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16 Cards in this Set

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Explain the role of hydrogen bonding in the formation of all of the the biological macromolecules

Important in protein secondary structure ( beta pleated sheets & alpha helix)

Be able to sketch generic dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions

Sketch it & check notes

Be able to sketch a generic amino acid, identify the amino and carboxyl groups, and sketch how they are involved in peptide bond formation

Sketch & check notes

Be able to place a given amino acid structure and one of the groups, and know why it matters which group a particular amino acid belongs to

L or D. Important because d amino acid is not in humans, only bacteria

How do you recognize when a molecule has stereoisomers

4 diff substituents

What is meant by protein primary secondary and tertiary structure

Primary - peptide bonds

Secondary - H bonds between NH and C double bond O

Tertiary - interactions between R groups of amino acids

What types of interactions are involved in protein tertiary structure formation

Hydrogen bonding, ionic bonding, Vanderwall‘s interaction, disulfide bonds

What is the difference between an alpha helix and the beta pleated sheet

Alpha helix is coiled while beta pleated sheet swoops in and out of rows

How does a proteins structure determine its function

Particular arrangement of helicis, turns, etc. to allow ligand binding and protein movement

What is the difference between alpha and beta glycocitic bonds, and why is this important

Alpha - dipped down between sugar

Beta- straight in between

Important bc enzyme can get to alpha easier, so easier to digest. Humans don’t digest beta

Draw structures of ribose, phosphate, and nucleotides to form a nucleoside triphosphate

Sketch & check

What is the difference between the five prime and the three prime end of a nucleic acid polymer

Five prime and has a phosphate attached to the number 5 of carbon on sugar.

Three prime end has an a OH attached to the number three carbon of the sugar

A simple structures of glycerol, fatty acid’s, and phosphate to form a phospholipid

Sketch & check

What are saturated cis unsaturated and trans unsaturated fatty acid’s

Saturated - straight, packs tightly, solid, animals and bacteria

Cis unsaturated - very bent, packs loosely, liquid, plants and bacteria

Trans unsaturated - slightly bent, packs tightly, solid, bacteria

How do phospholipids and proteins assemble into a biological membrane

Phospholipids are amphipathic, therefore they form membranes

Know how to draw glycine, proline, and cysteine
