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8 Cards in this Set

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liquid/gas/electricity [countable usually singular] a smooth steady movement of liquid, gas, or electricity

flow of

He struggled to swim against the flow of the water.

I tied a towel round his leg to try to stem the flow of blood.


an area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains, usually with a river flowing through it

the San Fernando Valley


countable, uncountable] the crime of deliberately killing someone manslaughter


On the night the murder was committed, he was out of the country.

The man accused of her murder will appear in court today.

murder of

the brutal murder of a child

He was found guilty of attempted murder.

She was charged with two counts of first degree murder.

The mother of the murder victim wept in court.

Police are searching for the murder weapon.

Detectives have launched a murder investigation.

A freak

informal someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject so that other people think they are strange or unusual

a fitness freak

a religious freak

a computer freak

A freak

informal someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject so that other people think they are strange or unusual

a fitness freak

a religious freak

a computer freak


countable] a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a particular purpose


trip to

Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland?

trip from

The Palace is only a short trip from here.

business/school/shopping etc trip

a business trip to Japan

Two lucky employees won a round-the-world trip.


1 [intransitive, transitive] to start to burn, or to make something start to burn

He stopped to light a cigarette.

I lit the fire and poured a drink.

I couldn’t get the candles to light.


knowledge/skill [uncountable] knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this

experience of/in/with

You’ve got a lot of experience of lecturing.

my experience in many areas of the music business

He had no previous experience of managing a farm.

The advice in the booklet reflects the