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56 Cards in this Set

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define digestion

breakdown of large insoluble molecules into small soluble molecules

identify the organs of the digestive system

Back (Definition)

describe the 3 roles of the skeleton

support framework and protection of organs

what’s are the difference of ball and socket joint or hinge joint

ball and socket 3 planes of moment

hinge 1 plane of movement

describe the functions of ligaments

holds bones togther at a joint


allows smooth movement of a joint and acts as a shock absorber

describe the funchfin of smooth muscle

it’s found inside organs like the small intestines and its role is to contract to move substances through its also involuntary

cardiac muscle

it’s only found in the heart and it’s role is to pump blood around the body it’s also involuntary

skeletal muscle

it’s job is to contact to move parts of the body

describe how skeletal muscles work in pairs to bring movement

muscle work in pairs when one contracts the other relaxes allowing movement in one direction

describe the role of tendons

tendons join muscle to the bone

identify the organs of the respiratory system

Back (Definition)

describe the changes wich take place in terms of if the roche and the diagram

breathing in; the ribcage moves up and out and the diaphragm contracts

breathing out ; the ribcafe moves down and the diaphragm relaxes

define the term pathogen and give example

a micro organism that classes diseas eg virus

identify methods by which pathogens can be transmitted

air water food direct contact and indirect contact

devine the first lines of defence for the immune system

skin: physical

lysozyme: enzymes found in tears

stomach acid kills pathogen

luca and cilia prevent pathogens breathed in reaching lungs

describe the role of phagocytes

engulf pathogens and digest them


proude antibodies to destroy pathogen

define the e difference between non specific and specific immunity

specific~ antibody’s are specific to a certain a pathogen

nonspecific immunity~ destroys any

describe how vaccines provide the body with immunity to disease

weekend pathogen is injected to your body to make memory cells so if your exposed you ahve the antibody’s

describe the role of antibiotics

chemicals wich kill bacteria

describe the causes of antibiotic resistance

over use of antibiotics

identify the structures of the nervous system

brain spinal cord and a large network of nerves

identify the structure of the central nervous system

brain and spinal cord

describe the role of neurons

carry electrical impulses around the body

define the term reaction time

time taken to react to a stimulus

identify the structure of an eye

cornea lens pupil iris retina optic nerve

identify the structure of the ear and give the functiom

ear drum

middle ear bones


auditory nerve

semicircular canals

what are the functions

ear drum sound waves make it vibrate

middle ear bones amplify and transmit the vibrations from the eardrum to the cochlea

cochlea receptor cells change vibrations in the fluid into electrical signal

auditory nerve carries nerve messages from ear to brain

simicircular canals fluid filled tube to help keep your balance

describe the rolde of water in a plant

used in photosynthesis and helps keep them upright

describe how root hair is suited to its function

they have finger like projections to increases surface area to absorb water

describe the structure and role of xylem

dead hollow tubes wich transport water upwards

describe the structure and role of the stomata

tiny pores wich allow water to leave the plant and let carbon dioxide in

identify the different type of cells found in the leaf and give their function

the palisade mesophyll cells within the leaf are the mains site of photosynthesis

the leaf vein is to transport water minerals and sugar

stomata allow water to evaporate and allow carbon dioxide in

guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomata

define the term transpiration

the process where water is lost by a plant through evaporation

identify the structures within a flower and give their functions

sepal protects the flower before it opens

nectary produces nectar

anther produce the male sex cell

petals attract insects

ovary produces the femal sex cell

sigma is where pollen lands

define the term sexual reproduction

the joining of genetic material of 2 organisms to produce off spring

describe the process of pollination including the difference between wind and insect pollination

insect: transfer of pollen by insects from the anther of on flower to the stigma of another

wind- transfer of pollen by wind from the anther to the stigma of another

describe how seeds can be distributed by animal internal andinal external or wind

a internal- fruit is eatin and the animals drops the seeds in feaces

external- hooks on the fruit catch on the fur of passing animals

wind - wing like structures on the fruit are blown in the wind

describe the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction

sexual- 2 parents varitian in offspring and involves seeds

asexuall- 1 parent the same offspring and doesn’t involve seeds

identity and describe three different types of asexual reproduction used by plants

runners - horizontal stem

bulbs - food store

tubers - underground food store

define the term homeostasis

homeostasis means keeping conditions in the body constant

identify three factors which must be kept constant within the body

water concentration, glucose concentration and temperature

identify how the body gains and loses water

gains water - eating, drinking and chemical reactions

loses water - urine, faeces, breathing and sweating

name the organ responsible for maintaining water balance in the body


identify the organs of the urinary system and give their functions

renal artery - carries blood to the kidneys

kidney - removes urea and maintains water balance

renal vein - takes blood away from the kidneys

ureter - takes urine from the kidney to the bladder

bladder - stores urine

describe the role of nephrons

they filter the blood

identify the structures found within a nephron

bowman’s capsule, glomerulus, blood capillaries, tubule, collecting duct

describe the process of filtration and reabsorption

filtration - blood is filtered as it flows through the glomerulus. small molecules including water, salt, urea and glucose are filtered out of the blood into the bowman’s capsule whereas blood cells and proteins are not filtered out

reabsorption - all of the glucose molecules and some of the water and salts are reabsorbed from the tubules back into the blood

explain why it is important for mammals to maintain a constant body temperature

so that enzymes are working at their fastest rate

describe the steps the body take to cool down when it is too hot including sweating, hairs lying flat and vasodilation

sweating - water in sweat is converted evaporates cooling the body

hairs lie flat - no air is trapped on the surface of the skin

vasodilation - blood vessels at the surface of the skin widen to allow heat to be lost he radiation

describe the steps the body takes to warm up when it is too cold including hairs standing up, shivering and vosiconstriciton

shivering - muscles contract rapidly in an attempt to generate heat

hairs stand up - layer of air is trapped which insulates the skin

vasoconstriction- blood vessels at the surface of the skin narrow to decrease hate to be lost by radiation

give examples of voluntary responses carried out to maintain body temperature

moving to the shade, having a cold drink, if you are too hot putting more clothes on, turning up heating

identify the condition which results from a drop in body temperature below 35 degrees


identify the condition which reuslts from an increase in body temperature about 38 degrees as a result of infection


identify the condition which results from an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees as a result of expose to high temperature

heat stroke