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24 Cards in this Set

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Main characteristic of foliage leaves

Flat and thin to absorb light and CO2

Thinly constrained

Can't accumulate cells over time.

What are petiolate leaves?

Leaves with a petiole

What are sessile leaves?

Leaves that do not have a petiole.

What is the sheathing Leaf stem?

Found in many monocots, protects the meristem

Parts of the leaf (6)

Blade, vein, epidermis, stem, petiole, stipule

Simple vs. Compound leaves

Simple leaves have one part compound leaves have more than

Advantages to compound leaves

Can move in wind and water without tearing. Wind brings in more CO2.

Pinnate vs. Palmate leaves

Pinnate goes in one direction, palmate goes in multiple directions

What veination do dicots have?


What veination do monocots have?


What is the abscission zone?

Cuts off the leaf at the appropriate time.

What do trichomes do?

Reduce water loss and protect from insects

What do leaves do to reduce water loss

Increase wax on epidermis

What is the function of Palisade mesophyll?

Main Photosynthesizing cells of leaf

Structure of Palisade mesophyll

Upper portion of mesophyll and one layer of cells thick

What is the function of spongy mesophyll?

Allows CO2 to diffuse

What is the structure of spongy mesophyll?

Lower portion of the mesophyll, open, Loosely packed

What is the midrib?

Large strengthened veins along the midline of leaf

What are lateral veins?

Branch off midrib and extend to the margins.

What are minor veins?

Branch off from lateral veins

What do minor veins do?

Active site of exchange between the mesophyll and the plant's vascular system.

What are the functions of the lateral veins?


What is the function of the midrib?


What are leaf traces

Vascular bundles branching from stem