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50 Cards in this Set

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wht is the oddball hormone and why
Thyroxin, its on the short list, monamine derviitave, hydrophobic, but its fat soulable but moves thru fat but water soluable
wht are the ant. pit. hormones
FOlicle stimulating hormones (Fsh), Lutnizin hormone (LH),, Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), Growth hormone (HG), Prolactin (PRL), and Adenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
WHat is follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), what does it do , where
it acts on the ovaries, stimulated the development of eggs, and their folliculie, IN TESTES, stim. production of sprem
what is Lutenizing hormone, what it do, where,
LH, females- stimulates ovulation and the corpus luteum to secret estrogen and progesterone, MALES, stim. intersticial cells to secrete testosterone
what is Thyroind stimulating hormone, what it do , where
TSH- stim. growth of thyroid gland and the secretion of thyroid horomne, has wide spread effect ont eh bodys metabolism
what is growth hormone, what it do , where
GH/somotropin, produced in atn pit, at leats 100 times as much as any other hormone, promots mitosis and cellular differentiation, widespread growth of catilage, bone , muscle and fat, secreted at night . promotes Na+, K+, and Cl- reteintion in the kidneys adn makes the electrolytes avail to the growth tissue
what is prolactin, what it do , where
PRL- stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk
what is adenocorticotrophic homrone, what it do, where
stim. adrenal cortex to secret cortisol (stress hormone) regulates glucose, fat, and protein metabolism
Paravetnricular neucleus, waht it make, where located
its located in the posterior pit, responsible for Oxytocin
supraoptic neucleus , where is it, what it make
located in the post. pit., makes ADH anti diuretic hormone
wht cells are made in the pancreas
beta cells - insulin, alpha cells- glucagon, delta cells- GHIH (somatostatin)
how do fat soluable hormones work
gene activating- need to be transported by carrier protein, (bound) cholesterol and thyroxine derivatives, posses a longer half life. enter thru cell wall and crack the genitic whip
how do water soluable hormones work
cAMP, un bound hormones more veunerable , shorter half life, broken down eliminated thru kidney,
what are the two types of glands
endocrine(swet glands, slavary glands, ) exocrine
holocrine releases what
oils, holocrin secretions are thicker thatn merocrine
merocrine glands relese how where
release from pancreas tear glands, gastric glands
wht to apocrine glands release
two kinds of hormones,
traditional nad local
diff btx autocrine and paracrine
auto effects its own cell, paracrine effects the tissue around it
how do traditional hormones works.
released from an endocrine glans, picked up by cap. bed, carried to its destination, the glands that produce thiese are very vascular, ant the capallaries are fenustrated to allo lg hormones in
two way histamines work
1) as a hormone they are produced by a cell affecting that region, as a neurotransmitter its released in a synaptic space
what are the 5 types of hormone chemistrys
oligopeptides, poly peptides, glycoproteins, monoamines, sterodial
what is th eprimary way water solubale hoormones work thru camp
atp- Camp- protein kinases
what can Camp activate
1) effect membrane potenital (open/close pores) 2 synithsise hormones, 3 turn molecules off/ on, encourage secretion, stimulate mitosis
what is the primary messenger
the hormone that attatches to the recepton on outside of cell
whar are protein kinases
specific sets of enzymes that do certian metabolic things. camps job is to locate these and activeate them to do one of the five jobs
what hormone as a second mesenger may encourage mitosis
what hormone can be activated by camp
acth, fsh, tsh, glucagon, calcitonin, lh,pth
how does ADH/LHRH work
attactches to receptor, activates Gprotein, gprotein activates the phospolipase makes pip2,pip2 split in to dag(ADH) and pip3(lhrh), tDAG,trigers formation of aquapores to pull water out of urine to save Pip3 allows Ca+ to enter cell which can atcivate portein kinases and act as a 3rd messenger
most important thing about DAG and IP3
they influence levesl of Ca+
steps of gene activation
horomne leaves gland- passes thru cell membrane- combines with protein receptor and enters nucleus, cracks genetic whip, activates dna fro transcription/translation which leads to protein synthises
what does estrogen affect
fat cells
what does aldosterone effect
pumpers for na/k
what does progesteron effect
uterine gland activity
what doens cortiso effect
metabolism and stress
what does testosterone effect
actin and myosin (muscles)
what does thyroxine effect
metabolism of carbs and production
how deos the nervoise system influence the production of hormones
influences the glandular tissue but does not control it, only ex of it being lg, influence on when signal sent to the adrenal medula and releases epinephrine which affects the whole body
what is humoral control
when two differens horomnes are used to maintain a nromal level iwthin the body, ex insulin and glucagon, parathromone/calcitonin
what is the vein tha tconnects the primary and secondary cap. bed in the ant. pit
the hypophisioportal vein
where are the targe cells located
outside the 2nd cap bed in ant pit
what are the two kinds of target cells in the ant pit
chromophils (can be stained) red- called acidophills, blue - basophills.

chromophobes ( take no stain)
what are the acidophils
GHRH, GHIH, PRH,PIH, contains the inhibiting and realeasing hormones
what are the baseophills
what is the stop emzyme that breaks down the hormone
what is the final target cell for testosterone,
interstical cell of testes- sustentaclular cell of seminiferous tubules( stored for sprem prodiciton), can encourage bone production, mens vocal chords, in puberty goes to brain for male labido
Fshrh works how
goes to womans ovary camp tells to make estrogen which goes to ft cells of hip or breats makes it make more cells
how does Tshrh work
thyrope (target cell in ant. pit) makes tsh- goes to thyroid folliclue- makes thyroxine
how does CTH work
trget cell ant pit (corticotrope)- makes acth- adrenal cortex- cortisol
how does surpa optic neucleus work
has osmoreceptors in the extra cellular fluid, isotonic within the cells and fluid ar ok. when becomes hypertonic water is take out of the cell , making the cell cranky, this "kicks' adjacent receptor surfaces causeing action potentials, sends messages down to the herring bodies wher ethe adh is stored and causes its release, adh goes to kidney and enters (DAg happenes) makes aqua pores open allows to pull water out of potential urine. alchohol surpesss production of adh therefore u get dehydrated