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58 Cards in this Set

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The cellular process in which glucose is broken down to produce energy

Cellular respiration

What are the three stages of aerobic respiration?

Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport chain)

Where does each stage of aerobic cellular respiration take place in the cell?

Cytoplasm, matrix of mitochondria, inner membrane of the mitochondria

What are the reactants of aerobic cellular respiration?

reactants are glucose and oxygen

What are the products of aerobic cellar respiration?

CO2 and water

What type of organism is yeast?

Heterotrophic facultative anaerobe

What is fermentation?

Anaerobic cellular respiration that generates energy from glucose in absence of oxygen.

What is the product of lactic acid fermentation?


What are the products of alcohol fermentation?

Ethanol and CO2

What is the positive control in the cellular respiration lab?

The bag with yeast and sugar

What do we expect to occur with the bag with yeast and sugar in the cellular respiration lab?

We expect fermentation to occur

What is the negative control in the cellular respiration lab?

The bag with yeast and water/ no sugar

What do we expect to occur with the bag with yeast and water?

We expect fermentation to not occur

What is the experimental bag in the cellular respiration lab?

The bag with the yeast, sugar, and boiling water

What do we expect to happen to the experimental bag in the cellular respiration lab?

We don't really know, that is why it is the experimental bag

What hypothesis is supported by the cellular respiration bag?

Boiling water prevents yeast from performing cellular respiration . It kills the yeast

How did we make certain the air in the bags was produced by cellular respiration?

We let out all of the air in the bags at the start of the experiment

What are some standardized variables to the yeast fermentation bag?

amount of yeast in bags, size of bags, temp of bags, and amount of sunlight exposure

What is a dependent variable in the cellular respiration lab?

amount of CO2 produced

What were independent variables in the cellular respiration lab?

boiling water

This is the process by which green plants use sunlight to synthesize glucose from carbon dioxide and water


What are the reactants of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and water

What are the products of photosynthesis?

Glucose and oxygen

Where does the oxygen from photosynthesis come from?

The splitting of water into oxygen gas and hydrogen ions

What are the stages of photosynthesis?

Light dependent reactions and light independent reactions (Calvin cycle )

What happens during light dependent reactions and where does it occur?

sunlight is used to split water to form oxygen and to produce ATP. Occurs at the thylakoid membrane

What happens during light independent reactions (Calvin cycle) and where does it occur?

CO2 is combined to form glucose. Occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast

What was the positive control in the photosynthesis lab?

The bag with sunlight and baking soda

What were the negative controls in the photosynthesis lab?

The bag with no light and baking soda, bag with no baking soda

What was the experimental bag in the photosynthesis lab?

The bag with sunscreen and baking soda

What are the two hypothesis that this experiment will answer?

sunscreen will block the sunlight and prevent Photosynthesis from occuring, or sunscreen will not block the sunlight and Photosynthesis

What did we do to make certain the gas in the bags were produced by photosynthesis?

Let all air out of the bags at the start of the experiment

What were the controlled/standardized variables if the photosynthesis lab?

Same water in each bag, all had the same amount of leaves, all bags placed on same site

What was the dependent variable in the photosynthesis lab?

How many air bubbles were produced

What was the independent variable in the photosynthesis lab?


This is the process where a single cell undergoes two divisions to produce four haploid haploid cells


In the meiosis lab, we simulated meiosis with an organism with how many chromosomes?

6 chromosomes (3 homologous pairs)

What did we use to represent chromosomes?


What happens in the s phase of Interphase?

Centrosomes duplicate and the chromosomes duplicate

Crossing over occurs during what?

Prophase I

Tetrads line up at the metaphase plate during which phase of meiosis?

Metaphase I

Dyads line up at the metaphase plate during which phase?

Metaphase II

At the end of meiosis, how many hapoid daughter cells are there?

4 haploid daughter cells

What represented the chromosomes in the meiosis lab?

The socks

What represented dyads in the meiosis lab?

A pair of socks

What represented the centrosome in the meiosis lab?

The twizzlers

What represented the centromere

The rubber band holding the pair of socks

He is the father of modern genetics

Johan Gregor Mendel

This is the study of heredity and the variation of inheritable characteristics


What are the dominant phenotypes we studied in corn

Purple and round were dominant

What are the recessive phenotypes of the corn we studied

Yellow and wrinkled

This law states that in a heterozygote, the dominant trait will conceal the presence of the recessive trait for the same characteristic

Law of dominance

This law states that genes do not influence each other with regard to the sorting of alleles into gametes, and every possible combination of alleles for every gene is equally likely to occur

Law of independent assortment

This states that for a pair of alleles, each allele must segregate equally into gametes such that offspring have an equal likelihood of inheriting either factor

Law of Segregation

What are the 2 possible ratios of the phenotypes when two heterozygous corn plants are crossed

3 purple to 1 yellow, or 3 round to 1 wrinkled

What are the 4 ratios when two corn plants are crossed that are heterozygous in both color and seed shape

9 purple and round: 3 purple and wrinkled, 3 yellow and round: 1 yellow and wrinkled

What is the most common reason why you do not get an exact 3:1 ratio?

The sample size is small and there is some randomness as to which alleles get passed down

What did we do to reduce the chances of getting misleading information in the genetics lab?

We totaled the counts of the entire class to increase sample size