find/discover etc that

It was a real shock to hear that the factory would have to close.


intransitive] to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts


He began sobbing uncontrollably.


1 [intransitive, transitive] formal if something terminates, or if you terminate it, it ends

SYN end

The court ruled that the contract must be terminated.

a woman’s decision on whether or not to terminate the pregnancy


1 [intransitive, transitive] formal if something terminates, or if you terminate it, it ends

SYN end

The court ruled that the contract must be terminated.

a woman’s decision on whether or not to terminate the pregnancy


dead person to put someone who has died in a GRAVE

bury somebody in/at etc something

He was buried in the churchyard of St Mary’s.