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31 Cards in this Set

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Plants that have secondary growth

Dicot and gymnosperms. Woody plants.

What is the vascular cambium?

A merge of the interfascicular cambium and the fascicular cambium that form during secondary growth. Separate xylem and phloem.

What are the fascicular cambium?

Cambium that develop within the vascular bundles in the stem of the plant.

What are the interfascicular cambium

Cambium that occupy between two vascular bundles. It is a secondary Meristem

What are fusiform initials?

Long tapered cells that divide along the perclinial wall to produce xylem to the inside and phloem to the outside.

What are Ray initials?

Short cube-shaped cells that produce short cells mainly storage parenchyma in xylem and phloem in albuminous cells in gymnosperms.

What is storied cambium?

Cambium with cells that are short and only touch at the tip

What is non storied cambium?

Cambium with cells that are much more elongated an overlap more.

Types of Ray initials

Uniseriate, biserate, and multiserate

What is the axial system made of and what does it do.

Made of tracheid cells and vessel elements; used for transportation

What gives rise to the axial system?

Fusiform initials

What is the difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms?

Angiosperms: hardwood and fiber

Gymnosperms: softwoods and does not require fibers.

What gives rise to the radial system?


What cells are the radial system composed of?


What is the function of the radial system?


Difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms when it comes to the radial system.

Gymnosperms will also contain Ray tracheids. Angiosperms won't

How are growth rings formed?

Annual cycle of vascular cambium becoming dormant in the winter results in rings

What is early wood?

Wood developed in the spring and summer that has lots of wide vessels and tracheids.

What is late wood?

Slow-growing wood developed in the fall may have more fibers, narrow tracheids

What is Heartwood?

Center of a log, Is darker in color and dryer?

What is sapwood?

Outer part, lighter, higher water content

What is ring porous wood?

Wood that has vessels which results in more distinct lines between Springwood and last season's wood.

What is diffuse porous wood?

Wood with small diameter pores

How is Heartwood formed?

Vessels stop functioning and are sealed off.

What is reaction wood?

Wood that forms in place of normal wood in response to gravity? Trees produce uneven layers of secondary xylem to account for this.

What cells make up secondary phloem?

Sieve tubes, companion cells, and Ray parenchyma. Also has axial and radial systems.

What is the function of secondary phloem?

Transports nutrients

How long does a secondary phloem function?

1 year

What is the purpose of cork cambium?

Secondary growth that replaces the epidermis in Roots and stems.

Difference between inner and outer bark

Outer bark-all tissue outside cork cambium.

Inner bark-all secondary phloem between Cork & Vascular cambium

What are lenticels?

Areas in Cork that allow for gas exchange