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46 Cards in this Set

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Asexual Reproduction
Gives identical offspring
No variation
uses 1parent
common in bacteria
Asexual Reproduction Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages- easy
Disadvantages- No new combinations of traits
Sexual Reproduction
involves 2 parents
common in animals and plants
cells divide by meiosis to make gametes
Chromosomes are paired
chromosomes carry genes
Meiosis does 2 things
1. takes one cell with two copies of every chromosome and makes two cells with one copy of every chromosome
2. scrambles the specific forms of each gene that each gamete (egg or sperm) receives
Meiosis 1
DNA replicated
homologous chromosomes pair
number of chromosomes halved
scrambles chromosomes into new combinations
two cells produced
Meiosis 2
no DNA replication
separates chromatids from replicated chromosomes
each cell divides
produces 4 gametes
In metaphase 1 genetic diversity is increased by
independent assortment
crossing over
Independent assortment
traits separate independently of each other during meiosis ( flower color and Pea color are not linked)
Crossing over
describes how non sister chromatids exchange pieces of DNA to make new combinations
multiplies the already huge number of different gamete types produced by independent assortment
transmission of traits from parent to offspring
True Breeding
parent strains always produced the chosen trait
Cross pollination
fertilization between two different plants
Mendels laws
law of segregation
particulate inheritance
independent assortment
particulate inheritance
traits passed to offspring in discrete particles( white + purple equals purple)
law of segregation
get one allele from each parent meiosis
dominant allele can mask the alternate form
recessive allele can be hidden by dominant form but reappear if two recessive alleles pair
genetic makeup of an organism
physical appearance of a gene
alleles same (TT or tt)
alleles different (Tt)
sex chromosomes
special chromosomes that determine sex
non sex chromosomes
egg formation by meiosis
incomplete dominance
trait in offspring is intermediate between parents (red+white=pink)
both phenotypes are expressed
Red Cow plus white blue equals roan cow (red and white spotted)
polygenic effects
one trait acted on by several genes
example/ height skin color eye color
blood types
O, A, B, AB
sex linked
genes found on only X or Y chromosome
color blindness
caused by mutations in genes on the X chromosome
blood does not clot normally
genetic history of a family over several generations
chart for determining inheritance patterns
sex linked
only males are affected
50 percent male and 50 percent female affected
Females and males in pedigree
circles and males are square
filled square or circle
dominant in pedigree
if parent and children have the disease
recessive in pedigree
offspring shows a disease that parents do not show
sickle cell anemia
autosomal recessive
red blood cells or malformed and are unable to carry oxygen
Huntington's disease
nervous system and muscles deteriorate
pictures of chromosomes from an organism cells
call is by nondisjunction
too many or too few of a chromosome
chromosomes do not separate properly during meiosis
Down syndrome
flattened facial features
mental impairment
caused by 3 copies of chromosome 21
Klinefelter syndrome
overweight and tall
small testes
more estrogen
trisomy X syndrome
normal female
slight mental disability
Turner syndrome
nonfunctional ovaries