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91 Cards in this Set

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The name "Sheep Dog" is an example of a...?
a. common name
b. Scientific Name
c. Classification Name
d. Binomial
A ___ is defined as a refion on a stem where leaves or branches arise.
Cladophora represents...
...Branched filamentous organisms
What is the genus name in Quercus albus?
Alternative forms of genes are called?
In meiosis, the # of chromosomes is _____, and in mitosis it is _______
halved, remains the same
Are the nuclei of the gametes from humans diploid or haploid?
Interphase is...
the replication of DNA
Mitosis is...
the overall duplication of the nucleus
Cytokenises is...
the division of the cytoplasm in cells at the end of mitosis
Location where two sister chromatids are attached in a chromosome?
A species has a diploid chromosom # of 64. What is the Haploid number?
Individuals responsible for constructiong the first model of DNA structure were
Crick and Watson
Deoxyribose is
-a five carbon sugar
Nucleotide MAY consist of
-deoxyribose OR ribose
-purines OR pyrimidines
-phosphate groups
What is an example of a base pairing principle in deoxyribose?
What is an example of a base pairing principle in ribose?
Nitrogen-containing bases between two complementary DNA strands are joined by
hydrogen bonds
The difference between deoxyribose and ribose is that ribose
has one more oxygen atom than deoxyribose has
Takes place during interphase, results in two double helices from one, is semiconservative
DNA replication
Transcription of DNA
results in formation of a complementary strand of RNA
3-base sequence of nucleotides on tRNA
Bacterial plasmids
are the only genetic material in bacteria
takes place during S-phase of cell cycle, DNA chromatids duplicate themselves into two separate chromosomes so that both contain same DNA
DNA helix unwinds and an RNA using the nucleotide sequence of 1 of the DNA strands as a pattern
conversion of linear msg coded on mRNA to a linear strand of amindo acids to form polypeptides
3 based sequence on mRNA
Complementary 3-Based sequence on tRNA
What does it mean to say DNA replication is semiconservative?
Each of the parent strands remain in tact; a new complementary strand is formed on it
In a monohybrid cross
only one trait is being considered
The genetic makeup of an organism is its
Phenotype is
the physical appearance and physiology of an organism, resulting from interactions of its genetic makeup and its environment
An allele whose expression is completedly masked by the expression or effect of its allelic partner is
when both dominant and recessive alleles are present within a single nucleus, the organism is ____ for the trait
A punnett square is used to determine
the possible genetic outcome of a cross
The gametophyte of a fern is
haploid, photoautotrophic, a structure that produces eggs and-or sperm
A chi-square test is used to
determine if experimental data adequately matches what was expected
Possible gamete genotypes produced by an individual of genotype PpDd are...
PD, Pd, pD, and pd
If you can roll your tongue,
you have at least one copy of the dominant allele T
Each organism contains 2 alleles for each trait and the alleles separate in meiosis
Mendel's law of segregation as it applies to the distribution of alleles in gametes.
The term "2n" means
the diploid chromosome number is present, and chromosomes within a single nuvleus exist in homologous pairs
In higher animals, meiosis results in the production of
eggs, gametes, and sperm
If both homologous chromosomes of each pair exist in the same nucleus, that nucleus is
DNA duplication occurs during
When chromosomes separate unevenly to separate poles in meiosis. Results in gametes with abnormal chromosom numbers, occurs at anaphase
Humans have how many chromosomes
Gaetogenesis in male animals results in
four sperm
If a cell of an organism has 46 chromosomes before meiosis, how many chromosomes will exist in each nucleas after?
What basice difference exists between th elife cycles of higher plants and higher animals
Plants have spores, animals have gametes
Reproduction in prokaryotes occurs primarily through the process known as
The genetic material (DNA) of eukaryotes is organized into
The process of cytoplasmic division is known as
the product of chromosome duplication is
two sister chromatids
The correct sequence of MITOSIS is
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
During Prophase, duplicated chromosomes
consist of chromatids, contain centromeres, consist of nucleoproteins
During the S period of interphase
synthesis (replication) of the nucleoproteins takes place
Chromatid separate during
Occurs in plant cells but not animal cells, usually begins during telophase, is a result of fusion of Golgi vesicles, is a form of Cytokinesis
Cell Plate Formation
Centrioles and a starburst cluster of spindle fibers would be found in
only animal cells
If the chromosome number is 16 before mitosis, what is the chromosome number after?
In plants, what name is given to a region where mitosis occurs most frequently?
Cleavage Furrows
Cytokinesis in animal cells
The name "human" is an example of a
common name
current scientific thought places organisms in one of how many kingdoms?
A binomial is always a how many part name?
the science of classifying and naming organisms
Dichotomizes means
a road that forks into two
Most scientific names are derrived from what language
Phylogeny is the apparent
ancestry of an organism
What is the most important compound for sustenance of life?
In plants, what name is given to a region where mitosis occurs most frequently?
Cleavage Furrows
Cytokinesis in animal cells
The name "human" is an example of a
common name
current scientific thought places organisms in one of how many kingdoms?
A binomial is always a how many part name?
the science of classifying and naming organisms
Dichotomizes means
a road that forks into two
Most scientific names are derrived from what language
Phylogeny is the apparent
ancestry of an organism
What is the most important compound for sustenance of life?
The person who first used to term cell was
All cells contain...
DNA, plasma membrane, and cytoplasm
Prokaryotic cells lack
a true nucleus
the word eukaryotic refers specifically to a cell containing
a true nucleus
a bacterium is an example of a _____
Prokaryotic cell
Methylene blue
is a biological stain used to increase contrast of cellular constituents
components typical of plant cells but not animal cells are
cell walls
a central vacuole is found
only in plant cells, takes up a large amount of the cell's interior
The intracellular spaces between plant cells conatain
Surrounds the nucleus, surrounds mitochondria, consists of two membranes
nuclear envelope
Is it possible for a cell to contain more than one nucleus?
Yes, cytoplasmic streaming