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29 Cards in this Set

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Use chemical symbols to identify elements


iron sodium potassium

3. Identify how many elements are in the periodic


5. Identify the two elements where are liquids at room temperature

bromine and mercury

6. State the atomic number of an element using the data booklet

helium nitrogen

2 7

7. Explain what is meant by an element, a molecule and a compound

element = substance made of one type of atom

molecule = 2 atoms held together by chemical bonds

compounds = 2 elements bonded

8. Identify the seven diatomic elements

Have hydrogen

No nitrogen

Fear flourine

Of oxegyn

Ice iodine

Cold chlorine

Beer bromine

9. Explain what is meant by a solvent, solution and solute

sugar+ water -> sugary water

solute +solvent -> solution

10. Explain the difference between a physical change and a chemical reaction

physical chemical

can’t reverse can reverse

new product no new substance

eg wood burning eg ice melting

1.what are the 3 subatomic particles

protons neutrons electrons

2. State where the nucleus is found in an atom and which particles it contains

the nucleus is the center of the cell and contains the neutrons and protons

3. Explain why atoms have no overall charge despite containing charged particles

the protons and electrons cancel each other out

1. Write the electron arrangement and draw the electron arrangement diagram for the first 20 elements using the data booklet

eg, 2,1,0

2. State how the number of outer electrons is related to group number for the main group elements

the number of the outer electrons is the number of the group number

eg helium is in group one so it has one outer electrons

what is the atomic number equal to

the number of protons

what are the number of electrons equal to

the number of protons

true or false |the mass number is equal to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons in an atom


what method is used to determine if a metal is in a substance

flame testing can be used

State the elements present in compounds with names ending in -ide

2 elements

State the elements present in compounds with names ending in -ite

2 elements plus oxegyn

State the elements present in compounds with names ending in -ate

same as -ite

2 plus oxegyn

Identify the name of a compound given the elements it contains

sodium chloride

sodium and chlorine

Construct the chemical formula for compounds with prefixes in their name

carbon dioxide


Construct the chemical formula for compounds containing two elements using the valency rules

eg sodium chloride

so to do this find the use SVSDF

symbol Na Cl

valency 1 1

swap 1 1

divide can’t simplify

formaula NaCl

don’t add the number one

if u don’t know how to find the valency google it xxx

Construct the chemical formula for compounds containing a transition metal using

Roman numerals

it’s the same but with roman numerals depict the number and that is your valency

9. Write word equations to represent chemical reactions

carbon + oxegyn ->carbon dioxi

Write formula equations to represent chemical reaction

C + O -> Co2

. Use state symbols correctly in formula equations

state symbols follow a substance in your equation like so (g) = gas (s) solid (l) liquid (aq) aqueous aka a solution

if any of these are wrong don’t be mad i j waffled and if there’s any missing ones i either can’t do them or can’t show them


1. Identify where the alkali metals, transition metals, halogens and noble gases are

found in the periodic table

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