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68 Cards in this Set

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Thyroid Gland


Adrenal Gland


Pituitary Gland

Hormones: Prolatcin, Growth thyroid stimulating luteinizing, follicle stimulating, adrenocorticotrope

Anterior Pituitary Gland

Hormones: oxytocin, and antiduretic

Posterior Pituitary Gland

Hormones: thyroxine (T4), triodothronine (T3), cabitonin (increases calcium concentration)

Thyroid Gland Hormones

Hormones (yellow dots): parathyroid hormones

Parathyroid Gland Hormones:

Melatonin (regulates circadian rhythms)

Pineal Gland Hormones

Thymasins (affect production of WBC's: important in immunity)

Thymus Hormones

Insulin and Glucagen

Pancreas hormones

Hormones: Aldosterone (electrolytes), and Cortisol (glucose metabolism)

Adrenal Cortex

Epinephrine, norepinephrine

Adrenal Medulla Hormones


Testes Hormones

Estrogen and progesterone

Ovaries Hormones

Basophil - Dark Purple Granules

Eosinophil (bright red stained granules)

Platelets/Cell Fragments (Black specks)

Eurethrocytes (large red cells)

Neutrophil (agranule): lobed nucleus

Lymphocyte (agranule): large and take up most of cell

Monocyte (kidney beans or horseshoe shaped)

Right Atrium

Left Atrium

Right Ventricle

Left Ventricle

Pulmonary Artery

Superior Vena Cava

Pulmonary vein


Tricuspid Valve

Bicuspid/mitral valve

Aortic Valve

Pulmonary Valve

Tunica Externa

Tunica Media

Tunica Interna




Brachiocephalic Artery

Left Carotid Artery

Left Subclavian Artery

Brachial Artery

Radial artery

Ulnar artery

Abdominal aorta

Common iliac artery

Femoral artery

Anterior tibial artery

Subclavian arteries

Axillary arteries

Brachial arteries

Right Subclavian vein

Left subclavian vein

Right brachial

Left brachial

Median Cubital Vein

Radial vein

Ulnar vein

Common iliac vein

Great Saphenous vein

Femoral vein

Renal artery

Renal vein

Renal artery

Coronary Arteries

Cardiac Veins