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117 Cards in this Set

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History records that the works of mendel were incomplete, because he failed to discuss in detail the ____ or genes that he mentioned in his laws of inheritance


After his time the _______ formulated by ______ and ____ became very popular as it explained that genes are found in the chromosomes

Chromosomal theory of inheritance

Sutton and boveri

____ are structures found inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genes


With ____, we get a blending of the dominant and recessive traits so that the 3rd phenotype is something in the middle

Incomplete dominance

The situation in which F1 does not resemble either parent is called

Incomplete dominance

___ describes a situation in which both alleles are expressed at the same time


Is is true that individuals within a population have___

Two alleles per gene

A good example of multiple alleles is the ___ blood group of humand


A _____ controls ABO blood type

Single gene

Universal recipient


Universal Donor


___ is a segment of DNA that encodes a unique protein that performs a specialized function in the cell


__ is also capable of storing information and capable of self-replication and can undergo mutations


How does something so small contain all the genetic information of an organism?

The answer lies in the chemical make up of DNA

DNA stands for

deoxyribonucleic acid

Found within the nucleus of every cells


DNA contains 4 bases:?

A- adenine

G- guanina

C- cytosine

T- thymine

Adenine and Guanine are?

Double-ring structures calle Purines

Thymine and cytosine are

Single-ring structures called pyrimidines

The ____ is the is the building blocks of DNA


Nucleotide is made up of four bases




Phosphate group

The model shows that paired nucleotide, which always occur as A-T or G-C, are linked by hydrogen bonds

Watson and Crick model

How DNA copies itself

1. An enzyme breaks the bond between the nitrogen bases. The two strands of DNA splits

2. The bases attached to each strand then pair up with the free nucleotides found in the cytoplasm

3. The complementary nucleotides join to form new strands. Two new DNA molecules, each with a parent strand and each with a new daughter strand, are formed

How DNA Copies itself? Replication

The DNA replication is known as semi– conservative replication, because one of the old strands is conserved in each daughter molecule

RNA stands for?

Ribonucleic acid

___ Long strand made up of building blocks called ___



Has a single chain and does not entwine in a double helix


RNA four bases are




Uracil (instead of thymine)

Comparison between DNA and RNA?




Comparison of DNA and RNA?


DNA – A, T, G, C

RNA – A, U, G, C

Cycle genes- protein- cells -tissue- organs - system

Genes make protein

Protein make cells

Cells make tissues

Tissues make organs

Organs make organ systems

Organ systems make YOU

The term refers to any technique that uses living organisms, or parts of organisms, to make or modify products, improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms fo specific uses.


Is a process of altering the genes which you find in all living things.

Genetic engineering

Organisms whose genes are altered or modified for specific purposes are called

Transgenic organisms

Process in genetic engineering

1st identify the section of DNA that contains required gene from the source chromosomes

extract the required gene

• bacterial plasmid is removed from the bacterial cell and cut open using enzymes

•insert plasmid into host cell and sealed using enzymes

•grow transformed cells to produce a genetically modified organism (GMO)

Involves the direct manipulation of one or more genes

Genetic engineering

What are the uses of genetic engineering?

• repairing a genetic "defect"

• enhancing an effect already natural to that organism

• increasing resistance to disease or external damage

•getting micro-organism to produce human insulin for diabetics

___ is a method that scientists use to produce a genetic copy of another individual


The introduction of ____ technology paved the way in developing different concepts and interventions in the field of biology

Recombinant DNA

People began to discover many thingd to lessen the problems encountered includes? (3)

Application in crop improvement

Application in medicine

Industrial applications

____ derived from biomass and these are renewable and cost effective


____ plays an important role in a beneficial and large scale production of ___

Genetic engineering


___ is the study of how traits are passed on from the parents to the offspring


____ is the study of heredity and variation


An Australian by nationality and a monk by vocation

Gregor Mendel

He worked and lived in a monastery with large gardens planted with different kinds of?


Why gregor got interested in peas?

Several of their distinguishing character traits.

Peas have traits that are easily noticeable

Easy to breed and grow

Involves a cross using a single factor or character traits

Monohybrid cross

In the cross stands for the first parents (the pure breeds)


Stands for the first filial generation or first offspring


___ because they are the result of a cross between two pure-breeding plants. They resemble one another and one of the parents


Mendel's hypothesis based on his experiments

There must be a factor in plants that controls the appearance of a trait

What factor is in the plants that controls the appearance


There are two alternative reasoned further that traits are expression of a trait, he controlled not only by one but a pair of factors now called ___


Resulted to the formulation of his hypothesis which states that?

In every organism, there is a pair of factors that control the appearance of a particular trait.

Mendel was able to hypothesize that:

One member of the pair of factors may hide or prevent the appearance of the other factor

Refers to the inheritance of traits that are typically passed vertically from parent to child

Dominant trait

refers to a trait that is expressed only when genotype is homozygous; a trait that tends to be masked by other inherited traits

Recessive trait

These alleles may be represented this way: a ___ letter for dominant trait, and ___ letter for the recessive trait



The alleles which are represented by paired letters are referred to as the individual___


Refers to the genetic composition of the person


___ is the Physical appearance or feature of the person


Same allele (BB, bb)


Different alleles (Bb, bB)


During gamete formation, the pair of factor segregate or separate from each other

The law of segregation

It states that during fertilization, the genes come together again to form new combinations

Law of a combination

A new era of biology began in 1859 when charles darwin published the?

The origin of species

The origin of species focus biologist's attention on the____

Great diversity of organisms

____ noted that current species are descendants of ancestral species


____ can be defined by darwin's phrase descent with modification


____ can be viewed as both a pattern and a process


The greek philosopher____ viewed species as fix and arranged them on scala naturae


The _____ holds that species were individually designed by God and therefore perfect

Old testament

_____ interpreted organismal adaptation as evidence that the creator had designed each species for a specific purpose

Carolus linnaeus

Founder of taxonomy, the branch of biology concerned with classifying organism


He develop the ____ format for naming species. Ex.?


Example homo sapiens

The study of_____ helped to lay the groundwork for darwin's ideas


____ are remains or traces of organisms from the past, usually found in _____ which appears in layer of____


sedimentary rock


____ , the study of fossils, was larger developed by french scientist ____


Georges cuvier

Georges cuvier advocated _____, speculating that each boundary between strata represent a catastrophe


2 geologist _____&_____ perceived that things changes in earth's surface can result from slow continuous action still operating today

James hutton

charles lyell

Lyells principle of ______ states that the mechanisms of change are constant over time


______ hypothesize that species evolve through use and disuse body parts and the inheritance of acquired characteristics

Lamarck (lamarck's hypothesis of evolution)

Darwin studied theology at_____?

Heto kanan fade position as naturalist and companion to_____ for a 5 year around the world voyage on the____?

Cambridge university

Captain robert fitzroy


Who influenced darwin and thought that the earth was more than 6,000 years old

Lyell's principle of geology

He hypothesized that species from south america had colonize the ____ and fspeciated on the island

Galapagos islands west of south america

In reassessing his observations, darwin perceive____ to the environment and the origin of new species as closely related processes


In ___, darwin wrote an essay on_____ as the mechanism of descent with modification, but did not introduce his theory publicly


natural selection

Is a process in which individuals with favorable inherited traits more likely to survive and reproduce

Natural selection

In ___, darwin receive a manuscript from ____, who had developed a theory of natural selection similar to darwin's

Jun 1858

Alfred Russell wallace

Darwin explained three broad observations

The unity of life

The diversity of life

The match between organisms and their environment

Humans have modified other species by selecting and breeding individuals with desired traits, a process is called

Artificial selection

____ is similarity resulting from common ancestry


_____ are anatomical resemblances that represent variations on a structural sim present in a common ancestor

Homologous structures

____ are remnants of features that serve important functions in the organism's ancestors

Vestigial structures

_____ are hypotheses about the relationships among different groups

Evolutionary trees

Example of homologous at the molecular level are

Genes shared among organisms and heritage from a common ancestor

Homologies and "tree thinking"

___ traits arise when groups and dependently adapt to similar environment and similar ways


____ Does not provide information about ancestry

Convergent evolution

_____, the geographic distribution of species, provides evidence of evolution


Earth's continents were formerly united in a single large continent called____, bats have since separated by


Continental drift

____ species are species that are not found anywhere else in the world


The process by which populations become different species


Results from evolutionary mechanisms within a population.


Refers to evolutionary change above the species level.


Any heritable change in the DNA of a cell or an alteration in a DNA sequence


Affects tissues that produces the sperm and egg

Germ line mutation

Affects other body tissues

Somatic mutation

Errors during cell division brought by these factors

Endogenous or exogenous

It happens random


It creates the raw materials for which natural selection acts upon

Genetic variation

Changes in allele frequencies from one generation to the next

Genetic Drift

Genetic drift was first introduced by

Sewall Wright

2 types of Genetic Drift

The Bottleneck Effect

The Founder Effect

After a bottleneck increases the damage d9neby recessive deletrious mutation


Leading to the loss of other alleles

Inbreeding depression

Is a rare form of dwarfism

Ellis-van Creveld syndrome