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56 Cards in this Set

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What are cells?

Cells are the building blocks of life.

Give 2 types of microscopes that can be used to see cells and their parts.

Light microscope and electron microscope.

State the magnification of the light microscope.

The magnification of the light microscope is 1000 times.

State the magnification of the electron microscope.

The magnification of the electron microscope is 200,000 times.

What are micrographs?

Micrographs are the pictures taken when a camera is fitted in a microscope.

State the colour of the light micrographs.

Light micrographs comes out as coloured images.

State the colour of the electron micrographs.

Electron micrographs are black-and-white images.

What does cutting a longitudinal section mean?

Longitudinal section mean cutting along the length of the cell.

What does cutting a transverse section mean?

Transverse section mean cutting across the length of the cell.

What does a cell consist of?

Cell consist of a living material called protoplasm.

How much water is there in the cell's protoplasm?

About 70% of the cell's protoplasm is water.

State the 3 parts of the protoplasm of a cell.

The protoplasm of a cell is made up of the cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.

What are phospholipid layers?

Phospholipid layers are layers composed of lipids, phosphate groups and proteins.

Describe the cell membrane/ plasma membrane.

The cell membrane surrounds the cytoplasm of the cell.It is a partially permeable membrane.

What is the function of the cell membrane?

The cell membrane controls substances entering or leaving the cell.

Where is the cytoplasm situated in the cell.

The cytoplasm is found between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

What does the cytoplasm contains?[2]

The cytoplasm contains enzymes and specialised structures called organelles.

Describe the nucleus.

The nucleus consists of a small round mass of denser protoplasm surrounded by the nuclear membrane. Inside the nucleus, there are thread-like structures called chromosomes.

Give 2 functions of the nucleus.

Functions of the nucleus:

1)The nucleus controls cell activities such as cell growth and the repair of worn-out parts.

2)The nucleus is essential for cell division.

What happens to cells that don't have a nucleus such as the red blood cells?[2]

Cells without the nucleus have a short lifespan and are unable to divide.

Draw a labelled animal cell.

Cell membrane, nucleus (nuclear membrane and chromosome),cytoplasm.

Describe the cell wall.

The cell wall is a non-living cell that encloses the entire plant cell, surrounding the cell membrane. The cell wall is fully permeable.

What is the cell wall made up of?

The cell wall is made up of cellulose.

What are the functions of the cell wall? (2)

The cell wall protects the cell from injury and gives the plant cell a fixed shape.

Describe chloroplasts.

Chroroplasts are oval structures in plant cells which contain :

membranes containing chlorophyll for the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis and

Fluid stroma for the light-independent stage.

Describe vacuoles.

A vacuole is a fluid-filled space enclosed by a membrane. Vacuoles store substances within the cell.

What does the vacuoles of animal cells contain?

The vacuoles of animal cells contain water and food substances.

What does the vacuole of plant cells contain?

Plant cells have a large central vacuole that contains a liquid called cell sap. The large central vacuole is enclosed by the tonoplast.

What does the cell sap contains?

The cell sap contains dissolved substances such as sugars, mineral salts and amino acids.

Give 3 differences between the plant cell and an Animal cell.

Differences between the plant cell and an Animal cell:

1)Plant cells have a cell wall whereas animal cells doesn't have a cell wall.

2)Chloroplasts are present in plant cells whereas chloroplasts are absent in animal cells.

3)There is a large central vacuole in plant cells whereas there are many small vacuoles in animal cells.

What is differentiation?

Differentiation is the process by which a cell becomes specialised for a specific function.

How is the cell structure of red blood cell related to its cell function? [3]

1)The red blood cell contains a red pigment called haemoglobin.

Haemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body.

2)The red blood cell has no nucleus,enabling it to carry more haemoglobin and hence more oxygen.

3)The red blood cell has a circular biconcave shape. This increases the surface area to volume ratio of the cell. As a result,oxygen can diffuse into and out of the entire cell at a faster rate.

Draw the three types of xylem vessels.

Annular(lignin deposited in rings)

Spiral(spiral band of lingnin)


How is the cell structure of Xylem vessel related to its cell function? [3]

1) Xylem vessels are long hollow tubes formed out of xylem vessels laid end to end.

They conduct water and mineral salts from the roots up to the stem and leaves.

2)Xylem vessels do not have cross-walls or protoplasm.

This enables water to move easily up the xylem vessels with reduced resistance.

3)A substance called lignin is deposited on the walls of xylem vessels.

Lignin strengthens the walls and prevents the vessels from collapsing.

What happens when xylem vessels are bundled together?

When xylem vessels are bundled together, they provide mechanical support to the plant.

How is the cell structure of root hair cell related to its cell function? [1]

The root hair cell is long and narrow.

This increases the surface area to volume ratio of the cell.As a result,water and mineral salts can be efficiently absorbed from the soil.

What is blood?

Blood is a liquid tissue that has the function of transporting substances around the body.

What is a tissue?

A tissue is a group of similar cells which work together to perform a specific function.

What is a simple tissue?

A simple tissue are cells of the same type that work together to perform a specific function.

Give 2 examples of simple tissues in animals and explain them.

1) epithelial tissue/ epithelium is a sheet of cells which covers both the internal and external surfaces of the body.

2)The muscle tissue is a collection of muscle cells which help the body to move by contracting.

What is the epidermis?

The epidermis is the sheet of cells covering the external surface of the body.

Give an example of simple tissues in plants.

The leaves and stem of the plants have covering tissues called the epidermis.

What are complex tissues?

Complex tissues are tissues that are made up of several types of cells.

Where are connective tissues found?

A connective tissue is the tissue found inside an organ or between organs.

What is the function of the connective tissue?

The connective tissue connects the different parts of an organ or organs together.

Give 4 examples of complex tissues in animal .

Complex tissues in animal cells:

1)connective tissue

2)nervous tissue

3)glandular tissue

4)bone tissue

Give an example of complex tissues in plants.

The vascular tissue is made up of xylem tissue and phloem tissue.

What is an organ?

An organ is a structure made up of different tissues working together to perform a specific function.

What is the function of the stomach?

The stomach temporarily store food, digest and churn it.

Describe the 4 different kind of tissues that make the stomach.

The stomach is made up of 4 different kinds of tissues:

1)glandular tissue: secretes digestive juices to digest food

2)muscular tissue; causes the stomach to contract and mix the food with the digestive juices

3)connective tissue : connects the other tissues together

4)nervous tissue: coordinates the actions of the stomach.

Give an example of an organ in plants and the tissues the organ contains.

Leaf. The leaf contains palisade tissues, spongy mesophyll tissue, xylem tissue and phloem tissue.

Give 3 other examples of organs in plants.

Organs in plants:




Which organ in the human body covers the largest surface area?

The skin is the organ that covers the largest surface the area in the human body.

What are organ systems?

Organs work together to form organ systems.

Give 2 examples of organ systems .

Examples of organ systems:

1)digestive system

2)respiratory system.

What is an organism?

Various systems work together to form organisms.