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74 Cards in this Set

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Genetic testing may lead to ethical issues, such as whether results should be used to determine who receives health insurance.


Which of the following is used to replace faulty DNA by introducing alleles which do not result in a genetic disorder?

gene therapy

Which of the following is used to detect the presence of specific genetic disorders in fetuses, newborns, children, and adults?

genetic testing

Which of the following is used to ensure absence of a specific genetic disorder through selection of embryos for in vitro fertilization?

preimplantation genetic diagnosis

A common feature of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, genetic testing, and gene therapy is

the use of DNA technology to detect or treat genetic disorders.

DNA probes are typically labeled with a radioactive isotope or fluorescent tag to locate within the genome after binding.


Gene probes locate specific DNA sequences by

binding with the complementary sequence in a genome.

DNA technology can be applied to prevent, detect, and treat genetic diseases.


If the gene for a genetic disorder has the DNA sequence AATCGACTACCGTA, then the DNA probe has the sequence


DNA probes can be used to detect the alleles for

All answers are correct.

Cloning results in two genetically-identical cells/organisms; sexual reproduction results in genetically-different cells/organisms.


Cloning and sexual reproduction result in two genetically-identical cells/organisms.


Electrophoresis is used in DNA sequencing

to separate the DNA fragments.

What is the correct order of steps to create a transgenic organism?

acquire source DNA, obtain a plasmid, create recombinant DNA, insert the recombinant DNA into a recipient cell

DNA technology can be used to determine how humans are related to other living organisms.


DNA technology can result in

All answers are correct.

(cloned pets, tomatoes with an added gene that slows the rate of decay, detection of DNA at a crime scene, removal of genetic disorders)

An example of DNA technology is

transferring genes from a bacterium to a fish.

DNA technology is used to

All answers are correct

(copy DNA, sequence DNA nucleotides,

search for specific sequences of DNA, turn genes on and off)

Stem cell technology has the potential to

All answers are correct

(produce any type of cell in the body, replace damaged cells after an injury, replace absent or incorrect cells resulting from a genetic disease, replace absent or incorrect cells resulting from a non genetic disease)

How can stem cells replace faulty cells in the body?

Stem cells can be coaxed to differentiate into the needed specific cell type.

How does DNA profiling detect genetic differences between individuals?

uses short tandem repeats and other variable parts of the genome

Why is polymerase chain reaction (PCR) a very common tool since its invention in the 1980s?

rapidly replicates DNA sequences without the use of living organisms

The results of DNA sequencing are used

All answers are correct

(to predict protein sequences.

to compare DNA sequences between humans.

to compare DNA sequences between different species

to compare DNA sequences between related extinct and extant organisms)

Genetically-modified bacteria are responsible for producing

All answers are correct

(human insulin to treat diabetes.

blood clotting factors to treat hemophilia.

fertility hormones for humans.

amino acid phenylalanine used in the artificial sweetener aspartame.)

Which of the following is NOT an application of DNA technology?

selection of desired traits in breeding

In cloning the sheep Dolly, a nucleus was implanted into an egg that had its nucleus removed. The result of this somatic cell nuclear transfer was a(n) ____ egg.


Gene therapy might someday be used to treat many genetic disorders by removing faulty genes from somatic cells and replacing them with functional gene copies.


A transgenic organism is an organism that receives all of its genes from only a single parent.


In creating a transgenic organism, the ____ from one species is inserted into another species.


An organism that receives recombinant DNA

is a transgenic organism.

In meiosis II, cytokinesis results in the production of

four haploid daughter cells.

In meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate during

anaphase I.

Chromosomes that look alike and carry the same sequences of genes for the same traits are

homologous chromosomes.

Natural selection is one type of mechanism for evolution; evolution is the outcome.


"Survival of the fittest" refers to

All answers are correct.

(natural selection, selection of organisms with high reproductive contribution to the next generation, selection of individuals with traits that increase fitness, higher allele frequencies of individuals best fit for the current environmental conditions in the next generation)

Evolution must include a change in

the gene pool of a population.

Evolution occurs

over generations.

Sexual selection is a type of natural selection resulting from variation in the ability to obtain mates.


Evolution occurs in individuals, not populations.


Darwin believed that because of "differential reproductive success" a population would change over time.


Artificial selection is responsible for many breeds of dogs and cats.


The North American bison was hunted to near-extinction in the 1800s. It has since recovered, but with decreased genetic diversity. This is an example of

a bottleneck effect.

The bottleneck effect

occurs when many members of a population die, resulting in a great loss of genetic diversity.

The founder effect

occurs when small groups of individuals leave their home population and establish new settlements, mating only among themselves.

Alleles conferring red plumage to cardinal males are common because red plumage

is preferred by female cardinals in choosing a mate.

Ancestors of the Galapagos finches had two different types of seeds to eat on some islands. Some seeds were very small, and required small beaks to handle. Other seeds were very large and required large strong beaks to crack. This led to ____ among the Galapagos finches.

disruptive selection

Ancestors of giraffes with shorter necks could not reach branches high up in trees for food. This led to ____ for giraffes with longer necks.

directional selection

Use the Hardy-Weinberg equations: p + q = 1 and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, then what percent of the population will be homozygous recessive?


If an environment changes rapidly, organisms with ____ will be more likely to survive and reproduce.

existing beneficial mutations

Darwin obtained which of the following in the Essay on the Principle of Population by Malthus?

More individuals of a population are born than survive to reproduce.

Farmers and horticulturalists bred broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage from the wild mustard plant through _____.

artificial selection

At Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

allele frequencies remain constant from one generation to the next so evolution does not occur.

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will not occur in a population in which

individuals immigrate or emigrate.

Individuals whose red blood cells are the correct shape and are able to resist malaria have a better chance of reaching reproductive age. This is known as

heterozygote advantage.

An organism's phenotype is

its observable properties.

The entire collection of genes and their alleles is a population's

gene pool.

According to Darwin, natural selection usually

preserves favorable variations and rejects harmful variations in a population.

The scientist who published "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" in 1859 was

Charles Darwin.

The geologist who, in 1830, renewed the idea of uniformitarianism by showing that gradual changes in some organisms could be represented in successive fossil layers was

Charles Lyell.

Genetic change in a population through multiple generations defines which of the following?


Which of the following is used to replace faulty DNA by introducing alleles which do not result in a genetic disorder?

gene therapy

Which of the following is used to detect the presence of specific genetic disorders in fetuses, newborns, children, and adults?

genetic testing

DNA probes are typically labeled with a radioactive isotope or fluorescent tag to locate within the genome after binding.


DNA technology can be applied to prevent, detect, and treat genetic diseases.


Electrophoresis is used in DNA sequencing

to separate the DNA fragments.

DNA technology can be used to determine how humans are related to other living organisms.


An example of DNA technology is

transferring genes from a bacterium to a fish.

Growth and development of a normal cell differs from a stem cell because

normal cells do not specialize into stem cells.

Why is polymerase chain reaction (PCR) a very common tool since its invention in the 1980s?

rapidly replicates DNA sequences without the use of living organisms

Which of the following is NOT an application of DNA technology?

selection of desired traits in breeding

The Taq _______ enzyme is used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) because it remains stable at high temperatures.

DNA polymerase

A transgenic organism is an organism that receives all of its genes from only a single parent.


In creating a transgenic organism, the ____ from one species is inserted into another species.


An organism that receives recombinant DNA

is a transgenic organism.