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12 Cards in this Set

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What is an empire

Is a collection of areas of land or countries that are controlled by one leading country

Positives of the empire

Connected many countries,

Modernised many countries,

Boosted Christianity

Negatives of the British empire

Countries may have not liked being ruled,

Many natives were killed

What are the 4 ways britain gained an empire





How many collenies did Britain own in Africa


What countries where in the British empire

Africa, India, Australia New Zealand, America

What was the east India company

It was a company set up on the the East Coast of India. Trading posts where set up along the coast and then they grew to major cities. This meant that the east India company had a lot of power, so they soon got their own army and navy. They attacked regional rulers slowly taking over land but then the Indians in there army started complaining about the beef in their guns so the British government took all control of india.

Who discover America

Christopher collimbus

Who discovers australia

Captain Cook

How many colonies where in America


When did America declare there independance

1776 4th july

How long did it take America to have independance

5 years