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124 Cards in this Set

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The fluid behavior of the plasma membrane results primarily from the ____. (Remember the movie clip of a pin poking the cell membrane.
Flexibility of the lipid components
Nucleic acids indirectly
direct protein synthesis
In newly forming plant cells the wall that surrounds the plasma membrane is referred to as the:
Primary cell wall
Vesicles from the ER most likely are on their way to the
golgi body
Organelles involved in the synthesis of steroids and other lipids in gland cells are
Smooth E.R.
Resolution by the best light microscope is ultimately limited by:
the wavelength of the light.
Not all substances can cross the cell membrane, for this reason, the cell membrane is said to be
Selectively permeable
Maintains the three-dimensional structure of animal cells
What cellular process involves an inward sinking of a small patch of membrane to form a cytoplasmic vesicle?
The endoplasmic reticulum:
serves as the internal transportation system of a cell
Water constantly moves into the freshwater protistan paramecium because the cell is ____ relative to its environment
the cytoskeleton:
extends between the nucleus and the plasma membrane
four of the five listed are bound by membranes. Which is the exception?
a. ribosome b. vacuole c. lysosome d. mitochondrion e. chromoplast
What is true of the transport proteins in the plasma membrane?
they span the lipid bilayer
A major difference between plant cell mitosis and animal cell mitosis is the absence in plant cells of:
The fluid filled sac that may store food, ions, or water in plant cells and is involved in fluid pressure is:
central vacuole
the capacity of a cell to exhibit movement or mobility is generally attributed to which cellular component?
Two adjacent plant cells are held together by a cementing layer termed the:
middle lamella
Which type of transport across membranes will proceed naturally without energy input?
Inside the nuclear envelope the DNA in the form of fine "spread out" strands is called
cells with high energy requirements, such as muscle, tend to have many
What is a role of proteins found in eukaryotic plasma membranes:
Regulating flow of materials through the membrane
The ______ acts as a barrier between the inside and outside of the cell.
endoplasmic reticulum
Which cellular process involves an inward sinking or a small patch of membrane to form a cytoplasmic
The system of canals, tubes, and sacs that transports molecules inside the cytoplasm is the:
endoplasmic reticula
in the plasma membrane, the tails of the phospholipids
form a barrier to polar substances?
Plasmodesmata are cell junctions that are similar in function to:
gap junctions in animal cells
separate chemical reactions in time and space. Descrete, recognizable bodies in cytoplasm. Membrane bound compartments. Typical of eukaryotic cells, not prokaryotic cells.
The energy for flagellar movement (as in sperm swimming)
appears to come from ATP
the largest cytoskeletal element is the:
Mitochondria typically arise by the division of existing:
Glycoproteins differ from other membrane proteins in that they:
have chains of polysaccaride associated with them and they aid the immune system
Which is the correct sequence of polypeptide transport in the secretory (releasing secretions) pathway?
ribosome>>>ER>>>Golgi bodies>>>plasma membrane
Which of the following processes does not involve formation of vesicle?
exocytosis, lysosome formation, osmosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis, phagocytosis
which of the following is/are not required for cell function?
dna, a plasma membrane, transport mechanisms to bring substances in from outside of the cell, mitochondria, ribsomes
transport mechanisms to bring substances in from outside of the cell
Of the objects listed, which is the smallest that you can see without the aid of a microscope?
human skin cell, ribosome, virus, DNA molecule, frog embryo
human skin cell
Hooke was the first to observe cells under a simple microscope in the 1600's because he was looking at:
plant cells in which the thick cell wall was clearly visible
the phospholipids and cholesterol that are used to form membranes are synthesized in the:
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
The golgi apparatus packages materials into _____ for transport or export.
What is the fate of defective or malfunctioning organelles in cells?
They are broken down by lysosomal digestive enzymes
the RNA in the nucleus leaves through
nuclear pores
Which of the following would NOT be found in one of your liver cells?
mitochondria, nuclei, peroxisomes, ribosomes, a central vacuole
a central vacuole
Which organelle resembles a bacterium in its size and biochemistry?
a mitochondrion
a gap junction
connects the cytoplasm of two cells
a gap junction
connects the cytoplasm of two cells
Most membranes incorporate are carried out by _____.
Plasma membranes incorporate_____.
-adhesion proteins
-receptor proteins
-transport proteins
-recognition proteins
Sodium ions cross a membrane through transport proteins that receive an energy boost. This is an example of ______.
active transport
the net movement of molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration is described by
in general the net movement of molecules in a fluid is a response to the
concentration gradient
A phospholipid has a phosphate-containing head and two fatty acid tails attached to a backbone of
______ will diffuse across a lipid bilayer
carbon dioxide
Scientists demonstrated the fluidity of plasma membrane proteins by
fusing the membranes of two different species
An ATPase pump takes part in
active transport
Hydrostatic pressure is ____
the pressure that a fluid exerts against a structure enclosing it.
Active transport:
-is a process whereby molecules move from an area of low concentration to one of higher concentration
-moves ions against a concentration gradient
-counteracts the process of diffusion
-involves use of energy
Movements of individual water molecules through a cell membrane from a higher concentration toward a lower concentration is called:
ATP is:
A phosphate donor
The organelle that pinches off portions of its membrane to form a compartment used fro storage or transport is the:
golgi body
-are either bacteria or archeans
-have nucleoid regions
-are unicellular
-may have cell walls
_______ is not found in any prokaryotic cell
membrane bound organelles
the components of membranes that account for most of a cells functions are:
Four of the five items listed below are organelles found in eukaryotic cells. Select the exception.
golgi body, lysosome, vacuole, mitochondrion, nucleoid
A hypothetical "microbullet" shot through a phospholipid bilayer would pass the components in which order?
in an attempt to visualize the fluid mosaic model of a membrane, we could describe the ____ as floating in a sea of _____.
proteins; lipid
which of the following affects the rate of diffusion through a selectively permeable membrane?
I. concentration gradient
II. temperature
III. molecular size
I, II, and III
four of the five choices listed below are characteristics of the plasma membrane. Select the exception.
lipid bilayer, hydrophobic tails, phospholipid, fluid mosaic, inert and impermeable
inert and impermeable
In a typical cell, the substance found in the highest percentage is:
protein or water?
The term cell comes from this scientists work and his description of the compartmentation he saw in thin slices of corks:
What is a characteristic of all life on earth?
-cells must take in energy
-cells must build biological molecules
-the cellular interior must be isolated from the environment
-cells must take in raw materials
a cell without nucleoli is probably not producing:
What is the main product of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
If lysosomes bursts inside a cell, the immediate result is likely to be:
the cell will be digested from within
Which organelle below is capable of producing its own protein?
lysosome, golgi body, microtubule, mitochondrion
Which organelle below is capable of producing its own protein?
lysosome, dictyosome, microtubule, chloroplast
Lysosomes contain _____ enzymes
vessicles (little sacs) derived from the ER make their way to the _____, an organelle that functions in packaging, storage, and distribution.
which is the organelle with cristate?
the principle structural carbohydrate in plants is:
starch or cellulose*
The cell theory states:
all living things consist of cells
The primary structural difference between plant and animal cells is that most plant cells are:
enclosed by a cell wall
If a plant synthesizes a secondary cell wall, it is laid down:
between the plasma membrane and the primary cell wall
which of the following consists of a nonliving substance?
cell wall, chromosome, plasma lemma, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum
cell wall
which of the following statements about the plant cell wall is not true?
-the cell wall enables a plant cell to survive in a hypertonic environment without bursting
-the primary cell wall is constructed so as to determine what substances can enter and leave the cell
-the middle lamella is laid down between the primary and secondary walls.
-water, air, and dissolved materials can generally move freely through the cell wall
-the secondary wall is laid down inside the primary walls.
the middle lamella is laid down between the primary and secondary walls.
Which of the following structures would probably be least damaged by a fat or lipid dissolving solvent?
nuclear membrane, vacuolar membrane, plasma membrane, cell wall, dictyosome
cell wall
the only part of a green plant that is actually green is the:
grana of chloroplasts
which of the following structures is not associated with chloroplasts?
double membranes, cristae, stroma, thylakoids, grana
the stacks of coin shaped double membranes found in chloroplasts are:
salt is spread on clay tennis courts to kill the weeds. Based on your study of biology, how would you explain the process through which the weeds are killed?
water diffused out of the plant cells thereby weakening or killing them by plasmolysis
the membrane of pectin that is laid down between two daughter cells during cytokinesis is called the:
middle lamella
which of the following is directly involved with the process of cellular respiration?
ribosomes, mitochondria, microtubules, chloroplasts, golgi bodies
the inner layer of the mitochondrial membrane may be invaginated (infolded) to form:
The nucleolus consists of:
ribosomal subunits
the largest double membrane bound organelle is called the:
the small compartmentalized structures within the cytoplasm of living cells are called:
cell structures that apparently function in controlling the addition of cellulose to the cell wall, in steering vesicles from golgi bodies to the cell wall, and in aiding movement within the cell are:
which of the following objects found in living cells is not bound by a membrane or membranes?
nucleus, ER, dictyosomes, plastids, ribosomes
cell turgor pressure is increased when the cell is transferred to an external medium having:
a higher concentration of water than the cell
the shrinking of cytoplasm within a cell because of loss of water by osmosis is called:
The little "tanks" that hold and modify cell products in this cell organelle are called
dictyosome or cisternae
which component in the cell membrane restricts the passage of water soluble substance?
the movement of a substance toward an area of lower concentration is called
what term describes the characteristics of membranes that permit some molecules to cross the membrane while preventing others from crossing
selective permeable
phagocytosis is one type of _____
transport across a cells membrane that requires energy is called:
active transport
what is used in energy requirement?
Cell walls are found in:
(on test)
plants, protists, fungi, and bacteria
which of the following organelles is correctly matched with its function?
diyctosome; packaging
most of the actions or function of cell membranes are conducted by:
What is thought to be the descendant of engulfed ancient bacteria?
(on test)
______ is not found in plant cells.
photosynthesis is associated with all of the following except:
plastids, chloroplasts, grana, thylakoid, vacuoles
________ makes protein and puts it inside the channels of the _____.
ribosomes; E.R.
Lysosomes contain ____ and bud from the ______.
digestive systems; golgi body
light microscopes =
1/2 wavelengths
who invented the microscope?
first to describe the cell?
all cells have:
a plasma membrane
all cells contain:
cytoplasm (cell fluid)
RNA is used to make what?
cells are typically small because:
their volumes increase at a faster rate than surface area
in eukaryotes, the nucleus:
isolates the DNA from 44 exposures to damaging chemical reactions occurring in the cytoplasm
_____ travel in much shorter wavelengths than light does.
In addition to plasma membrane all cells begin life with _______.
DNA and cytoplasm