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85 Cards in this Set

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traits that show continuous variation, i.e. cannot be put into discrete classes, are controlled by...
many genes
Alleles are....
different forms of a gene at a specific locus.
What is the sequence of the RNA molecule produced from this DNA template: GACTGCAC
Describe replication
making 2 DNA molecules from a DNA template
Synthesis of a protein in plant cells requires:
ribosomal RNA, messenger RNA, transfer RNA, amino acids
In plants, meiosis occurs in
What occurs during the S Phase of the cell cycle?
DNA replication
Cell division in bacteria produces:
offspring that are genetically identical to each other and the parent.
Meiosis creates novel combinations of genes by:
recombining genes between homologous chromosomes.
It occurs after DNA replication, a spindle helps move sister chromatids, produces genetically identical offspring, starts with a diploid cell.
MITOSIS. (key to remember that it DOES NOT end with 4 haploid cells...)
Does a trait that shows incomplete dominance still follow Mendel's rules of inheritance?
YES, only one allele is passed from each parent to each offspring.
In a DIhybrid cross between plants with 2 different traits, the ratio of PHENOTYPES in F2 would be:
T/F: The first amino acid in every protein is methionine.
T/F: All plants reproduce using flowers.
T/F: The ribosome translates DNA into RNA
T/F: Plants can reproduce only through sexual reproduction and alternation of generations.
T/F: Bacteria and Archaea are ancient distinct groups of eukaryotes.
T/F/\: DNA replication is very accurate and makes few errors.
T/F: Meiosis takes place in cells in meristem tissue.
T/F: The fossil record contains very few examples of extinct plant species.
T/F: Cyanobacteria are the only bacteria that perform photosynthesis.
T/F: Spores are produced by meiosis.
T/F: No bacteria are able to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere.
T/F: 3 nucleotides encode each amino acid in the genetic code.
T/F: the number of chromosomes in a cell changes during meiosis
T/F: the female part of a flower contains a sigma and a style.
T/F: There are specific codons that start and stop the process of replication.
The sporophyte and the gametophyte of plants are ___cellular.
In angiosperms the process of double fertilization produces:
zygote and endosperm
The large size of seeds compares to spores is an advantage because:
They are easier for birds to eat and they provide more nutrients to the embryo
In pine trees, the female gametophyte:
remains attached to the parental plant.
One of the weaknesses of Darwin's original theory of evolution by natural selection was that:
he didn't know how characteristics were inherited.
Compelling evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts are derived from prokaryotes comes from
DNA sequence and analysis.
Among the angiosperms, monocots, and dicots can be distinguished by 3 things...
number of cotyledons, organization of vascular tissue in stems, and pattern of veins in leaves.
First group of green plants to colonize on land.
In which group of land plants is the gametophyte the predominant stage?
Which group of green plants was the first to contain chloroplasts?
green algae
Which group of green plants was the first to develop a lignified vascular system?
Which of group of green plants was the first to produce seeds?
The seed consists of ____ surrounded by nutritive tissue.
an embryo
In bryophytes the sporophyte is...
attached to the gametphyte
All land plants evolved from which common ancestor?
green algae
What birds did Charles Darwin breed and us as an important example of artificial selection?
Where does meiosis occur in plants?
anther an ovary
Gametes are...
egg and sperm
What are diploid and produce spores?
during the evolution of land plants, the gametophyte has...
decreased in size.
What are the structures that bryophytes use for asexual reproduction called?
gemmae cups
In bryophytes the ___ is the dominant, most conspicuous stage of a plant's life cycle.
Quantitative traits such as crop yield are affected by...
many genes.
Phenotype is observable and reflects the...
Does a trait that shows incomplete dominance still follow Mendel's rules of inheritance?
Yes, because only one allele is passed from each parent to offspring.
The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template is called:
The backbone of the DNA molecule is made up of:
phosphate and a sugar
genomes in chloroplasts and mitochondrion reveal they are most closely related to...
The development of ___ is one of the major evolutionary advances in ferns and lycophytes
vascular system
What is the advantage of plant seeds being bigger than plant spores?
they can supply a large amount of food to the embryo.
gametophytes of ferns are haploid or diploid?
double fertilization in angiosperms create:
a zygote and endosperm
flowers are composed of 4 things:
sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils
after fertilization of an ovary, a flower becomes a...
what is the function of the pollen tube?
to carry 2 sperm nuclei to the ovule
for evolution of natural selection to occur, why is it important for the production of more offspring than will survive?
must be competition for resources.
What's the difference of synthetic theory of evolution from Darwin's?
the synthetic theory includes molecular biology and genetics.
Natural selection is sometimes referred to "survival of the fittest" because.
individuals with the most advantageous traits will usually have the highest survival rates.
T/F: genetic code varies from plants, animals, and bacteria.
T/F: the entire genome is transcribes into RNA in order to make protein.
T/F: Vascular plants evolved before plants colonized on land.
T/F: the genotype of a plant is not affected by it's environment.
T/F: 2 genes that are closely linked on the same chromosome will not segregate independently.
T/F: Genetic recombination does occur during mitosis.
T/F: Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic eukarotes.
T/F: Fusion of gametes is known as pollination.
T/F: Mosses are plants that lack a vascular system.
T/F: The fossil record contains evidence for many extinct groups of seed plants.
T/F: pollen is a multicellular gametophyte.
T/F: the male part of a flower is composed of an anther and filament.
T/F: Double fertilization is a unique feature of gymnosperms.
T/F: in angiosperms, the pollen tube delivers sperm to the egg.
T/F: A gametophyte produces gametes via mitosis.
T/F: Angiosperms are the most advanced group of land plants.
T/F: Angiosperms lack a sporophyte stage in their life cycle.
T/F: Environmental factors can affect the phenotype of a plant.
T/F: 1 feature of the traits Mendel studied in peas is they were hard to distinguish.
T/F: When an allele has incomplete dominance, the phenotype of the heterozygote is distinct from the homozygote.